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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. And I'm gonna get a pair!!! Ok lah... enough releasing of "air"... now back to reality... perhaps a $5 Brown Tang is not too bad a substitute lah... can buy 20!!!
  2. Don't suggest that to bro Atlantis I think he should start with a normal $20 Crocea first... as a first clam, I find my 2 common clams extremely beautiful already... look at how proud I am (my avatar)
  3. No lah... not the LFS but the ppl that hangs around there... I got a feeling they all are on the waiting list too... so dun want me to outbid them... but whether "kena" Toto or not... $1000 for a prized item is acceptable (IMO)... especially after "kena" the impolite remarks... what the heck... I'm gonna outbid all of them and make them wait for another 2 months!!!
  4. Agree with bro Qxn... if u change to 4 x 4ft T5... u can already keep proper clams. Since u have very narrow tank, the Croceas and Maximas can attach nicely to the rockscape. My clams look healtier on my rockscape... the sand sometimes irritate them coz of moving particles and they sometimes lean to one side. Clams are definitely a must for ur tank!!! But don't pay more than $25 for one ok? Those $80 each is still questionable... whether worth investing as a first clam.
  5. Em... I will drop by Henry's to talk about the Black Tang... yalor... they even joke about me not being able to afford it... damn it... $1000 is nothing to me They don't know the real me... yet!
  6. Bro Nakazoru... for the Zoos... the specimens fit my tanks perfectly... just like I've envisioned... lovely! The anemone that came with the larger piece, do u know the exact name? Once again And quickly connect ur Skimmer... hehe
  7. Woodlands?!? Me too!!! As for your "see hum"... if they are to burrow themselves in the sand all the time... then why introduce in ur tank?!? Ppl can't even see
  8. Your Blue Tang looks purple... nice
  9. U getting a new filter?!? UPPZ for ur sale
  10. Hey u always say I FAINT looking at other ppl's AM tanks... you know what?!? I almost FAINT!!! This wood laminate version is so so pretty... lol... my next upgrade perhaps UPPZ for your sale bro!
  11. Thread closed. Winning bidder has been notified last night
  12. What do you mean by all concealed tank bro? No holes drilled?
  13. Can't answer ur question... but I WANT BLUE EYES!!!
  14. Ok bro... I got the message... I'm just thinking of pushing the bioload slightly higher to speed up the AM Nitratreductor... ok just a lousy excuse to shop for LFS... I'm still looking for a BLACK TANG you know?!? A LFS ask me to forget it... I'll never get it... perhaps I'll have to settle for Brown Tang instead
  15. Bro if you wanna go for yuma... must select carefully. Some will mostly look brown and they ain't pretty
  16. My Orange Spotted Yuma... orange only visible under actinic blue... or else will look very brown Last pics tonight
  17. I think they just got paired (or eventually will) coz they stay together most of the time And they conquered my right most cave...
  18. Very good idea... I will do the same too
  19. The so-called "common" Zoos from Bro Nakazoru do not look too common to me... they are so pretty!!!
  20. Hehe thanks... I am still looking for 1 more frag... black tentacles and orange center... seen it before
  21. My Spotted Mandarin is so curious and it camouflages quite well.
  22. What about some purple... a nice pair of Purple Firefish
  23. Damn Your SUN GARDEN is so so overpowering... must wear my Envy... Jealous
  24. Bro u really into exotic LS... those clams are so edible... yummy
  25. I know!!! You can cultivate a Sea Fan Plantation since you have so much sand... create a forest!!! Hehe... yeah I got the Red Sponge to try since it is quite affordable... put it at a very low light/strong current area Also gotten this!!! I'm so into red today
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