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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Revealing the back of house for the first time... the back is basically empty (almost no sand) with only 3 transparent inlet tubes (1 for protein skimmer, 1 for filter & 1 for wavemaker towards the end). It also provides plenty of room for fishes and inverts to hide.
  2. Thanks but those rare corals are quite exp... spent all my $$$ on the setup, gotto wait a while and recover first. Like the Ultra Maxima @ AM is selling at $80 a piece (small specimen) and that's a lot of money for a newbie's experiment, lol.
  3. I think they just switched on the main lighting not too long ago...
  4. I'm no expert but the SPS doesn't look too healthy to me...
  5. Another public tank... Paragon SIA PPS Club Member Lounge! Near Dome Cafe at the ground level.
  6. Ok I will take your advise and dose lesser, maybe 1/8 of a cap, lol. Yes I will be testing them pretty soon, but I heard the test kits are normally unrealiable and too much a hassle. I'll see how... thinking of getting a small clam tomorrow
  7. Yeah I notice... it's opening more and more each day. Will post a pix when it opens fully. Due to this reason, I have to reshuffle my corals again, they tend to sting each other and my Alveopora is always the fragile one. I think Frogspawn stings are quite nasty.
  8. A nice group shot... in order to fit the Hammer, I moved the Alveopora to the higher back. Apparently not doing well as the current is a little too strong there. Will find a new location for it so that it can return to its former glory! The Rhodactis is looking healthier by day... em I wonder how large when it's fully opened. Can't wait to see that. Dosed 1/4 cap of KM Essential Elements, Liquid Calcium, Strontium & Molybdenum, Iodine this morning (in a 15 min interval between them). 1/4 cap is almost half of the recommended dosage. I will dose more frequent instead of full dosage. Protein Skimmer is off now for a couple of hours
  9. Hi guys As you all know, I am quite new in this hobby. Love the SPS tanks... are now planning a larger tank (mostly using back my current equipments plus new ones in phases). Not gonna be FULL SPS, but partial for a start. Will keep the "moderate care" ones. Planning to introduce new custom tank (around 80g incl. sump + refugium) in 3 months time. What you guys think? If I want to attempt my first SPS in my current tank (click link on my signature) which species should I try? guys and for those kind souls that voted.
  10. It already did! lol... dug a hole at the back corner of the tank. Since it is at the back... I shall let it (for the time being). Hopefully it will not mess up my frontal portion But it's quite tiny, so don't think can do much damage to the surrounding... (hehe prove me wrong, lol).
  11. I have this initial idea of 2 tanks in 1. Forming a 'L' shape. With the larger one (around 40g) as the main reef tank. The smaller one (around 15g) can be a nano setup. The rock works will make it looks like one whole piece, so only a glass that will divide the 2 tanks. They will share the same sump (around 25g) with Refuge... all equipments at the sump. The only equipments appear in the main tank(s) are my 3 wavemakers. What do you think?
  12. Green some selling $1 each, some $2 each. Shouldn't pay more than that IMO. Get more than 2, in odd numbers (I was told). They are very active, always visible in the tank and eat almost everything! But if you are running a nano... beware, they do grow pretty fast.
  13. Hi bro No update for a week? Show us some updates la
  14. Wah got such clam meh? I would like to try Maxima next... but I know some bro may flame me for that. I need to leave some place coz it's so easy to fill up a 24g NC. I do not have separate atinic lamp, so can't really enjoy a lot of the cool fluorescent colours
  15. No my sand bed is not very clean Well... give the Hermit, 2 Spots and Sand Sifting Star a few more days lah!?! My 2 Spots is a tiny specimen, so can't expect much from it atm. But it does mesmerizes me everytime I look at it... the hovering... the sifting of sand... the fluorescent blue dots beneath its body... pretty cool! Will post picture of my sand bed once the MH is on.
  16. Nice! I might do the same for my next tank... thinking of putting in a row of Iceprobes... all the best to you bro!
  17. Here's a new kid on the block... feeding on algae right away! Very active too.
  18. That's why all I can think of nowadays is my future dream tank... it's really frustrating especially with a 24g NC... with a ReefPack in it, lol. Where is Irwana exactly?
  19. According to the manual, for tanks smaller than 48g, add 10g of Calcium Hydroxide to the calcium dispenser every ten days.
  20. I have no idea actually... perhaps they are taking a puff, lol. Whenever they came up, I will pick them up and place them on those areas that I need them to clean esp side glass. So cruel... no ciggy break for Turbos.
  21. These guys work so hard... they came up to get some fresh air, lol.
  22. Thanks! AM only left with those babies... prob $2 each! lol Here's a pix of my Hammer Coral. Is it considered fully open? Or the tentacles will actually extend out further?
  23. No Butterfly, just saw it at LFS. UPI typo sorry. Yeah, can't really find RG as they are banned for export. In the black market prob can find, but usually quickly snatched and costly. Heard Brazilian is much more aggressive... anyone with experience? I might get one eventually...
  24. Hi there You're a product/industrial designer? Coz I use Solidworks too
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