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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. My first SPS... now I really need to learn more about keeping SPS... So so pretty!!! Birdsnest Coral (SPS)
  2. Can u spot it? Wonder what the Cleaner Shrimp is doing so near the Anemones... obviously the Anemones are not happy with their presence
  3. But filling up ur sump with Biohome and Cerapore can be very costly
  4. Patience... still aclimatizing... dun wanna rush it... stay tuned
  5. Hi bro... I was there with bro Altantis and Qxnviolet... me wearing a white "Mickey" shirt with blue jeans You bought Evansi??? Pix
  6. Saw some at AM just now... pretty ex for the small size... pix pix pix
  7. Yes... it is suppose to be a
  8. I will... I was just telling bro Altantis... my reponsibility just gotten heavier... now if anything happen to the fish... surely kena "flame" one
  9. Hi guys!!! No prob bro Qxn... nice meeting you. Yeah still aclimatizing my...
  10. In my opinion, Rowaphos is the best product... although a little more expensive. I am using Aqua Medic Antiphos + AM Carbolit.
  11. Something exciting is happening tonight...
  12. Have to agree with u about A N N being evenly distributed, what difference is 10% gonna make then to replenish depleted nutrients and blah... I've not change my water for a week now and trying to stretch it to 2 weeks. Later, when the tank is more stable I will only do 10% to 15% once a month. Also depending on the condition of ur LS. If you spotted dying/decaying/melting LS, remove them immediately. If you can't find some missing LS, then presume they're dead and start planning for a more than usual water change to minimize the impact. Equipments help a lot, protein skimmer is the best equipment ur money can buy. I recently invested in a Denitrator to take care of Nitrates, Phosphatfiler to take care of Phosphate. Ammonia and Nitrites will be taken care of by the LR, LS, bioballs. Chaetomorpha (macroalgae) running 24 hours can also help bring down excess nutrients. Some will not go to that extent... but I think my list is quite essentially minimal. Once my tank stabilize and all my equipments running smoothly, I really don't see the reason to do weekly water change... not that I am lazy... but everytime after water change, my Internal Affairs Minister will make me mop the floor
  13. Em... discipline... that's my absolute weakness actually... hehe tomorrow LFS shopping with a bro... new shipment!!! But don't expect to buy much... perhaps an extremely beautiful Zoos or something.
  14. LS so far: 2 Green Chromis 2 Maroon Clown 1 False Percula 1 Pink Skunk Clown 1 Leopard Wrasse 1 Six Line Wrasse 1 Blue Tang 2 Purple Firefish 1 Benggai Cardinal 1 Spotted Mandarin 2 White-banded Cleaner Shrimp 1 Fire Shrimp 1 Blue-legged Hermit 1 Red Linkia 1 Sand Sifting Star Cleaning Crew
  15. NO3 is still at around 7.5 to 10... I guess the NR1000 is not fully functional yet... but again, considering the extra bioload I added for the past 7 days... perhaps the NR1000 is already working hard to maintain my NO3 level. Just dosed 1 spoonful of Denimar I know I need more gadgets in order for the NR1000 to work properly... need to monitor and control the Redox level I heard.... haiz... more equipments
  16. Sure or not? Ur YT and Suns will fight for attention...
  17. Wah can see the black black thing "kena" suck up already!!! Well done... the 9005 will take another 2 to 3 days before it settles down... so meanwhile, you may find ur skimmate a bit wet... that's normal at this running-in phase.
  18. Have not been to Sealife... and no PT for me... must control bioload already... unless unfortunate things happen to my LS
  19. Em... if ur calcium already so high, stop dosing. Maintain calcium at 400 will do coz u not started stocking corals yet. If ur calcium high for a period of time, ur sand bed will hardens (calcify)... ur clams will get trapped down there (haha a bit drama lah) Regarding the rest... I am dosing Kent Marine series actually. Still trying to look for a better product range as these are essentials and very hard to test/measure. So even now, I just dose blindly (things like Iodine, Strontium, etc.). And be careful of those Formula... if overlap then it will either cause algae bloom (over nutrient) and/or waste of money.
  20. Can send u to nearest MRT station lah! So tomorrow on? Must go early... they off light very early
  21. Err... I was just kidding... me opening a LFS??? Em... u guys open lah! I can be a sleeping partner/marine setup consultant
  22. Oh dear... u are in a very dangerous level... something like what I experienced a week ago but urs more severe. Firstly, the Calcium is way too high! Mine >500 (due to overdosing of Calcium Hydroxide) and already affecting my KH like crazy. At one point, my KH was at a worrying state of 7.5! So if your's is at 5... then something drastic must be done to rectify the problem. Are you dosing calcium?
  23. Yeah I bought mine from AM... u must look for those really dark red colour, if not they will look orange like the ones on the right (also bought at AM)
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