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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. This piece of Green Bubble Anemone is very very nice... squeeze itself inside a cave with a bit of the side revealed through another opening... just like 2 Anemones Can u see my old Anemone (the one "kena" raped by Big Mama)... looks much healthier now
  2. Err... there's always a limit one can stretch the S 11... and I am already way pass my limit... $10k? Em... to be honest... I refuse to record my spending so that I can live with it easier
  3. Saw a lot of Lemonpeels yesterday... could it be the same shipment? You guys go ahead... I need to let the tank (and my wallet) settle for a while...
  4. My first casualty... this guy is really deteriorating fast!!! But my Spotted Mandarin seems to find food there
  5. I was at a LFS just now... tomorrow got fish shipment (a large shipment)... coral saturday Yes... I told you all along... ur Biostarflotor can handle the tank well... trust the Germans
  6. Huh?!? Sounds very serious leh... don't scare me... should I just interfere by removing it from the clam shell?
  7. My hermit seems fine... just sifting the sand bed and sometimes LR for food... but sooner or later, I will have to either give it away or find is a larger shell... anyone?
  8. You so silly lah... take advantage of it... combined into 1 lah!!! I will do that if I were you
  9. Ok lah... one day we all go together... mass LFS spree... must start saving for my second tank already
  10. And the Hiding Awards go to... 1st place: Leopard Wrasse 2nd place: Blood Shrimp 3rd place: Purple Firefish (the smaller specimen, chased by larger specimen)
  11. I think the water change will do the trick... post some FTS (full tank shot) can?
  12. Can someone ID the transparent "bubble-looking" thingy growing out of my Crocea's shell? There are a few tiny air bubbles trapped inside it.
  13. Yes it needs strong flow... and light is not important at all unless for viewing pleasure... according to a book, sponges are the most effective nutrient exporter one can add to the tank... even much more effective than LR... if only keeping them is as easy as keeping LR
  14. It's more like the other way round... the GF birthday is coming... already eyeing on 2 imported puppies... I hope this will not burn a big hole in ur wallet
  15. Bro Altantis... I think ur tank can be suitable for Sun especially the 2 sides where the lighting is weaker than the center portion... seeing Suns eat is very satisfying
  16. Emm... either lighting or calcium. What's ur calcium level? It's ok if u do not measure calcium coz ur setup may not need high calcium anyway... frequent water change should replenish enough nutrients into the tank. If I am not wrong... straagely enough... coralline algaes like actinic blue light Can any bro confirm this?
  17. And hopefully by then ur 9005 already producing candy floss foam... do update us on ur 9005... wonder why is it taking so long... remember not to tighten the Blue Screw too much, the idea is to allow air to flow in (the more the better) to increase its effectiveness.
  18. Nope... have not. You bring me there one day ok? Only been to a couple of LFS... not the adventurous type...
  19. Oh yeah... hey bro... we go look for some nice Ultras together? I want those black ones and the gold ones... too much blue/green in my tank already Bro Altantis u tried Crocea/Maxima before? But with ur T5s... u need to place the clams on ur LR.
  20. Yes, "Lift" is correct, lol. Err... this things looks like a single orange Zoanthid polyp with extra long tentacles... not very nice lah
  21. Don't worry, all pumps and filters well protected... bro u been busy? Not much update from u... u getting a new lighting? Mind share with us ur parameters so far?
  22. Yeah that can be so so cool... actually can be done right? Convert a swimming pool into a SPS tank... then snorkle in it... can take natural sunlight some more... the only problem is raining lah... it's time to dream again
  23. Wah bro Altantis... so knowledgable... thanks for shopping with me just now... I think u r good with Anemones... so readily putting ur hands into their tanks... this is one thing I still gotto learn
  24. Ok... I will do that... currently all my powerheads are protected If they misbehave... FOC: Anemone with Big Mama!!!
  25. Don't be so lah... well I will monitor them closely... so when I go holiday, will "tumpang" at ur Sun tank first lor... yeah I think adding a frag of ur Zoos can help make my Zoos Garden more meaningful... next time I can tell ppl the contributors to the garden... need to prepare a plaque already
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