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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Welcome back Tivoli... emm... that name sounds very familiar
  2. A makro shot Ok decided to call this Pale Yellow Reidi LEMON
  3. Nope they are mainly carnivore (as explained by bro Iantoh)... they love clinging and hanging around the Red Grape... here's my Pale Yellow Reidi... I should give them names! At the sand bed, I am trying to plant an old colony of Red Bamboo... been wiped clean by my fishes (main tank)
  4. Thanks bro! Actually I gotten the Red Grape as a freebie from the reefer who sold me the Reidis... they love the Red Grape!!!
  5. Transferred 2 pieces over!!! Looking really nice and feeding in their new environment immediately... and yes, my DSLR macro capability is back!
  6. It could be a Stylo actually
  7. All the best with the Red Rubies Welcome to the club
  8. Yes the SPS has grown!!! Can you post a white light FTS? Coz the SPS looks kinda brown now
  9. I've been looking for this kinda multi-colour Yuma for a while now... lovely
  10. Very very nice!!! In a very natural setting
  11. They usually attack smaller fishes and inverts (I think) Try to catch it... as they can grow quite rapidly Btw collected my faulty Sony DSLR part today... expect a lot of SPS shots in the coming days
  12. Went to Pasir Ris this afternoon... manage to find what I've been looking for... 5 pieces of cute Turbo Snails... just the right size
  13. Bro I also have 3 Orange and 1 Yellow Brazillian Reidi... ready to be transferred over. I really should drop by LCK soon All my SH (5 pieces) are feeding on frozen mysis and brine shrimp... was lucky to receive these fine specimens from a reefer. Planning to transfer the SH over tomorrow
  14. Interesting you chose Pink Birdsnest as your first featured SPS... I personally find them quite difficult to keep
  15. Nice RSM you got there bro Sadist... mine stabilized already... it's time to slowly add in LS Transferred this little guy (a local SH)... looking real good Eating instantly after the transfer!
  16. You guys are very imaginative... I think that's probably the pincer or something... got torn off as I struggled to remove it from its hole
  17. Is the new 6055 using the same clipping system and casing?
  18. Yeah but RS claimed to have fixed the issue
  19. Oh dear... how long have you been running your RSM bro... your's is the new skimmer pump?
  20. Bro Reefholic the SH are still in my other tank... will only transfer over when the condition is right
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