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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Major update tonight... let's start with something tasty and juicy Skimimer working well... not bad at all for a 2ft nano
  2. Bro the last thing i want is for the Anemone to move by itself
  3. It is not hard to maintain... the challenge is in making sure they eat and eat well
  4. He is quite active actually Dancing queen
  5. Here's a look at my male Reidi... is he pregnant?
  6. Err... is that a Blue Zoa colony?
  7. Yes bro... thanks for your asking me to go get them... I only brought back 4 specimens
  8. Finally invested in a better set of Phosphate test kit... I have mix feelings over it... on one hand I am happy for the 0 reading (done twice, got a reefer to help with the reading)... on the other hand... feel like I've wasted the money
  9. There's another reefer who owns one... ended up almost redoing the entire tank after he got more serious into the hobby... you can search for a reefer called ALTANTIS
  10. Not too sure how rare Dragonface is... but I bought them at a very reasonable price
  11. Introducing new tank mates... Dragonface Pipefish
  12. Been adding various macroalgae past few days... here's something new... I believe it's Ulva Lettuce Algae
  13. Are those giant clam shells?
  14. That's why I soak the LBS with Garlic Guard... and surprisingly they can survive the mix for hours Sis, you mind sms me LCK's no?
  15. Give them 6 months... 6 months all it takes
  16. Thanks bro... I wish I can squeeze in more colonies No tip bro... probably I was lucky to have chosen this specimen
  17. Well... I have been removing a fair bit of corals (mostly LPS) from my main tank lately... wanna make room for the SPS to grow in the coming months
  18. Added a very small Cleaner Shrimp 2 days ago... functioning well in the tank
  19. A closeup of my popular red mushrooms
  20. Please ignore all the kind words by bro Fishtalk... he is just being very nice to me After running the CR for 1 month... I can really see the growth
  21. Yes I can see it too Are you treating your SPS well bro?
  22. TOTM August 2010? I personally think I'm not qualified yet... it's easy to buy nice specimens, dump them into the tank... keep them nice for a month or two... the real challenge is to keep them beautifully for a long period of time... to get both colour retention and growth... now that takes at least 2 years
  23. This piece of LR been with me for quite long... since my home tank dayz
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