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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Those glass will offer better clarity (coz lesser iron/metal content I think) so u see colours better... definitely more expensive la, but if only the front panel, maybe can afford la. Copy my design? No problem coz I copied from somewhere too... but I'm looking at a small tank, around 3.5' x 2' x 2'. You probably looking at a 5' and beyond. How much they selling the Ultras again? You bought anything this afternoon?
  2. Thanks bro... now I need to start preparing for the next phase... SPS!!!
  3. Oh those acrylic tanks? Em... not very suitable if you wanna go full scale marine fishkeeping coz you may find a lot of restrictions later... perhaps you wanna start a small 1ft saltwater hermit tank for a start... buy some nice Live Rocks... cycle for a week or two... then you can throw in 1 or 2 hermits... I've seen at least 3 diff colour hermits around Red one quite nice too! You can also keep extra hardy corals such as Zoos and Mushies... maybe some snails too. Sounds like an interesting setup...
  4. Nice anemone... and congratz! You are very lucky to have ur Nemo hosting the anemone... missing shrimp in your small tank? emm... something fishy is happening... and the Chaeto in betta box is so familiar, lol... almost classic!
  5. Didn't drop by AM... broke already, no point going Paycheck coming in next Monday (I hope). Nice pix of your clams (top view)... yes I agree we need to use better glass for viewing our clams. Wanna make our tanks together? Then we can specify better glass for our front panel... I heard a brand called Starfire, am I right?
  6. Yupe those kind of tanks, lol. But I will still prepare an empty sump at the bottom for future expansion. Anyway... still too early... still in the drawing board. Corals easier than fishes? Em... I'm not sure leh, but yes keeping too much LS can produce very high bioload. I will probably do the same too... 1 or 2 mandarin for sure
  7. Rearing hermit crab lesser maintenance than fish? Not necessarily... keeping fishes are not too hard actually... so what is your intention really... coz I can foresee they require very different set up (i.e. tank shape and size, equipments, etc.) Bearing in mind that u might need to offer the hermits some live food too. The sea ones are definitely more diverse and colourful. Here's my electric blue hermit
  8. A very valid point there... will design a safer way to manage this part in my next tank setup.
  9. Just an update... after 2 weeks in my tank the Blue Sea Fan is still looking very healthy. I target feed all polyps once every 2 days using Marinium Zooplankton and Argent Cyclop-Eeze. I even notice some growth at the top portion... need another week to confirm for sure.
  10. Also, appreciate if you guys can share with me your preferred parameters... especially pH and KH.
  11. Bro things like that happen... look at my first casualty!
  12. Oh such high sg? Is it normal? I can try... but need to raise real slow. Mg? hehe... still waiting for my Mg test kit to be delivered (coming Mon/Tue). But I've been dosing a tiny amount of KM Essential Elements into my tank twice weekly. Do you think I should get a dedicated dosage of Magnesium? Is there such a product?
  13. Ok my bad... good luck bro... hope you find what u looking for
  14. Yeah talking about racing... u so kiasu! lol... oh I heard someone is looking at a 6ft tank (don't ask me how I find out)... My next tank will still be a slightly bigger version of a nano. Around 60g to 75g with internal sump and refugium. Wanna keep it simple... modeled like the Aqua Medic Percula 90 tank... ok I cheapo copy the design, lol. I like the concept of a small tank, sorta like creating a bonsai garden. More intimate and more creative... also easier to take photographs when things are nearer to the glass. Will look at quality instead of quantity... so that's a feel of the next time to come... but surely add in my all time favourite juvenile Emperor Angel. Will it "kacau" my clam and SPS? Oh my next tank will be primarily Clam and SPS... em... sounds familiar right? Haha again, cheapo copy ppls tank again...
  15. Yeah they are a bit too tiny... can't really see they're true colours... hard to decide also. Maybe next time we will come across larger specimens... the tiny ones will look like babies if put next to our Croceas, lol. Aiya the race thing is only a joke la... how to race with you, you are much more experienced, your tank more established and you have so much more space... so even if I'm a millionaire (which I am obviously not), I would merely buy new ones to replace old ones... lol Wait a minute... if I'm a millionaire... I'll build a tank so huge I can fit in 2000 clams!!! And hire 2 biologists and a scuba diver to take care of my tank!!!
  16. Wah!!! That's not a Ultra right? So are we in a race or something? Em... I might need to get another clam to stay ahead!!! lol Nice colour... wanna take some shots from the top? The colour will be more fluorence...
  17. Update us with pix la... wanna see the giant (3 times its original size) in your tank... with Nemos swimming around and inside it Sounds like a perfect setting.
  18. Fiona 1) According to Liveaquaria.com: "The symbiotic algae zooxanthellae hosted within it provide the majority of its nutritional requirements from the light driven process of photosynthesis. It also eats plankton and smaller invertebrates such as crustaceans." 2) No experience yet 3) According to Liveaquaria.com: "It reproduces by longitudinal fission." I bought my Spotted Orange last week from RB. It's a very healthy speciment with lots of (at least 5) tiny baby yumas growing out of the rock. However, dut to my ONLY MH 14000ºK (no atinic), the Yumas look brown... orange not spotted at all The orange looks wonderful at RB's tank (they use atinic) A pix to share
  19. I don't think a Tunze wavemaker can function without the controller... at least mine comes in a set and my Turbelle 7200/2 connects direct to the Multicontroller, not to the power. Perhaps they have different models that I am not aware of Hope this helps
  20. Guys I am going SPS in a few days time... a bro will sell me 4 small and colourful frags... do I need to do any preparations prior to that day? My parameters are as follow: Sg - 1.021 Temp - 26.5ºC to 28ºC pH - 8.2 KH - 9.9 Alk - 3.54 Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 2 Phosphate - 0 Calcium - 430 Lighting duration - 3pm to 12.30am (9 1/2 hours) In terms of location, I will place all 4 frags at the top tier of my tank to get strong current and closer to my MH. See pix Welcome your advise on how I can prepare a perfect environment for my new frags in advance!
  21. IMO Turtleweed is very beautiful especially placed near the light and current... but slight thinning is inevitable... and it is this thinning process that has driven me nutz!!! Turtleweeds everywhere... especially in my filter system. And it also comes with tiny pests in the shape of inverted pyramid... I quickly moved mine to another tank.
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