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Posts posted by jervismun

  1. Guys, my pH is reading 8.8 now (after 7 hours of photosynthesis)... 9.0 this morning. Am I in big trouble? My Green Chromis is not showing any sign of distress, however, the macroalgae Caulerpa is acting strangly with dark green veins, slightly pale green and growing SPIKES!


  2. Oh Gunzo I read that this skimmer is very dependent on consistent water lvl (as in many skimmers out there). That's why the ReefPack 500 comes with the Osmolator. In fact, both the protein skimmer and filter benefit greatly from consistent water lvl. That's what Tunze says...

  3. Someone in another thread suggested the algae is going asexual!!! Look at all the SPIKES that sorta grew within the last 5 hours... kinda sexual looking to me :paiseh:

    Oh yeah... my tank is going for a mass orgy, lol.

    But colour wise, it does look paler than yesterday, so is it dying? I need expert advise please... or my only Green Chromis will suffer :sick:

    Picture: Notice those SPIKES, not there a couple of hours before (see previous pix), amazing!


  4. Can anyone help me with this? I notice the green veins all over it this morning, checked photos, the veins were not there last night. What's happening? Is my macroalgae dying? If yes, it's real bad news... imagine... a macroalgae died in my tank... must be hell water inside, lol.

    Urgent help needed :sick:


  5. actually after all my diys, equipments upgrades etc etc... my 24NC is looking anything but the clean lined all in one tank i bought it for.

    end of the day, it really makes more sense to just get a custom tank with sump n cabinet for this evil of a hobby :D

    Exactly! Well, if I don't put a stop to it... it will get worse for sure... ok ok, the sump idea is way out of line... I shouldn't, might as well trash the NC and get a 2 feet tank with proper sump. So I will stick with what I have right now and wait 'n' see.

    If my tank crash, then do something radical. If not, I should be happy with what I have now... come to think of it... this Mod NC is way beyond my original expectations and way beyond my wildest dreams... it's not grand, but deep down... it is my dream NC. :angel:

  6. Haha, personally i cant stand the heat of MH lights, but i love the shimmering effect...makes a reef tank looks much more natural...

    Have to agree with you that it'll be a torture for those totally uninterested in the hobby, but then most ppl will fall in love with it once you've have it properly setup. Its a great conversation piece. :)

    Oh yeah... I can't wait for that day to convince my other-half... lol

    That's life I guess, you like something, you dislike something and there's nothing you can do about it :angel:

    MH is the biggest achievement in my mod NC IMO, so no matter what, the light will stay, lol. Yeah the shimmering effect on the rocks and floor bed, priceless!

  7. Thanks bro! I will keep to that temp. Yalor... the noise... yesterday, I was reading a book near my tank (try reading under 14000ºK MH) and suddenly "kena-shock" by the chiller! lol

    And I have to use music to mask the sound of the chiller a bit... although no one complain yet la... but have to be considerate also ma... it's a torture actually for those who is not into the hobby... the sticky floor, the sound, the smell (sometimes) and etc. Agree?

  8. I've always loved the way a NC looks esp with the curvy stand...makes a great piece of deco in the house. Anyway, nice looking tank!~ :)

    Yeah that is without all the wires, cables, buckets & etc. surrounding it!!! Ok, I got your subtle point... will try to tidy the place a bit especially the electrical wiring and plugs. Yes, the "S" stand is pretty "gay". :peace:

  9. Yeah the weather is like killing me... was at Orchard yesterday... just don't feel like shopping at all!

    Yes Firestarz, I think the CL85 is definitely too underpower for your setup. Luckily I didn't buy it as Reborn assured me it's good for my setup, knowing I will introduce MH (MH I bought from them).

    IMO 28ºC to 29ºC is still acceptable. So take some burden off your chiller and set for 28ºC lo. The lower you set, the more harder your CL85 have to work... poor thing. Of course it all depends on your room temp also la. So if your room is around 29ºC, then set to 28ºC is good. No point going any lower, the heat from the room will quickly get into the tank and the chiller will kick start again... and the cycle will go on 24/7.

    Bro Oxnviolet, is it ok if I maintain my tank at 28ºC - 29ºC? I will be keeping zoos, shrooms and some hardy corals (mainly shallow water corals). I can't stand the sound of the chiller... like running a washing machine in the study room.

  10. Lol .. good one bro.

    I think the doc will be like .. :blink: really? Bitten by pet dog or something still can belief .. but that one .. abit hard .. esp whenever sea cucumber s r mentioned ppl mostly will think its the ones that we eat in restaurants.

