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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I have a six line... can't tell if aggressive or not coz still a small specimen. But very curious... always peck on things (not harmful way). My cleaner shrimps will chase him away if he goes too near their new overhanging cave.
  2. Sorry bro Barnacle... ur avatar is just too "sharp" looking... too distracting!!! Would love to see the front version of the avatar, lol. "Sekali" Trans
  3. Bro, a very interesting topic to discuss... I do believe that day will come very soon... look at all the gadgets today, compared to 10 years ago... this hobby will only be half as fun without the great technologies behind... I learn so much within the last 2 months, not just nature but how things works... biology + physics + chemistry... remind me so much of my high school days
  4. Looking at my equipment shopping list... I probably need to wait quite long before I can start shopping for LS. Hehe thanks bro, I'm glad you like the scaping... my first attempt was a disaster
  5. Hehe... yeah I am the impatient kind... no choice la, running 2 tanks are very stressful and some of the equipments can't share (example Chiller, Reefpack, etc.) So once I transfer over, must do it quickly. But I am very confident lah, been testing water parameters every night. Will not add additional bioload... just the current one and let is settle for a while. Anyway, I am so broke now... even then, I still have at least 4 to 5 high-end equipments to be added to the system. I like the 9 women, 1 month concept... hehe.
  6. The Aqua Medic Hydrocarbon is too coarse... should've gotten the fine instead of medium... so now can't use lor... so "rough" looking. You can compare with my Grade 1 sand on the right... Ok will reserve this bucket for my Kalk reactor. Luckily the AM Kalk Reactor uses the same Hydrocardon as media
  7. Wow your stags are growing so well... can't wait to try SPS
  8. This is not a new problem... been like this for 2 weeks now... could it be the mysterious "one-branch-will-die-off" death? Will monitor it closely... anything I can do to bring the smaller branch back to health?
  9. So that Seachem thingy really works? Em... wanted to get one for my Nano last time... perhaps can get one... yeah test kits are very time consuming especially when u have 8 differents tests to conduct at one shot.
  10. Thks bro BUNS for the useful tip. I will move the Sun to the right side (the dark side) hehe. I will still use both MH. The right MH will only "on" during noon sun simulation, maybe for 2 to 3 hours.
  11. Thermometer stucked on the back of euro bracing... hehe so smart... will not block my front view anymore. The fishies thought I am gonna feed them Quite well trained. They are all eating already, including my Spotted Mandarin (whom I manage to train to take pellets ) Set temp (on chiller) to 28ºC. So, the chiller will kick-in at 28.1ºC and stops at 26ºC. Good enough for my LS, I think
  12. Wow!!! Your Green Alveopora is so damn gorgeous!!! Added to my shopping list, hehe.
  13. Nope. Actually I have bought an Aqua Medic Phosphatfilter, yet to be connected as I need to buy another pump. Will be getting a Denitrator soon as Nitrate is still detectable (in the lower range).
  14. This is how the back looks like now... please bear with my clumsy piping work... will do a proper one soon. Converted the left compartment into a refugium, 60% filled with small pieces of LR from my Nano. The remaining 40% for floating Chaetomorpha. Will add a PL light (hanging) on the outside to vertically lit the chamber at night. The skimmate from the Turboflotor is still very wet. The Tunze DOC is not producing much foam... kick-in cycle. Where can I buy live Aquapod? Thinking of breeding them in here.
  15. Yeah Zoos are in trend here, especially in this Forum... everybody is going over Zoos... hahaha. Are Zoos expensive in Sweden? Great future... well... only time can tell... but I will learn and learn and learn...
  16. These Cloves were not opening in the Nano for almost a week, thought they were "gone"... but surprisingly they open up quite nicely in Perc90 These are frag from a mother colony (shown in upper left corner)
  17. Hi Wrang, I sold the Wavebox. Can't fit both the Reefpack and the Wavebox. So have to let 1 go Hehe... nothing compared to yours... I will learn along the way...
  18. Thanks bro for the encouragement... really need morale support right now... so so tired
  19. The only coral looking not too well... will monitor it further... but they usually open late at night or after I dose in Phyto or Zooplanktons.
  20. Another front view... I have 3 very large caves... with plenty of room on top for SPS (later) I really like the caves as they add a lot more dimensions to the scaping... can't afford to have any in my previous Nano... so now back with a vengeance!!!
  21. Even Miss Alveopora looks very healthy... the Atinic really highlights the tip of her tentacles... never seen before in my previous tank.
  22. FTS at an angle... what u guys think? FYI lighting effect inspired by bro Qxnviolet Will run 1 150W MH (left side) for the time being, I will place the less light dependent corals to the right... love the atinic blue effect. This will slow down the rate of heat build-up in my tank and also, give my eyes some comfort. The MH is very bright!
  23. After moving the Reefpack to Perc90, the water conditions of my Nano deteriorated immediately... so quickly get everything ready for transfer within a couple of hours. As the water parameters in Perc90 and Nano are very similar (I even sync the temperature), all LS settles down right away... in fact, they look so much happier now... even my Blue Gorgonia opens up (largest polyps I've seen so far) I am so glad that things are happening according to my plan... err... except for this one... cross-breeding between my 2 stars!!! Em... must be the Atinic Blue... love is in the air... "Can I touch you there?" lol
  24. Ok ok... enough suspense... here's my NEW PERCULA 90!!! Side view first... hehe
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