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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I'm totally addicted to reefing I think Here's a direct LINK to the specifications and features Besides the stand and the glass tank... here are the rest of the items
  2. Too bad the box was designed too "hug-fit"... gotto destroyed the box in order to remove the tank a little easier The tank itself is 25kg... requires 2 adult to move around
  3. Bought from Aquamarine... delivered today (right on time) by Qian Hu The cabinet comes very well protected with a thick layer of shrink-wrapping... the box design looks very nice
  4. Hi guys Another project in the making... just wanna share it here Here's more information on my new nano tank Red Sea Max Here's a space in my office I manage to allocate for this new project
  5. No bro... they are in my Sump no.2 (2ft cube)
  6. Eating right away... these guys ate 3 cubes of frozen mysis today
  7. 4 pieces of Brazilian Reidi Seahorse... and a local SH plus a Pipefish as freebies
  8. Bro... you know too much Went to a reefer's home to collect my Seahorses The reefer even gave me a battery-operated pump... I'm impressed
  9. Bro that tank (aka Sump no.2) has always been there... my Hydor 3000 used to sit right on top of it... just that right now I have open it up for use
  10. Sorry bro... I do not have a clear enough video to show... but it was quite instant Let me find another aiptasia
  11. Dosing a bit of Kalkwasser to help raise pH a little at night Considering getting a Kalkwasser Reactor
  12. Here's a pix of my entire set up... my so-called equipment area
  13. Yeah the Coco is quite uncommon... I wan!!!
  14. Yes bro Nitro.. also be cautious of the Calcium consumption Other than that... I thinka great choice of LS for your sump... it's beatiful looking from the top for sure
  15. Wow! Unique pair... very nice bro... where you bought it?
  16. Very nice shrimps collection and your macro is getting better
  17. Bro this is a different Purple Digi lah
  18. Thanks! See you very very soon
  19. Bro are they all Black? Or mix with some Golden colour? As long as they are NOT all Black... reserve for me
  20. Yes... no wonder Germany is quite an export superpower Here's a video of my tank
  21. This recovering Purple Digitata is quick becoming my personal favourite... the polyps are finally opening up
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