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Posts posted by jervismun

  1. Bro earth I'm not sure how the knobby caught the fast moving damsel... perhaps it was caught when it was sleeping in the nite :unsure::yeah:

    I'm sorta collecting starfishes mostly not reef safe, but sadly I need to find a good "temp home" for them as I'm redoing my tank and pipings... :off:

    Anyway I still think more LR wld be nice... I saw some pretty nice LR at reborn just now think they've new shipment of corals so u can go check it out :P

    They received a big shipment last Thursday (2 days ago), I was there... and they were to busy to entertain me :(

  2. Getting matured LR is much better because if you get from Reborn, it will pollute your water causing havoc to the tank. Go Pasar Malam every now and then, I've came a across a few this week alone.

    With this tank in your office, you must be the most popular guy in the company :D

    Make sure no disaster/wipe out or else you will be the most hated guy for sure, lol.

  3. hi FionaFiona, i am actually using another account to read postings.. was jus drawn to this posting tat's y i created a new account for myself so that i can join in :P

    btw i'll post a picture of my tank shortly as well as the internal layout of my tank (in-built overflow compartment on the side)

    cheers! :rolleyes:

    Much appreciated! I am really curious... yeah actually the TM $850 Nano Cube looks much professionally put together, with nice corals mix and such. Shame on those ppl at Atlantis. Perhaps the system just can't support more than 4 fishes and 5kg LR.

  4. Yeah Firestarz, where have you been? Tank temp 27ºC is good. I am planning to maintain at 27ºC too when I start to stock corals.

    Did a lot of reading just now... at Kino... u know those wrapped books... haha no need to say la. I spent more than 2 hours there, finished 1 whole book.

  5. That's a very weird comment... DOC get back to normal, if anything it would be better if your skimmer got rid of all the DOCs right? :)

    Haha you got me there... it's just that... it's so satisfying looking at all the nice foam and excrements... suddenly so clean and white, feel like something is missing. And I'm weird! lol

  6. Sharphead, mind show us some pix of the filter compartments... curious how Atlantis able to pull it through with such a beautiful tank. I wanna see the "ugly" side of it, lol. Life rocks are good as biological filter, so do add in more if the tank can support the weight. How's the water flow in there? Is it strong? I must drop by an Atlantis showroom to see it in detail.

  7. Great looking FOWLR tank!  :shock:  :lol:

    But I think u need more LR for the no. of LS u've in there... oh n I must say u've an expensive mix of LS too... watch out for the African Red Knob Starfish as it is known as a fish eater... I've seen mine eating damsels so beware  :shock:  :eyebrow:

    I agree with bro dkk08... why not add another 3 to 5 kg of LR in there? You may want to get the matured cured LR from fellow reefers... there are lots of high quality LR out there up for grab @ the Pasar Malam section... I got mine last week :D

  8. The dilemma now is there are 2 models, 400 and 1000. The 400 model (obviously) is cheaper and less powerful compared to 1000. But the 1000 comes with a automatic dosing blah that costs $245.00 in itself if buy separately. So, what you guys think?

    The drip rate for 1000 is only 1g/h (that is 1 cycle of my tank a day). So if I go with 400, it will take 2 1/2 days per cycle. Also gotto think of future upgrading (just like my other Tunze stuff), my next tank will probably be around 50 to 75g (with a sump).

    Oh and I suppose these are not hang-on units right? Guys, got photos to share?

    What say you?

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