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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Together with a few bros, we have decided to offer all newbies that frequent SG Reef Club a chance to compare RP (Retail Price) for equipments, additives, test kits and miscellaneous items. There are 2 main objectives to be achieved: 1) To be aware of any local LFS with unreasonable RP 2) To inform our readers the availability of such product in LFS and their RP. Kindly exercise your rights as a consumer by contributing to this thread. I will try to feature more products within a wider range to enable us to get a better understanding of a particular LFS pricing strategy. Notes: 1) Try not to mention full LFS name (although I personally have nothing against it) 2) Try to stay "on-topic" so that we can compare "apple-to-apple". 3) You may include extra information (for example: you were given a 10% discount) 4) You may choose to discuss/review on the product too.
  2. Together with a few bros, we have decided to offer all newbies that frequent SG Reef Club a chance to compare RP (Retail Price) for equipments, additives, test kits and miscellaneous items. There are 2 main objectives to be achieved: 1) To be aware of any local LFS with unreasonable RP 2) To inform our readers the availability of such product in LFS and their RP. Kindly exercise your rights as a consumer by contributing to this thread. I will try to feature more products within a wider range to enable us to get a better understanding of a particular LFS pricing strategy. Notes: 1) Try not to mention full LFS name (although I personally have nothing against it) 2) Try to stay "on-topic" so that we can compare "apple-to-apple". 3) You may include extra information (for example: you were given a 10% discount) 4) You may choose to discuss/review on the product too.
  3. Agree... our main target audience is newbie like me... let it begin... I will start with 1 product, u guys help me improve along the way ok? This is gonna be fun and helpful.
  4. The Calcium Hydroxide does not dissolve totally, but leaves a bit of sediment on the bottom of the container (tiny bit only). Since the inlet is at the bottom of the container, water that passes thru will stir is again and again... depending on the rate of water top-up. It's not a very high tech gadget, it's more for a quick fix solution. Of course, Tunze offers a more high tech Calcium Reactor for 5 times the price, lol. Overall, I'm quite happy (so far). At least my Calcium lvl is maintained at 420 - 430, with quite a fair bit of corals introduced this week.
  5. Em... not a bad choice, at least the LFS can see it for themselves... lol How often does newbies go to that section? I don't...
  6. Great! I will get maybe 5 or 6 once my tank is ready for another round of additions. Right now, let it adjust a bit.
  7. Sorry bro, I have mistaken it as the green looking one. So guys! The Clove is still up for grabs!!!
  8. Ok I will start a few, which section should I put them? A section that will benefit newbies I suppose, coz advanced reefers will know where to find competitive products.
  9. Coz I spend most of my home-time inside the study, sitting in front of my computer, lol. And it's nearer to the bathroom too. Ok I will try to talk to the Tunze distributors for indent info... this is gonna cost me a bomb Will introduce the equipments in 3 phases, 1 to 2 months apart.
  10. Almost... thanks to the black coffee + bak kut teh, lol. Nah, got 5 hours sleep at least, will sleep early tonight. Well, I read from "Aquarium Corals" recommending a higher than usual KH for corals. I think I will do that. It says, FO tank needs lower KH. Btw, the "Aquarium Corals" hardback book I bought from Reefdepot only costs $85.00, saw it at Kino (Taka) selling at $105.00!!! Just to share with you guys
  11. Very nice looking, neat and cool! Upz for you bro!
  12. Guys I am now designing the sump tank (below the display tank naturally) and I am gonna use all Tunze products!!! haha. If successful, maybe can be a local Tunze showtank. You guys have any idea if the local distributors carry the entire range o products found on the net? www.tunze.com
  13. Wow! That's a very large tank u got there... and a very large collection of angels Love the 9 golden butterfly angels... they look so pretty.
  14. What I meant was I've been getting different versions of ideal readings for KH and Alk. Some books say low is good, some internet sites say high is better... so what is the best for my setup? I'm confused coz book authors can't seem to agree with 1 set of ideal parameters.
  15. Em... I am getting mixed views regarding dosing supplements, but yeah I am extra careful when dosing. I only add half of the recommended dosage just to be sure. I will do water change every week (10% to 15%). My pack of Tropic Marin is finishing soon, will upgrade to TM Pro for extra beneficial nutrients. I originally plan to add biohome and such, but after running the tank for around 1 1/2 weeks with 0,0,0. I've decided to wait and see. Yeah bro Elimmel is always helpful... but didn't see him much these 2 days... bro you on holidays? I started my tank slightly more than 3 weeks ago. I started cycle with 2 pieces of small uncured LR right away. On the 3rd day, I bought 12-15 kg of high quality matured cured LR from a fellow reefer. He also gave me a small bucket of live sand. I also added AquaPharm Bacteria Starter to speed things up. The parameters were improving so rapidly, by day 10 my readings are 0, 0, 100. I introduced some Macroalgae and water changes and Nitrates drop to almost 0 after 2 days. So I start introducing LS starting with a Green Chromis I bought from Reborn for $1.00. Things have been going very well for me these past week and I have been checking the parameters everyday (I update my signature every night). I believe the matured LR and sand really helps... and of course all the $$$ I spent on equipments. No casualties so far and no sign of stress (except for the shroom last night, he looks normal this morning)... I know what stress looks like coz I've crashed a 3 1/2 ft tank before 3 years back. It was a disaster then. Yes, I think I will slow down a bit. The only thing I notice being stress-out is actually my Tunze Protein Skimmer... lol (I'm glad I didn't buy the Nano version).
  16. You are so evil... and talking about evil... how come we are still awake at this crazy hour? The power here is pretty stable, at least throughout my 2+ years here, not a single incident of that nature happen. So not to worry so much yeah? For such high-tech setup, I'm sure I will have back up plan in case of...
  17. Yeah I guess having a tall tank will solve my space problem (with higher water volume). Can always have a 4" DSB to start with. Just have to make sure my hand can reach the bottom without difficulty. I've read that tall tank is not good for oxygenation as the water surface is limited. I can always solve that problem with a few good wavemakers. Yeah... I can visualize a tall peak with corals growing all the way to the top! wow! At a corner left corner perhaps. What u think? hehe My hand cannot reach 3 ft deep, lol.
  18. Space is quite a constraint. The most I can go with the breath is around 2ft (not more than that). Or else, I will have difficulty moving around the room comfortably. Length if about 3ft. I know it simply means 3 x 2. But I really want to try something more unique... so need you guys to help.
  19. I've got mixed ideal level for KH and Alk. Can someone advice me on that? My readings are below (signature).
  20. Yes I have a timer, just started using the timer today. It looks okay now, the intestines are all gone. Just a lump of white stuff at the core. Got a feeling it is gonna be ok tomorrow. Stress... em... could it be the slime released by the Blue Sea Fan? I notice the shrooms close-up a little when I moved the Sea Fan next to them just now. And my hand is sticky and smelly after messing up with the Sea Fan.
  21. Make sure that card doesn't feature the head of a centurion or the will not accept it... my card got rejected all the time, lol.
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