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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. The lady boss would probably say to you... "Wei... enough drolling lah... NOT FOR SALE... can't read ah? Even if you are interested... see u student looking also cannot afford la... my SUN hor very special one leh... best in Singapore... some say Batam... if you need to ask the price... you probably "callot" afford it... but since you so handsome ah... I let you work here lah... you make me happy... every month I give you 1 Super Sun polyp... now start cleaning that LR tank... after that clean those saliva of yours off the floor!!!"
  2. Bro Soon... how can u start a Sun tank without looking at those DAMN SUNS!!! After ur papers, we will all go see that tank! Eventhought I am not particular crazy about Suns... I was standing there... thinking... I wanna convert my tank to Sun Tank... that tank got charm... after seeing those Suns... mine can give away for charity Note: That is just a figure of speech... don't start PMing me for adoption
  3. Of course! Sis will get mated pair babies Sis Monki... quite quiet recently leh... join us more often... somebody complaining the forum is turning GAY... need more sis to balance a bit
  4. I think you've got too many fishes already... go for inverts la... some nice shrimps and stars will do wonders to your tank!!!
  5. Bro!!! No wonder you get 100 for Nitrates!!! All Salifert kit must read from the top unless u r attempting to save money by going low resolution. Your reading should read no more than 30 NO3.
  6. So sorry to hear that... luckily not the other wrasse
  7. The Anemone has not moved much... Big M and Lil' D are squeezing their bodies into the poor Anemone... do you think the Anemone will get stressed or it's just part of nature? The Anemone has yet to open fully
  8. I will distribute my little babies to all SRC bros
  9. Actually keeping a Sun tank is quite fun too... no need MH... just normal lighting... and lots of target feeding Yes it is quite a spectacular sight... quite hard to describe using words... too bad they go BB (minus a bit of points there)
  10. Emm... coz I read from Liveaquaria.com... Maroons will never hang out together as they are quite aggressive towards its own kind... unless they are a mated pair... they even share the same Anemone
  11. Err... bro Altantis... don't get greedy
  12. Emm... looking at ur LS now... don't expect to have extra thick/horrid looking skimmate... only when u start stocking heavily... then u see "sewage extract"... that smells like But I always smell my cup before pouring off... lol... I am a very sick person
  13. Hehe... must act fast... only 1 pair at Ah Beng's and that tiny anemone seems quite "harmless" CR... give myself a break first... maybe wait till I am ready for SPS... or when I start investing in "super" and "ultra" LPS. Guys... how rare is a mating pair w/ anemone in sale nowadays? Coz I think I got a good deal today
  14. Bro Colinsoon... now I know why u guys crazy over Suns... was at Iwarna... damn! That tank is Don't dare to ask the lady boss how much... scared she say "you interested ah? Ok lah... since you so HANDSOME and SWEET... I sell all to you for $3500 lah! Good deal already ok?"
  15. Err... I guess so... look at ur Avatar... so pink and "gay" Tell her... it's better to chat with guys than to chat with "hot-chicks-that-happen-to-share-your-hubby's-passion"
  16. ... a nest high up above the rest... Hope the "nest" will stay there... or anywhere on the background coz Big Mama looks really BIG if she stays in front
  17. Fit's quite nicely in ur tank... hehe... let it run for another day or so...u also need a moderate bio load in ur water to achieve candy floss foam...
  18. A closer look at their nest Emm... seems like Big M has been spending a little too much time under the sun
  19. Is that a butterfly??? In a tank full of Zoos???
  20. The view will only gets better... with better lighting... more corals... coralline everywhere incl. ur Tunze... gonna be so so rewarding... You can tell the skimmer is working (or at least adjusted correctly) is when u get nice candy floss like this.
  21. Hehe... 4 actually including the Pink Skunk... Man I have not seen quite a romance in a while now... since Titanic
  22. Emm... u got a point there... wonder why I always rush home after collecting LR from bros...
  23. Emm... the Tunze is standing out quite a bit (coz ur background is not black)... u wanna try hide it with some LR? Is the 9005 working already?
  24. Oh I can't believe Big M actually pulled Lil' D's ear!!! Well at least they are dealing with it discreetly
  25. Go... quickly come back or else ur LR will become DR (dead rock) Tonight's gonna be a long long night for you
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