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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. You mean Gorgonia (Sea Fan)? They love Cyclop-eeze... if you wanna spoil ur corals, can also try Reef Roid (can buy from Aqua Mart). So far, the best food for my Sea Fan and corals.
  2. Can't wait to see them fully bloom... keep posting
  3. Sorta reserved by a bro (pending final confirmation)... will let you guys know if the Reefpack is available again
  4. Hehe... but I am not in the mood to connect things today... cut my thumb... then a major accident with 2 to 3 gallons of saltwater all over my parquet... not a good day for me Will continue tomorrow, so right now the tank is half done only. No LFS for me... at least for the next 2 weeks. I wanna see the effect of the Reef-resh™ before adding more LS. Also wanna bring both Phosphate and Nitrate to a undetectable level.
  5. Wow! A Bubble corner... gonna be so so nice once they grow bigger Get more diff colours!
  6. You guys go ahead... I need to focus and get my upgrade completed by next week
  7. Hehe you guys go ahead... my tank is in a mess now... no mood to go LFS shopping
  8. Damn... cut my thumb... a minor one ... will let my skin heals a bit before continue work
  9. I am also trying to reduce the amount of additives I am adding into my tank... or else, surely "rojak" in there Bought an Aqua Medic Ocean Runner 2500 just now. Will use it to replace my 3 Sicces. Running it externally, so should be a much more efficient solution... that's the thing about this hobby... one could never stop reinventing how the tank runs... unless one finds the "perfect" system
  10. Yeah it's been a while... where have you been? My CA level is quite stable... at around 450 to 475. Coralline is growing very well. I know the latest tank shot is horrible... still need to work on it... well let's see what 4 hours of labour can do to my tank Yes, the tank is still quite empty (compared to you guys)... a lot of my old corals are Nano version, so it will take a while to fill them up. The pix was taken using only Actinic blue light (late at night), so blue lor Corals will wait a while, I've allocated the next 2 weeks on improving the condition of my tank (after the murder of Pink Birdsnest) See fans doing ok but not as well as before... I suspect water flow is not sufficient Equipments? Hehe... I am in fact trying to streamline my equipments... selling off the extras, will focus more on necessity now coz I am running too many pumps/powerheads in my tank now... so poor Teco work like crazy Do drop by again to see my upgrading process and results
  11. Nice Blue Gorgonia... at least your red branches are still very "red"... glass need cleaning? Em... not sure but your photos are a bit on the green side (especially the BT shot). Maybe you wanna enhance the photos using Photoshop or other softwares before posting... oops... now you know why my corals look colourful and healthy... lol
  12. Bro Thursday morning still need to work lah... I now have to work hard to pay for this expensive hobby Not saying that one must spend a lot but it's really cool trying out the cool equipments (especially the German ones) and it's worth every single cent!!! It's more fun than buying digital cameras, MP3 players and handphones.
  13. Looking back at your old pictures That is how important lighting is... come to think of it... it's worth investing on lighting coz you can also enjoy it (it's visual). On my side, I am going to invest on better MH bulbs. The current BLV 14000ºK is a bit yellow, will try Aqualine 16000ºK when the stock comes in Do expect to see nicer pictures from me next month.
  14. Polyp Lab claims the following: Claim #1: Pristine water. The way your corals want it. Jervis: Great! Em... Pristine... let me check dictionary first... ... just like the Tetra Fish Food bus Ad... "If fish could talk, they will ask for Tetra". Claim #2: System Reef-resh™ is an innovative method for true low-nutrient reef keeping. By harnessing the power of microbial activity, the system provides a natural and non-chemical solution to unwanted nutrients in home aquaria. Jervis: NATURAL and NON-CHEMICAL... wow those 2 big words are good... I buy lor! UNWANTED NUTRIENTS are such a constant problem... we spent a large proportion of our reefing budget on controlling them. If the product performs well, I don't even have to invest on a UV or OZONE unit. Claim #3: Greatly enhanced colouration of corals. Jervis: Have yet to see any result yet (after my first dosing last night, lol)... ok I will wait and see... hopefully don't have to wait too long Can't wait to see enhanced colouration for my Zoos! Claim #4: Increased growth rates of corals. Jervis: Common Zoos to giveaway!!! Anyone??? Claim #5: Marked improvement in water quality. Jervis: With the powerful bacterias and microorganisms in my tank, hopefully I can rely lesser on Antiphos, Carbolit & blah to control my A N N. Those media are very costly to run in the long term... that's why a lot of us too reluctant to change them... hence semi-crashes and etc. Claim #6: Decreased nuisance algae outbreaks. Jervis: I really really need to see this to believe its power!!! The bacterias will fight with the algaes for nutrients (i.e. Phosphates)... and in most cases the algaes will lose the fight... now that's something I can't wait to witness. Claim #7: Improved fish health. Jervis: Wah... very important since I am starting to invest on semi-rare/exotic species... I think my Chevron will live long enough to show me his true colours Claim #8: Decreased parasite outbreaks. Jervis: Damn... decrease only lah... not eliminate altogether... so still can expect outbreaks along the way So, if I can clearly see 4 of the above claims turn to reality... then I am very satisfied already... for less than $35 a month (depending on tank size, lol)... well... $1.20 a day will keep the CRASH away Oh 1 more thing you guys should know before rushing to A.Mart to buy the remaining 2 sets... this is a very high maintenance product, must dose everyday (although a few drops)... 1 product in the morning (before photosynthesis) 3 products in the evening (after lights are off).
  15. They only left with 2 sets, till next shipment (G knows when...).. if you are interested, I can also meet you there. But don't have to rush lah... dun think this product is selling like hot cakes coz it's quite ex (for cultivating bacterias) but I've done some readings... and quite convinced by the product. It's a Canadian product btw, by the good people who introduced Reef Roid. www.polyplab.com But reading their website... like claiming a lot of benefits Even if half of the claims are to come true... I'm a very happy reefer already Guys, don't PM me for price... (yes, I receive PMs like that a lot... at least 5 a day, lol)... call Aqua Mart, look for Cheng Hock
  16. The new lighting is so good... even your photographs suddenly upgraded... like you suddenly pro in photography Definitely money well spent
  17. Here's how the top looks like... after the removal of the Reefpack 500. Added a "Split w/ Duckbeaks" to the chiller outlet... running using internal Sicce 2500L/h. Will upgrade to a more powerful external pump soon
  18. Hey your 3 Nemos are so cute... swimming together... and I'm sure with the new T5, the Carpet Anemone will open big big As big as a Vegetable Pizza
  19. Just dosed all 4 parts of the Reef-resh™... according to A.Mart, I should be able to see results in a week... By then... hopefully... all my Zoos will grow and spread like crazy
  20. I think it's a little too messy... especially the top part... what u guys think?
  21. I know... I've learnt my lesson And please don't make me feel guilty for spending more $ than I should... thanks for your words of kindness And here's how my latest scaping looks like...
  22. Looks quite bright How's ur 9005?
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