    Exactly, especially if you are asking for few days M.C... lol

    Then the doctor will ask... what the hell r u holding the sea cucumber for? hehe... u know what la!... and you blush so big time. :paiseh:

  11. Hi Jerv,

    Any reason why you prefer TECO to the CL280? Its expensive indeed. Whats the biggest tank capacity it can chill?

    Als can you show us your set up with the tubing and all?


    I chose TECO brand is because they are well established, manufacturing reliable chillers for many years (partly coz Italian brand). A lot of bros here use it to chill their 2 feet tank comfortably. So I will say 50 to 60g easily. And I purposely choose a overpower model to allow for my future upgrading (do not buy equipments for a nano tank... you'll be stuck), also so that the chiller doesn't have to run all the time (coz it cools faster). My chiller takes less than 15min to bring 1ºC down without MH, 20min with MH. So a small chiller (micro) will take forever... resulting in high energy consumption.

    Refer to attached pix for set up. I use normal rubber tube.

    Stock NC pump ---> Chiller ----> Stock NC outlet

    Got a feeling I might need a stronger pump, but can't "tahan" the noise. This stock pump is virtually silence.


  12. Haha! .. yea .. kino hav lots of interesting stuff.

    Hey! .. ur grape (is it wads its called) .. looks like an anemone from far .. Haha .. esp the way u plced in between ur rocks.

    I know... I even do things like this (refer to pix)... how disgraceful, lol! I sometimes think I mistreated Kina as a National Library. But I do buy books from them, sometimes.

    Yalor... so pretty right? That's why I can't depart with it. It's way too pretty to be poisonous... well at least the good attribute outweighs the bad one.


  13. Phew!!!! Good thing that we decided to check out the Net and finally found this forum before committing to get the NC. Thank you very much for providing all these invaluable feedback.

    After all the readings ... our eyes are now :shock: pretty much crossed with so much info!!! :lol:

    Hmm ... we'll check out the Pasir Ris farmway again ...we went there last Sunday but didn't see many shops that sells marine reefs.

    Any recommendations of which shops to go? What about the areas some of you mentioned earlier like Lavender? Are you able to advise the shop's name and address? Appreciate this!

    If in the end of the day we are still "hopeless" .. we'll get a carton of beer for you all 'experts' to help set our aquarium can?!? Snacks included as well! haha ...

    Hi Trenyce, guess what? I bought my NC from TM too! For $299.00 (tank) + $109.00 (stand) w/ 5% discount (I paid NETS, not CC). Personally, I think the $850.00 they asking for a little on the high side... but:

    1. If you totally new to the hobby, I think it's not too bad for the experience sake. At least everything is decently put together and you will be able to continue the hobby without too much problem if you just stick to the LS they provided (even take out some of the corals).

    2. $850.00 is very affordable as a start-up. One problem with custom tanks are, you'll probably end up spending 3 times the original allocated budget. Coz good equipments = ease of mind, so it always makes sense to buy the best equipments you can afford... for reliability, performance, blah.

    3. Those fishes and corals selections are not too bad lah! I've seen them at TM, that inspired me to start this NC actually...

    4. Convenient loh! Everything taken care of... set up nicely for you... but don't forget that setting up is the most fun part (just like everything else in life), after that it's maintenance... u know what I'm referring to in real life, lol.

    But before you rush down to TM, I want you to know that ther JBJ NC itself is flawed in design. The glass they used is a little thin and there are a lot of complaints in the US where their tanks crack big time. So do consider other tanks if you are free to shop around... don't rush things yeah?

    For a 2 feet tank, I will suggest you allocated at least $1500.00 to get a decent setup. Remember, those testing kits and additives are very expensive, easily cost you $300.00 along the way.

    So now, you are comparing $1000.00 (TM NC + other stuff) and custom 2 feet $1500.00 (everything)... I'll go for 2 feet custom any time! lol

    Visit my link below... hope this helps!

  14. i also using the tunze skimmer,not much skim mate

    but my corals are doing fine and good

    Hi Andy mind sharing a pix of your setup? I really wanna see how your DOC Skimmer fits into the tank/sump. Just to offer our readers more possibilities/ideas when it comes to fixing and layout. :thanks:

  15. Thanks for the link Ancelot :thanks:

    That's it! I'm gonna get one for sure... Currently I do not have a DSB as space is precious, can't afford to lose another 5% of the total volume. You know what? I am exploring the idea of getting an external sump... I have way too much equipments/pumps connected to my tiny tank. Looks more like a experiment apparatus than a reef tank...

    Will keep u guys updated regarding the custom made sump tank.

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