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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Hi my love I bought it for slightly more expensive than Thailand price Here's another pix of it... dug a hole underneath my Squamosa
  2. Yes bro Ian... you must come see my tank one day
  3. Glad you like it bro... but I'm running out of ideas Yeah that Blue Spotty is quite a show
  4. Dun worry bro... nice corals no need for nice pix... only so-so corals need superb photography
  5. Glad you realize that... planning to get another specimen?
  6. The left most section of my tank... with plenty of room for my Rics to spread-out
  7. FTS The tank looks less cluttered especially on the left side... moved some rocks to the sump... sold some LPS... still some work to be done
  8. At least you manage to keep it beyond the usual 2 weeks... 8 months is something to be proud of
  9. I'll suggest you avoid Anemone for the time being... you need to be prepared to take drastic actions in the event of a dying Anemone... they are highly toxic and can easily crash your tank
  10. I actually got it from AM together with the Swissguard Basslett
  11. Yeah just bought it this afternoon together with the Swissguard Basslett. Yes it prefers to stay on the sandbed and already started digging
  12. A lot of exotic Montipora spotted at Irwana this afternoon... all sorts of colours
  13. The jawfish taken using flash... it is one of the most stunning fish... totally unexpected
  14. Bought a new software... here's my project That's my new Swissguard Basslett This is so fun... let me try more
  15. Not so good afterall... my Goldflake Angel keep chasing it I did a minor rescape just to break the territory a little... hope that helps
  16. Good news! The Rhomboid Wrasse is still alive! Spotted it hiding between my clams
  17. It's exciting to see so many rare specimens at AM (J. Kayu)... I packed a piece of Blue Spotted Jaw Fish Nice size Helfrichi, Mystery Wrasse and Black Cap still available
  18. Actually ISO does effect colour slightly... the higher the ISO, the darker the colour will appears to be... for better colour accuracy, go for lower ISO... ISO 200 is always the best in capturing colour
  19. Yeah I will give the Rhomboid another 3 days... then I should really panic 14 days a bit scary lah
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