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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. What's ur Nitrate and Phosphate level? I have not experienced a Red Slime Algae bloom before... and I need to find ways to avoid it
  2. Yeah... I think something very about me... I enjoy watching fishes poo and also admiring my skimmer collection cup. Sometimes I will smell (just one breath) the skimmate before pouring away... already a habit I guess... and those skimmate is
  3. I heard it is against the law to sell tap water in Singapore...
  4. For a new setup, wool alone is not enough. In fact, u shouldn't leave ur dirty wool there, should at least change or wash every 5 to 7 days. I think some kind of media is still necessary (or else what are all the compartments for?) Perhaps you wanna also consider Aqua Medic Cetapore (check at their website). This product is good because the surface can contains Aerobic bacts, the inside core can contains Anaerobic bacts. Anaerobic will convert Nitrates to Nitrogen (gas that will disperse out of the tank). But according to LFS, the Nitrate to Nitrogen benefit is only as secondary medium, do not rely solely on Cetapore to do the job unless you have a huge amount of them in ur sump. If I am not so broke, I will slowly replace my Aqua Medic Bactoballs (bioballs) with Cetapore. The reason I have to do slowly is not to upset the biotope. If I am to remove all my bioballs at once, there will be A N N spikes as there aren't enough Nitrifying bacteria in the biotope to handle the bioload... Cetapore is around $50+ a box. Experienced bro, do correct me if I'm wrong...
  5. Maybe bro Hammy interested, u wanna try PM him?
  6. Not sure... I will meet bro Altantis there at 8pm tomorrow... shh... don't mention which LFS
  7. Cheh... thought this Sunday... present also bought already... will see you at the banquet If you are to be granted a new tank now ($ not an issue) what kind of configuration/size u will go for? Tank size only.
  8. It's a Taiwanese made product, no brand (I think). AM selling around $90+. The Pinpoint of course is double that price And doesn't come with light-up digital panel (I think). So this Taiwanese version is so much easier to read. Can consider coz testing pH using Salifert is so so not fun
  9. My only comments on your sump are: 1. The Chaetomorpha are way too little to make a difference to the biotope. However, it's a good start. Try to speed up their growth by 24 hours lighting. You need to fill the entire compartment with Chaeto in order to have significant benefits. Mine still growing, 24 hours lighting. 2. What's that stocking bag in the refugium? Looking at the size (fully filled) and position, don't think it will function effectively. Whatever the content, the tank water can only touches the surface layer of the filter media. More pix pls
  10. Bro saw u using the pH monitor that AM trying to sell me... how is it? How long have u been using it? I very concern the monitor can quickly go inaccurate then have to readjust again Your pH of 8.2 is good... keep it up!
  11. Emm... maybe I should start looking for my Leopard's eye Have not seen it for 2 days now Bro Qxn... only 4 days to your big day... after big day can change big tank... then can have big sales!!!
  12. I am going LFS shopping tomorrow... just look look see see... so if find anything interesting... will inform u guys Tomorrow got shipment... shhh... cannot say which one lah
  13. How's things bro... any update? If you are free, we can go LS shopping tomorrow, late pm... PM me
  14. Emm... not a very smart way of buying Zoos... so how? Any pix update? U found any clam?
  15. This Sat gonna be YOUR day... but I can sense... tomorrow is gonna be MY day
  16. NO3 is still maintained at 10... I guess it is considered ok since I've been adding bioloads for the past few days... the NR1000 been running for 5 days already. Feeding Denimar every 2 days.
  17. U still keep ur tank in ur office? Can post a pix? I always wanted to setup one in the office... but afraid maintenance problem... what if...
  18. Try Alveopora... very nice
  19. Now I know why my smaller Purple Firefish is always hiding... the larger one is terrorizing it Quite severe chasing... oh my reef is falling apart
  20. Not bad... still can be Prata food... at least not 100% wasted
  21. Nah... at home already. I don't work late
  22. Mine died too... starvation I think... and no, they can't read Yeah me can go find some BE Anthias during our SUN TOUR... I need 3 small specimens.
  23. You can add in 5 Blue-eye Anthias... I am looking for them too.
  24. Yes they do school... saw some nice ones at AM the other day...
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