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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Ok now it's time for technology to slowly creep in Will be using Aquatronica: 1) Power Unit (aka power socket) 2) Temperature Probe 3) Water Level Probe (for auto freshwater top-up) Still considering if I should get a pH probe for it too
  2. Bro... I know you will find your way... I got this feeling lor
  3. Bro you will be the first... me second
  4. Quite long never update... actually I sent a small part of my Sony DSLR for service last week... so with my old Digicam... kinda reluctant to show any SPS and FTS Will collect the part from Wisma Atria this weekend. Meanwhile... enjoy the juice
  5. This is the power socket (without the protective plastic)... neatly arranged with similar pictorgrams on the socket to show proper placements and on the wires so that you don't have to play guessing game (which happen to most of us anyway) The length of the wires are just right... amazing effort
  6. Behind the switch panel, is actually the power socket itself... what you see here is the 100% splash-proof protective plastic that covers the entire power socket... in case of splashing and flooding... there's only a small hole at the bottom of the plastic to allow wires to pass through
  7. I think the best part is the thorough design in ensuring higher safety standards... it's true that water and electricity do not mix very well Let's take a look at the rubber protected switch panel... on the right side of the tank... with pictograms to cross the language barrier
  8. The groove will lead all wires to the right side control panel... this is how the wires will make a turn Personally, I am really amazed by the effort put into designing this tank... truly an european-level product I will show you guys the best part tomorrow
  9. That groove line is specially designed to lay the wires (like laying underground cables) and it comes with a cover too... safety first!
  10. With a total of 4 wires (2 return pumps, 1 skimmer pump, 1 lighting... gonna be a mess? No worries... you see the groove line that runs across?
  11. Emm... I think I will give Marine Snow a try for my new tank
  12. You first clam is looking good sis... and that pink gonio is totally awesome
  13. This is the return pump area (left side of the tank)... put the 2 return pumps behind this glass panel (align to the two holes)... and it's done
  14. I believe the Mini Arctica can do the job as the lighting hours are air-conditioned anyway Will install Aquatronica temperature probe to monitor the tank temperature
  15. Here's one of the 2 return pumps... 550l/h each... achieving around 10 times water circulation into the back compartment per hour I believe these are the same pumps Red Sea uses in their Prizm skimmer Shouldn't complain too much about the 9W power consumption
  16. Hi bro Terryz... actually I was warned by AM when I made the order... but I am really curious how the tiny little Arctica will perform I've postponed the delivery of my Mini Arctica to this coming Saturday coz I'm afraid I cannot resist the temptation of transferring the SH over
  17. Oh dear... rare Goby paradise!!!
  18. I fired it up yesterday... extremely quiet... lovely The plastics used are slightly tinted black... probably will not be able to see skimmate that clearly Will talk about the return pumps and SAFETY later
  19. The collection cup is not small at all... able to hold 1.5L... probably can last a week of semi-wet skimming (depending on stocking of course) The skimmer body holds 3.8L btw
  20. And the chamber is 20" tall Not bad for a nano tank All for 28W I think the skimmer + Hydor pump should've costed $300 by itself
  21. In case you guys think RSM comes with a lousy skimmer... think again Extracted from RSM website: Q: Is the skimmer used in the MAX a Prizm? A: The MAX Turbo Skimmer is based on the effective convergent-divergent technology reaction chamber developed for the Prizm / Prizm Pro skimmers, but here it is employed in a completely new way. The MAX Turbo Skimmer is designed to operate as an “in-aquarium†skimmer only. The skimmer pump, featuring a new air injecting impellor design, is dedicated to the job of mixing the air and water inside the skimmer - and not pushing water through the skimmer. The skimmer pump inlet is located underneath the skimmer, so it’s constantly ###### in a mixture of new water flowing through the complete filter section and recycled water that has just exited the skimmer. The air / water ratio is such that the skimming effect is far superior to that achieved by the Prizm Pro. The pump cycles the complete volume of aquarium water 3.8 times per hour through the skimmer. It is guaranteed to work, trouble-free. For the sake of comparison, the Prizm Pro is designed as a hang-on skimmer with a single pump that must perform the dual functions of pushing water through the skimmer and injecting the air into the system. The rating of the Prizm Pro is for cycling the aquarium water once every 2 hours, which in reality is no longer in line with our current awareness and philosophy on the role of skimming in a reef aquarium.
  22. Let's take a look at the skimmer shall we? First of all... I am very impressed (and glad) to discover that the skimmer pump was manufactured by Hydor Italy. At least RSM is not giving me China pumps throughout
  23. The Red Sea Max features a 4-stage filtration system 1) Protein Skimmer (which I will feature shortly) 2) Mechanical Filtration – in the form of 2 types of sponges (coarse and fine) 3) Activated Carbon - to remove DOCs 4) Biological Media - (shown below) ceramic bio-media providing enormous surface are of 420m2/l for nitrifying bacteria colonization The ceramic rings were neatly sealed within a filter bag... I've decided to use them as I plan to reduce the amount of LR used in this setup
  24. Yes bro Hammy... trying to enjoy the beginning part of the setup... we usually rush it through unfortunately
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