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Posts posted by jervismun

  1. :cry: The DOC skimmer is not producing candy floss anymore, in fact is looks more like a wet skimming... prob my water is too clean already... what else are there to skim? (the DOC ask, lol). Well, it's both a good thing and a bad thing... mixed together.

    I've added a Chromis to add more load to the tank. Will start feeding these 2 days. Hopefully my DOC will get back to normal soon :unsure:

  2. Wow! I'm speecless... your tank took my breath away! I am a great fan of Anthias... the colour, the energy, the charisma... too bad I can't keep them as I have a very small tank setup. Well, I shall reserve it for my future tank upgrade :D

  3. For price, check reefdepot.

    No need timer la, it comes with a very accurate thermostat. So whenever my water is higher than 29.1ºC, it will start the chiller (for 5-10 min) and bring it down to 28ºC. Coz I set it as 28ºC. Now no coral, so safe energy la. Just wanna try how this thing works.

    Overall, not too bad la. As I've mentioned earlier... it's a workhorse that looks like one too :erm:

  4. Thanks bro! You guys really know me so well... "made in germany" lol

    Ok I found the product selling for $300 at eaquanature... looks reliable and up to its promises... and I'm the the Aqua Medic brand is not "play-play".

    What other bros think? Is it recommended for my kinda setup?

    Wow! Does it mean that I can carry more bioload in the future?

  5. Since you are going to spend on equipments?

    Ever consider getting a sulphur denitrator?

    You may think I am trying to extravagant on this hobby, but to me,

    Your tank is small, you have little place to place your corals should those macroalgae tries to take over the 'world'.

    Therefore, in order to keep your nitrates low, why not use a denitrator?

    It is just another piece of equipment. You will get a better looking tank at the end of the day?

    Oh dear I was telling myself that I already had too many equipments running for a Nano Cube. Well... my Nitrates is reading 100 and it has maintained that high for the last couple of days. It can be the cycle process (ending) but what is the sulphur denitrator all about?

    Do you have a good brand in mind? Do share with me the links. :thanks:

    Are you currently running one?

    Yes I am well aware of the problem with Nitrates... the whole biological process sorta stop at Nitrates stage... it's always hard to get rid of them.

  6. Chromis? Angels? Gah!

    Keep something easy to maintain.

    A Royal Gamma works! Pretty and nice colouration!


    You can go down to ML this weekend. Henry brought in some marvellous gobies which I personally prefer for a small tank. One goby too asthetic. Try keeping a few like 3 which you can stock over a period of time?


    You can keep a lookout for a paired true percular clowns from reputable LFS. They breed quite readily and hey! You have fries as corals' food!


    You can try banggai cardinals. They are fishes with spots and only have only two colours on their bodies, which are black and white.

    Anyways, for a 24G tank, excluding rocks and your skimmer, try to keep things simple and maintainence free (I dont mean no maintence, I mean lesser) and of course less bio load!

    Caulerpa is dangerous when they turn asexual. ;)

    Percula is a real attraction... but I'm just afraid they don't do too well in strong current. Banggai too. But again, I might be wrong.

    Hehe, actually I already introduced my first LS today. It's a small lil' Green Chromis. He is enjoying the wave so much! And seems extremely healthy.

    So will not add anything this week for sure. Let the tank adjust to the new intro. And yes, definitely a Royal Gramma.

    The Caulerpa will stay for a while now, until the Nitrates is below 20. Currently still a bit on the high side.

    And yes, lesser maintenance for sure, I know me... that's why I spent on the equipments...

    Thanks for your thoughts Ancelot! Do call me whenever you need an update :phone:

  7. Maybe you could give it to me....tangs love them... :lol: Kidding...didnt know they were so dangerous as well....

    Your Tangs cant possibly eat them coz they use toxic to protect themselves from being eaten. And I learned that they have a very strong rooting system, so removing them from rocks can be a nightmare! So gotto remove it sooner or later I think. Wasted $6 lol!

  8. Too bad then, but don't be sad :unsure:

    Protein skimmer is a good to have but not a "must-have". Just rely on your life rocks and life sand for biological and be very selective when it comes to keeping corals lo. And try not to overstock, 5 - 6 fishes max will do, IMO.

    Note: I am a newbie (tank still cycling), so whatever I say, listen 50% only lah!

  9. jervis.

    Keep me posted yah? Let me know your review and purchase price and from where? :thanks:

    The Teco RA240 is quite a workhorse... it works like a horse and looks like one too! lol

    Not very refine in apprearance and it's a tiny bit noisy too. But it's good for a 24g. Able to bring down 4ºC within 15 mins. Luckily my tank is still unstocked, or else the LS will surely get heart attack! lol

    Bought it from reefdepot.com.sg

    Go check out the promo price, they deliver the next day and the box is kinda huge, make sure your LFS delivers! lol


  10. You can try Tunze DOC Skimmer - 9002

    You can find it at www.reefdepot.com.sg

    I think it might be able to fit into your tank (if your top is open). Perhaps put the skimmer on the left side, divert the water outlet more to the right to avoid the skimmer... but it will compromise on the aesthetics for sure :(

    Just like my JBJ Nano Cube... click my signature link to see my ugly looking modified Nano Cube!

  11. Wow! A wall mounted. Do make sure the mounting can support all the extras u will be adding on along the way. I think your tank is a bit bare, just wondering how come Atlantis only supply you with so little rocks. Mind showing us the filter/back-of-house? Very curious, yeah I think you r the first :lol:

  12. For a first, do consider a nice dark background... I think that will help the overall appeal IMO.

    I think u wasted quite a lot of space behind the rocks, why not push your rocks more to the back since your's is not a double-sided tank. I also think adding a taller peak will make your tank looks more complete (currently too much white on top), unless you are leaving space for some really gigantic coral.

    What's your set temperature? Do add LS slowly... I like your revised rock works with coral selections.

    Show us more :lol:

  13. Godzilla are you from Malaysia? Coz u mentioned RM (ringgit malaysia). How's the reef keeping scene there? Your new rock formation is so much better. Do keep it up!!! Show us more pics.

    Just a suggestion... do consider upgrade your lighting too coz your watt/gallon is quite low. And a background for your tank?

    p.s.: I think your horses painting behind the tank rocks! :lol:

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