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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Blackie and Foxface... I notice the yellow on my Foxface will fade if not fed with seaweed or algae for a week or so Right now... the yellow is back The sweeping tentacles on the right are very interesting... like some Japanese horror movies
  2. Emm... decided to zoom in... I hope those are not bite marks
  3. Colour is still a bit faded and is extremely skinny
  4. Fish tank in dad's factory? Very happy... finally the Mystery Wrasse is once again swimming in the open... I even spotted it chase (retaliate against) the Falco Hawkfish The Green Acro at the back is such a wonderful backdrop
  5. You setting up a new tank? Well... fragging shouldn't be a problem if there are colonies to frag (in the first place lah) But once I fire up the CR there should be plenty of growth... I am also converting my 2ft cube sump no.2 into another SPS (top down view) tank... so all in all... I will have 8ft worth of SPS by July
  6. Beauty is a very subjective thing... I love your Gonio too!!! How about a FTS? And update on the Deltec Denitrator
  7. Wow a large piece of SPS you have there...
  8. One of my fav... colouration is improving greatly... a cleaner pink now (used to be pink with a hint of tan)... more corallites are in golden yellow... pink polyps are extending well and the light blue tips are nice I wonder what this piece will become one day
  9. Hi bro... those Zoas I have difficulty fragging... have yet to master it... SPS I know how to frag
  10. Yeah... come to think of it... really grown a lot... here's a pix of it a few months back
  11. A pix to show the progress of this Purple Digitata to the reefer that gave it to me... been a roller coaster ride for this piece as it keeps dropping last time... brown... purple... brown... purple... amazing
  12. Yeah I saw that too... looks a bit like Staghorn to me
  13. Exchange ah... can When you free just drop by lor... I'm sure you still know your way Worked late tonight... got a chance to enjoy some night scenes As reward for my hardwork
  14. 9 months already? Time flies
  15. Cannot ID this... but everytime I look at it... love is in the air
  16. Are these Radioactive Dragon Eyes? (or something like that)... bought it from CoralFanatics.com more than 6 months ago
  17. Bro, salt do not get evaporated. So by adding more salt water into the tank (especially in large amount) will raise the Specific Gravity to unacceptable range in a short period of time... I believe that's the cause of death. Do check the Sg of your main tank now. All the best
  18. Yeah very generous indeed... here's a shot of my loving Helfrichi Pair... hanging around the Walt Smith Plating Monti (yet to be ID) That's a new Maxima from AM's recent shipment btw
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