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Posts posted by jervismun

  1. How much did you pay for your uncured? Where u bought them? I heard the cured ones are a lot more expensive and lesser hitchickers... you think worth it? Since I've already gotten the warning sign from my family after introducing 2 small (about the size of a large handphone) uncured LR into my back compartments. Kinda smelly but only for 1 day. I quickly buy some lavender oil for the Lamp Berger... or else surely kena fry one :nuke:

  2. Kinda erotic (if not scary) watching your featherduster :eyebrow:

    So your tank is full of ###### now? What u gonna do? Can you show us the filtration part of the tank? U using protein skimmer? What kinda lighting? Sorry I'm setting up a nano myself, so need more details.

    Like the colours :upsidedown:

  3. A fellow reefer will sell me a pack of Chaeto for $10 this Tuesday. Great! I will fill up the surface of my 2nd and 3rd compartments with Chaeto to kick-start the cycling process! Very exciting!

    Guys I've decided to give up my Dymax LS-20 protein skimmer coz I still have this nightmare of saltwater overflowing the collection cup and sorta fill my study room with at least 5g of saltwater! Really can't imaging the aftermath...

    Were surfing reefdepot last night and found something kinda suitable to my needs, although kinda expensive... you know "Made in Germany" and kinda overpower for my 24g NC. But I can always transfer it to my future thank :)

    Still waiting for them to contact me re availability. Will update with great pix. Right now, I shall keep it a mystery :ph34r:

  4. Yes after taking the hood off the NC, I need to find it a new owner. Been modified to allow more air circulation into the tank. Proven! As the temp with lights on is the same as with the lights off. It's working ok.

    SILVER DX Version (with 2 36W 50/50 tubes)

    Selling at $75.00. Can arrange for delivery. You might just be interested in the 2 tubes, the 2 fans or the balast.

    Only 8 days old. Receipt to proof.


  5. And you bought a plastic container and turned it into a hangon sump. You are very resourceful! I was thinking about it the whole yesterday when I was at Ikea... I even thought about stacking some of the smaller containers... lol

    Keep it up, where did you buy your LR? Was it cured or uncured? I am looking for some high quality cured LR for my tank coz I wanna avoid the smelly part.

    Pls advice :)

  6. Just to let you guys know that I've given up on the crazy idea of building/purchasing a sump tank for my NC. Agree with some of you that it will make the whole setup so complicated... I have a new plan and it will happen within the next 3 - 4 days. I shall update you guys with pics and so on...

  7. Jonathen81: You should upgrade your tank. Don't get the JBJ NC, they are still supplying the old 2005 model (I got one last week). Yes, this has been bothering me for an entire week now... a disaster will definitely kick the tank (and future tanks) out of the house. :cry:

    It also depends on the base. Lucky I bought the original 'S' stand. Some in the US experienced cracks becoz they place their tank on uneven surfaces. Some on uneven floors like the basement or garage.

    A lot of them also blame the seamless bowfront construction (as in JBJ NC). The first sign is usually minor hairline cracks on the front corners where the glass was bent to form the bowfront. I check for hairline almost everyday :erm:

    And that ain't fun... that is definitely my greatest regret of getting a JBJ NC. But I still love it alot coz it's so cute :look:

  8. Elimmel: Please do post some pics, I wanna see your setup especially your DIY hood with atinic tubes. Personally I would very much like to add in some atinic tubes... still sourcing for some overhead fixtures that is around 18" to 20". But again, I might not have the space. Is it really necessary for corals? Or my 14000ºK MH will do the job fine? Planning to keep some beginners corals for the first 2 years (before I upgrade my tank to a larger one).

    I am curious how you manage to turn a canister into a fuge with Chaeto... I thought they need light?

    And is 27ºC good enough for inverts and corals? If yes, how long does your Resun CL450 usually run? During MH time? Or continuously? I need to get something that will emit low noise. Coz my computer table (where I spend most of my free time at home) is just 3 feet away and I do not want some special effect sound when I listen to my music via iTunes/iPod.

    Questions Questions Questions... I am a troubled child, lol.


  9. What do you guys think about this product?

    IceProbe Aquarium Chiller and Temperature Controller set

    If what they claim is true, this tiny chiller can bring down my 24g NC from 30ºC to 28ºC. I get slightly more than 30ºC after 4 hours of 150W MH. You think this will work?

    It's noiseless and low in power consumption... pls share your thoughts :thanks:

  10. Bezz: Already PM you with price and where I bought it from. Good luck!

    I am using the 14000ºK that comes with the fixture. Do you think it's the best? Bearing in mind this is the only lighting I have atm. Thinking of adding an atinic tube, somewhere... but it's so hard to find a 18" fixture. Any idea where I can find one?

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