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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Just got a call... something is on its way...
  2. Guys... after learning that bro Wrang made a lot of mods to his Percula 90 along the way... sorta keeps me thinking... is the system design flawed?!? Err... this is definitely not a good way to start since the tank has not even been delivered to me yet! But that's the price to pay for not following the majority So, before the tank arrives... I'm thinking of making good use of the tank back compartments and turn in around to enhance its performance... Will be posting some plans in the coming hours... please do help me decide on something u think works best for the longer term. Important note: I am not a fickle-minded person... but when the owner of The Tank of the Month in Sweden says something... I really should give it serious thoughts...
  3. I've opened up the Aqua Medic Phosphatfilter box... and I find pieces of plastics?!? lol Seriously, I think this product is very well priced (for slightly higher than $120), still dunno where it was made... but the built quality is good. Comes fully loaded with Antiphos. Will get another piece to fill with Carbolit. According to LFS, we can actually fill 50% Carbolit and 50% Antiphos into the same container. But u will end up having to change them more frequently = higher maintenance... and potential wastage as they might not wear off at the same frequency. For those interested in getting 2 pieces, advice I got from LFS is to buy 2 Phosphatfilters, buy a pack of Carbolit. As the price of Antiphos is much higher than Carbolit. The extra Antiphos can keep for next round... wicked
  4. But u can't stop buying it despite the smell right? That's the thing... beauty comes with a price... just happen that nice anemones come with both $$$ and really bad smell, lol.
  5. The Reef Roid (A Canadian product) is very fine... much finer than the Cyclop-eeze and Marinium Zooplankton... it's pinkish in colour. When I feed my Blue Sea Fan (using a syringe), I notice the individual polyps react quicker than before Probably because of its fineness... more readily accepted by filter feeders... I guess Probably not a replacement for Cyclop-eeze as my fishies are not going crazily excited by Reef Roid... more like a supplement when my mood is good (which is almost everyday)... do PM me if u wanna know where to get this product.
  6. Maybe we can buy together coz 12 Blue-eye Anthias are a little too much bio-load for a new tank (in a single introduction). Perhaps u wanna take some? Have to wait a while though... need to make sure the new tank is ready before adding additional bio-load... and Anthias are real bio generators
  7. This one? hehe... a new day... a new gadget... how wonderful Just got home, so will only open the box later tonight... I will only run it on my new tank, so bro u might need to wait for a couple of days I wonder where it's made... not stated on the box...
  8. The all familiar Blue Sea Fan... only bushier This pix was taken before I feeding time... using Reef Roid.
  9. Blue-eye Chromis is quite predictable... Blue-Green Anthias?!? Now that's something, lol.
  10. Thanks for bro Hammy's recommendation... I hope the lighting effect will be as convincing as the packaging's "Made in Germany" seal appears to be Can only tell in 2 days time, coz they will only deliver my Solite Type 3 this Wednesday. Will do a before and after photo review
  11. New food for corals and fishies This is a new product... so I'm one of the selected reefers to try out this product. Probably will do a review on it... if I can notice any difference that is
  12. Update update... my Green Star Polyps!!! Lovely... been looking for this for a month now... finally. Still not fully opened yet... I notice those beneath my Leather Coral (shadow) are not opening... could it be the absence of strong light?
  13. Bro u can go to my Percula 90 thread later... will post it since I received it from RD this afternoon. One thing however... I heard from LFS that the this kinda equipment normally create a lot of resistance to water flow... so might need to use a strong pump (say around 1500l/h to 2000l/h), probably a canister is not sufficient... so 1 extra pump = energy + heat. Putting Rowaphos in canister is a good and quick way to get the Phosphates in control... nothing wrong with this method. Of course if u hv the money, can invest in an equipment solely for this purpose. UV... em... not sure leh... all I know is it kills harmful bacteria and reduce parasites harmful to fishes... remove nutrients? Can't comment... Chaeto yes, but u might need lots of them to do the job (literally lots of them!!!)... so I'm thinking of abandoning my Chaetos, get a piece of equipment instead. As suggested by bro Qxnviolet... check out Pasar Malam all the time... I think I saw that ad too. Good luck
  14. Thks bro... but this thread is no longer relevant as I've gotten myself a much much smaller tank.
  15. Wow!!! That's something to boost about... what about urs? I'm sure ur tank qualifies for Tank of the Month for the entire EU!!!
  16. Bro u wanna try the Aquamedic moonlight? It's a small fixture... have not seen it in actual yet. I will check it out tomorrow. Will let u know the price if u interested. I might get 2 of them if the price is not too forbiding. Quite small, 10cm by 8cm.
  17. Wow!!! So so cool man!!! I think u got the coolest T5 fixture in town... lol. Already checked with LFS, my Type 3 cannot flip open like that... then how? Gonna be really troublesome I guess... also good lah, at least it will discourage me from putting my hands in too often, lol. Bro Terryz, it's a SOLITE Type 4.
  18. Bought the MH and T5 bulbs from RDepot... also picked up an Aqualine Phosphate Filter. Will fill it half with activated carbon, so 50/50. I need to figure out the 4-stage RO/DI tomorrow... will take a while... coz I am really not good at plumbing works
  19. The Aqua Medic Aqualine phosphate filter costs $129.00. It will take water from any running hose, so no need additional pump. May need a "T" intersection though. Just bought mine from RDepot. At least I don't have to dump in bags of RowaPhos anymore.
  20. Please PM me if you have around 20 to 25kg of matured LR to sell. I will be needing it in the next few days. The LR must not be out-of-tank prior to collection. Thanks for your kind understanding.
  21. Err... since when high Calcium a problem? I've been trying very hard to keep my calcium to the right level... although high calcium can also affect pH (I heard). If ur pH is ok, then calcium is not the culprit. Phosphate perhaps... u using any test kit? Share with us ur readings... u can try to use Rowaphos or other equivalent products. Rowaphos Sponge is very costly, u gonna need a lot for ur tank. U got a phosphate reductor gadget? I am thinking of getting one for my new tank.
  22. Wah 12 Blue-eyes Anthias swimming in my new tank... that's a very grand plan... beyond my wildest dreams, lol. Ok, once my water parameters are ok, I will pay Henry a visit Thks bro Terryz...
  23. ATI T5 currently out of stock... we do encounter problems like that... according to Aqua Medic distributor, shipments from Europe get delayed occasionally... so I guess the situation will be different over in Sweden You are using Coralvue MH right? How do you find it?
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