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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. A few days worth... still not entirely satisfied... perhaps I am too used to Grotech quality skimmate
  2. Reborn into a Blue Tang and take revenge by eating non-stop?
  3. Nice pair swimming around... that white dot on the left is a piece of frozen mysis soaked in Vitachem So romantic
  4. I really should be more prepared... here's bro Terryz's contribution (he posted in another forum) Try this to transit them from live food to frozen food... Extract from Seahorse.org forum Foods: 1 bottle of garlic extract or any commercial garlic juice Live adult brine shrimp Frozen adult brine shrimp, and frozen mysis Method: 1) For 2 weeks treat live brine shrimp with garlic soak when feeding 2) Begin adding frozen brine shrimp, treat with garlic together with the live brine shrimp and observe. (Initially there will be little interest in the non swimming foods, over 1 wk gradually shift the ration from primarily live brine shrimp to primarily frozen brine shrimp) 3) Begin adding a small amount of frozen mysis to the mix, this may be done starting midway through step 2. 4) In the morning, feed only frozen foods. In the afternoon, feeding frozen, after 15-30 min then offer small amount of live/frozen mix. Continue for 1 week. 5) Feed frozen only for next month, then live foods may be offered as a treat, or supplement. 6) The garlic treatment can be faded out once the horses are on frozen. The basic theory behind this is respondant conditioning. We are pairing a potent (neutral) stimulus (ie garlic/scent) with an established (conditioned) stimulus, ie food. Overtime the scent elicits the same responses as the food. The key to this process is consistency. Make a routine, use the same method of adding foods to the tank. I personally have found it very helpful to simultaneously train to a feeding station along with training to frozen. Method is the same as above, just restrict where food is presented to the area of the station. Think the effect of live brine shrimp squirming around in the frozen helped speed up the process of accidentally trying the frozen.
  5. Bro I have sad news... the yellow specimen died Sorry I failed
  6. Miine omni lah... basically my pair eats anything and whatever
  7. Thanks sis... here's a bouquet for you
  8. You will probably laugh at the fact that the mushrooms came with the LR I bought these rocks from a LPS decom'd tank... it started with 1 single polyp... I believe it's called Ferrari Red Mushroom
  9. Will try to take some during the weekend
  10. Brown? Emm... looks kinda interesting to me Any chance for a frag? I just hope that it will not turn pink... coz I already have a large piece of pink pocci
  11. Can frag swap? I have not seen an Orange Pocci before
  12. Won't be fragging in the near future... but will inform you when the time is right Tank shot... getting more and more crowded
  13. Ic... your cabinet and sump looks so black and white... nice
  14. Bro where did you buy your ATI BM? It looks somewhat different from my old ATI
  15. I didn't see you when I left... bought anything?
  16. The Glass Anemone Shrimps are the biggest benefactors
  17. Have to travel all the way to Pasir Ris to get Live Brine Shrimp These Seahorses are really spoilt But seems like my Rics enjoy the LBS too
  18. Looks good... do you intend to keep corals? Afraid your bluish lighting might not be sufficient How long has your tank been cycling?
  19. ATI Bubble Master? Can't wait to see some kopi O
  20. Well... that's what I've been told
  21. I am planning to organize another meet up session... will keep you posted Meanwhile I am toying with the idea of adding more Tonga branches in the coming weeks... will buy a few branches and let them cycle in my main system
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