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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yeah that big piece is very nice looking... too bad So next time, must fold a $100 note (emergency) in the wallet... in case cannot find Atm machine $50 note not enough to buy rare specimens... muahaha!
  2. Yes... your pix too huge!!! lol... aiya can see a few polyps here and there lor
  3. Another shot under Actinic blue T5... so pretty
  4. The Yumas are quite close to the GSP... will it get stinged?
  5. Yeah sometimes Green Star Polyps take a long while to open up especially if the lighting is insufficient... give it a bit more time
  6. Tadaa!!! Tricolor Yumas... only 2 polyps... can you see 3 colours? bro Hammy for helping me with the selection!
  7. Emm... not 3 frags meh? Post some pix under Actinic later... my turn to post
  8. Not working... haiz... backache for sure... will have to ask CH for more advice Update update update... pretty soon
  9. Bro... I have not gotten married before... share with us what's the feeling actually? Is it something like anticipating for a dream holiday? Or just simple nerve wrecking? But I think so far, u seems very relax... at least still got time to SRC From this Sunday onwards... you will have to re-prioritize your world... perhaps your fishies will have to give way to your "mermaid" and "mer-babies" and yes... of course the "merlion" (a bit patriotic due to the voting blah).
  10. Sound great! I have not been to G.Octo, Clementi Harlequin, Petmart... and lots more!!! I'm such a newbie
  11. Emm... will consider that You better go now... final battle today... don't fall "soldier" coz ur bro ain't gonna carry you ALL THE BEST!!! Kinda miss the feeling of going into an exam hall... perhaps I should start a course or something, after my tank settles... how about Diploma in Marine Science (that kind )
  12. I thot you should be on your way to the "torturing chamber"? Good luck, have fun... if it doesn't turn out well... dun worry u r still young... can do again next time... Making u nervous ain't I...
  13. Emm... have not been to Petmart before... maybe we can all go LFS shopping next week. By then, my tank should be ready for more corals Hehe... can't wait actually!
  14. Em... I think the Reef-reshâ„¢ is affecting my skimmer a bit... the Turboflotor has not been able to churn out good skimmate for the past 2 days... will drop by A.Mart after work to check with CH. Also need to buy more Eheim rubber tubes... yesterday... cutting and cutting...
  15. Talking about Anthias... bro Colin for giving me such a beautiful specimen. Extremely healthy and not as agressive as expected... not bullying my smaller fish, not even the Purple Firefish. This is confirmed a MALE specimen I notice the colouration is improving also... could it be the Reef-reshâ„¢?
  16. Oh... I was comparing with the small tin of Cyclop-eeze... ok lah, if your Cyclop-eeze is $33, then you will find the Reef Roid quite affordable also, quite close. IMHO, the Reed Roid is a much superior product
  17. Sometimes I wonder... why can't I just take Stamp Collecting as a hobby... but again, rare stamps can also cost a lot of $$$ but at least easier to keep and much lower in maintenance Nah this kinda "down" moment will pass after a good night sleep... talking of which Good luck at your remaining paper bro! Remember my wish-of-the-day? Ok lah... I wish tomorrow your exam turn out great!
  18. I am not a newbie anymore?!? Em... can I be a newbie so that I don't feel too guilty when things turn out badly I recently killed a SPS (Pink Birdsnest) due to impulsive buying... was at Irwana when the Tonga shipment came I AM STILL A NEWBIE!!! I can't even get my equipments working properly... bought a Ocean Runner 2500 today and have difficulty getting my concept work... so frustrating
  19. I am so afraid of my Zoos... almost every coral book I read warn readers about the danger of Zoos... especially with open wound. And I have a hell of a lot of Zoos in my tank So I stopped in case I "kena" infection or worst Can't afford to fall sick... work is killer. It's true u know... everything went so so wrong today... mistakes over mistakes over mistakes... I just finish mopping my wooden floor (5 times) just to get the stickiness off the floor. Haiz... this is life... this is reefing... what have I gotten myself into
  20. Reefing will not be the same without SRC and all the bros and sis here really help motivate me to work harder... or else, this is gonna be such a lonely hobby... I try to post as much detail as possible as this is my diary... so next time, I can always refer back to progress You should post more... inspire us newbies And prata sounds nice... hehe I know where already
  21. Since we are talking about UV... how crucial is this piece of equipment? I know the benefit and blah... does the benefit heavily outweighs the disadvantages (i.e. safety etc)
  22. Bro Nakazoru always bring back corals from Jakarta. PM him Sure he will help you... coz he "kena" warning before... some protected species cannot bring in.
  23. Bro Altantis also bought a LW last Friday, perhaps you wanna check with him... see if his has the same problem LW needs sand to feel safe... so if ur QT without sand bed... perhaps it's not gonna last long
  24. Hehe give Aqua Mart a call... 3 times the cost of a Cyclop-eeze (roughly)
  25. My LW is doing ok... feeding well (even pellets) and more bold than before... is yours feeding?
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