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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Just dosed my bi-weekly dosing of Kent Marine Iodine, Essential Elements, Strontium and Molybdenum. Hopefully the Birdsnest will feed on them... my Calcium is still at a high level of almost 500, so no dosing required, in fact I am trying to bring it back down to 450! A view of a slightly modified scaping...
  2. I know it's risky to keep time bombs... but the idea of them coexist together is too strong an attraction... I still enjoy watching my Maroons playing with their Anemone very much... so
  3. I always hear good reviews about Aquabee (for that size range)... so surely no regret... the only regret is I should've go straight to Aquabee instead of getting some alternatives that cost half the price... now I have to flood the Pasar Malam with pumpheads lor But not so soon... after the Election Day holiday coz I will be out of town for a day or two. Perhaps after that Have u visited G.Octo yet? According to bro Qxn, a lot of "solid" corals there... lucky u didn't rush down to Irwana that night... nothing much left already coz u a bit late...
  4. Even if running external pump... the heat generated from the pump will also be carried back into the tank by the water right? For sure my tank water is cooler than room temp. Although some heat might get dispersed to its surrounding... but in what proportion? Kindly advice before I make another round of investment in pumps
  5. Thanks bro... I will get a Aquabee 3000 for my chiller soon. Can PM me where u bought yours? Got a feeling you will know where to shop for good deals... not like me... always those 2 shops
  6. Bro Colinsoon, your Zoos finally opened (a bit)... all 3 frags from bro Gorillaliu88 are the same, so I won't be needing ur winning frag... so when you think you wanna drop by to collect your prized Zoos?
  7. Not all bad news... My 2 Purple Firefish decided not to fight anymore... sorta signed a "cease fire agreement"... but dunno for how long lah Can you see the extra layer of "something" near its gills? I suspect it's a parasite, it changes colour from translucent white to brown. Was there since day 1.
  8. Don't scare me lah I have 2 in my tank right now
  9. Heat heat heat!!! Experienced reefers, thanks for your input on this
  10. Yeah quite messy at the top... but it's ok I guess, how often do you bow down to see the tank? Most of the time, you will look at it from higher angle, hence the pix u posted earlier where all the pumps are not visible. As for the external pump... how bad is the vibration? Is it noticable/annoying?
  11. A closer look at my ailing Pink Birdsnest... the white branches were not as severe yesterday... got a feeling the SPS is deteriorating fast... the Tunze Mini (reduced power) is actually quite near it (on the right), blowing at an angle
  12. Did some minor scaping (esp. the top portion) this morning... things are not looking too good right now: 1. I have to intervene and bring out the hidden Anemone, now place it on top of the scaping (where the Birdsnest used to sit) coz Anemone needs medium to strong light, so hiding behind some rock is definitely not natural and healthy. Will monitor is very very closely for the next few days... 2. Got a feeling the Pink Birdsnest is not getting sufficient lighting... so moved it more towards the left, current position is directly under my MH. Increase MH duration by 1 hour. Also added a Mini Tunze to increase flow surrounding the SPS.
  13. Em... bro after your wedding and first child ... we all plan for our next upgrade lor!!! I think a 5 by 2.5 by 2 is a nice configuration. Or a 6ft perhaps!!! I better start saving or asking my financier for a investment plan that will mature by then
  14. Seems like bro Godzillaliu88 is interested in odd looking creatures too Saw some at AM last 2 days... very cute and tiny!
  15. Really respect you guys... can carry so much water... on the other hand, maybe buy from those that offer free delivery after certain amount, then let them deliver all the way and put it in your store room For me, carrying bottles of water from mall is still too much a compromise to my lifestyle... and I am not built for that Make sure you guys recycle the bottles, or send the 90 empty plastic bottles to somewhere... all this dump will eventually hurt the reef that surrounds Singapore/Indonesia... I'm sure you guys are aware of that
  16. Let me know... I might join u guys... but don't you think the "chiong session" must coincide with new shipment? Oh I am so addicted to "new shipment"!!! So damn fun last Friday
  17. Very soon... I will be know as "Jervis, the Birdsnest killer"
  18. I've added a Tunze Mini near it to increase water flow through it. Lighting wise, I think should be sufficient. One problem though... the pink is disappearing... revealing a whitish branch instead... I think I am in deep xxxx!
  19. Interesting... r u running Aquabee 2000 or 3000? Can you show me a pix of ur pump connection? I might consider doing the same too... yes, those damn pumps are taking too much space
  20. Wow YT can be so nasty? Hehe... so my Chevron will remain the only tang (besides my existing small BT) in my tank! Good... running out of place actually
  21. Yes... the one that refuses to open is yours I can take care of it for you for a while... but if you change your mind, I can always keep it
  22. What lighting were u using? I got a feeling the the Zoos will still morph coz it will have to adapt to a new environment... Nice to add ur Zoos (larger polyps)... now the garden is almost complete Yeah... the larger piece is harder to open its polys!
  23. True... but it's nice to feed ur LS live food once in a while...
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