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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. You very fast hor Only 2 minutes behind me
  2. Already PM you lah You gonna get a lot of calls today
  3. That Seahorse angular tank looks very familiar Are those SH for sale?
  4. The skimmer is finally showing signs of optimism
  5. How about you start a new SH tank? I sponsor you* * 1 month food supply only
  6. Another nice colour transformation... 25 Feb 07 - 1st week 17 July 07 - almost 5 months later But this guy grows very slowly
  7. My pix rated RA hor Here's a large piece of Purple Digitata I bought over from a reefer... I am very proud of the colour improvement (and polyps extension)... it was so stressed after the transfer Hopefully it will continue to improve
  8. Thanks for sharing bro Terryz... I think I have 3 female and 1 male
  9. Here's video of them enjoying the Tonga branches
  10. Not all lah Been quite selective in showing pix
  11. I still can't figure out which is male and which is female... this specimen looks a bit bloated (different from the rest)... any experts out there?
  12. Oh my! Your multiple mini plates are a rare sight You grown them or recently bought?
  13. A gift from a reefer... a kind sis... Pink Birdsnest from Walt Smith Hopefully it can do well in my tank
  14. Err... give me 3 more years and lots of luck Some SPS to update tonight... Yellow/Green Millepora - Today 30 Jan 07 (almost 6 months ago)
  15. Thanks! I think I will not add any Sea Fan due to 2 reasons: 1) I do not have high flow in the tank... the polyps will probably not open 2) I read/heard that the constant friction between the SH's tail will tear off the Sea Fan's tissues Will find alternatives
  16. A close look at my baby local Seahorse... amongst my new Blue Mushrooms bought yesterday Can see LEMON's tail in the foreground
  17. Thanks bro for the kind words and encouragements
  18. It's an Acropora (in general term)... amazing polyps extension
  19. My Red Ruby Zoas... been with me for more than a year (since home tank era) Enjoying the low current and coral feeding
  20. Yes... my Rics collection from my main tank
  21. A FTS with all 5 Seahorses inside
  22. Now that's what I call a 360º transformation... love your Hello Kitty
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