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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Checked all my parameters... very consistent indeed. It's nice to know that the LS I added these few days have yet to affect the water quality. There are even improvements on the KH and Alkalinity level. Perhaps the $$$ spent on equipments are well worth it. But again, it's too early to tell
  2. It's better already. I took those photos right after I service the filters. Thanks for your concern What do you think of my tank?
  3. Did some minor rock works today, allocating more space for small frags. Appreciate your comments
  4. Wow! Pro lah! Just one thing... the holes for the overflow comb looks too wide to me.
  5. ... and the beast!!! He is so ugly... but contributes greatly to my tank. Can you spot his eyes?
  6. Introducing... http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...m?pcatid=52&N=0 She is extremely beautiful!
  7. I really admire your cost controlling... my chiller alone costs me $1250.00 lol. Em... u are an accountant or a CFO by profession, aren't you?
  8. A good chiller is controlled (on/off) by a thermostat. It will "on" when the temperature of the water passing through it is 1ºC higher than set temperature. So you can check by monitoring your tank temperature. Scenario: If you set your chiller at 28ºC, your chiller kicks in when your tank is, say 27ºC... then something wrong with it already. Regardless if it is coincidence or not... a good thermostat = good chiller. That's my 2 cents... hope it helps. So far, I have not heard of a chiller with light sensor... so obviously something extremely wrong with your chiller. Can you bring the matter to the seller?
  9. Ok I will get a hammer this weekend, saw some really nice small frags at Reborn yesterday.
  10. I know a lot of inverts have very low tolerance towards copper and nitrate. If your nitrate is low... could it be copper? U using tap water bro? If yes, what kinda conditioner you put before using the tap water? Hehe, not interogating... just trying to help find the answer
  11. Yupe, it's my favourite! Esp if you have a good wavemaker... it's heaven.
  12. Plates I heard not very lasting, prob 1 year or so. I bought my Zoos from AquaMarin. Saw a lot of nice Zoos at Reborn yesterday. Henry doesn't have it (were there last Fri). I guess hammers are fine... I'm planning to add in later too.
  13. I'm using Tunze and happy with it so far...
  14. Lol!!! 3000W is a lot of power!!! So I don't think a normal setup will ever exceeds that. Can't be possibly right? I think mine is definitely below 1000W (with 150W MH + Chiller being the heavyweights).
  15. Actually I do understand the need for discouraging (especially newbies like myself) stocking their new tanks too fast, too many. It happens in Singapore a lot coz LS are quite affordable. Anyone can just fill up their tank in a couple of days just to end up having a "wipe-out" crash. But AUD120 for a shrimp is way too much... at least LS in the US are more reasonable.
  16. That's bad news dude... something is really wrong in there!!! You wanna give me all your nice corals? lol Experts!!! Please help our brother here... I am not experienced enough to help revive his mushrooms. Wait... mushies can get agitated by strong current... could it be the wave maker again? haha blame it all to the wave maker.
  17. Zoos are nice and easy to keep. Especially if you find some suitable pieces to fill up your frontal sand bed area. You can have an orange one on the left... and perhaps a black one on the right. I am thinking of getting a piece of black zoos coz they are so cool! Oh some pieces come with mixture of 3 colours... maybe that can look interesting in your tank. For mushies, try to look for some with colours (say purple or green). I bought a piece of brown mushroom, although opening up nicely, sorta doesn't stand out much coz it blends into the LR. Wish I bought the green one instead.
  18. WOW! AUD120 for a cleaner shrimp??? That's daylight robbery!!! I bought a White-banded (a small specimen) for SGD5 two days ago. The larger specimen only costs SGD12! Oh I love Singapore!!!
  19. Actually the mushrooms don't look too well too. Did you just on the light before the photo shoot? Or the mushrooms have been like that for days? Just trying to figure out what is wrong with you setup... coz I might be facing it soon
  20. You do have some "moderate care needed" corals in your new tank. I dunno if it's gonna work, but I don't dare to buy them (and they are usually quite costly). Your water parameters seems fine... it's a good sign I believe (just like my tank). Besides water conditions, lighting (type and amount), water flow and LS mix are also extremely important. I wish you all the best... WTS at Pasar Malam is not a bad idea actually... at least it will take some stress off you
  21. I will do a full-scale water testing tonight. Please bro, need you to help me identify what's lacking in terms of water quality in my tank (refer to my signature) and appreciate solutions too Will drop by AM after work later, so do I need to start testing other parameters like magnesium and blah blah blah? Let me know... I take this hobby very seriously and my LS well-being is my top most priority. I am aiming for "no-fatality" within the first 3 months.
  22. Oh The whole bucket is filled with calcium... I think I did not connect the return valve correctly. Will let you guys know what had happened. But the dispenser is definitely not leaking as I've checked.
  23. So it's pretty simple then: 1. Know your display well 2. Calculate 3. Find a suitable sump (in terms of design and capacity) 4. Reduce the capacity of the return compartment 5. Find ways to stop fishes/inverts/corals to get into your pipings 6. Get a water auto top-up machine. And live happily ever after... oh do bear in mind the noise level (especially if you are using PVC pipes with a lot of 90º joints. Tunze overflow box uses some flexi plastic tubes instead to avoid 90º joints hence noise reduction.
  24. Oh I read they need low light and low water flow... prob not suitable for my tank. So I'll skip Yuma for the time being... and to avoid a horrible melt-down.
  25. No I can't find anything colourful among the coral... I shall monitor further. Thanks guys for your help!
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