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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yes must be stress... my Chevron Tang has not been a very good tank mate... Hopefully the MI can last... it's my first and I really wish it will survive this outbreak I also hope that the Reef-reshâ„¢ will be able to help get rid of the parasites (as claimed)... will keep you guys posted.
  2. Wah MI on pellet? Wow! You see the Lyretail with white background avatar blur? Em... how come leh?
  3. Oh... such a waste... don't think this is the result of a monster in your tank... hunger probably... maybe water conditions... have you done any testings recently? How's ur 9005 working? Able to skim well? Show us a pix of ur skimmate lah.
  4. You know what bro J, I will sell of some frags next week together with other corals. If you interested, I will PM you details soon. Bro Qxn, my remaining anemone also moving in and out of the cave... it's so fascinating
  5. Very sad lor... white spots on my MI this is the price to pay for not having a Q-tank
  6. Wah bro! Your Zoos grow on the same rock as GSP? Do they sting each other? Coz I might move my GSP near my Zoos too. Do they co-exist or one-or-the-other?
  7. Just for you bro J (Pix taken yesterday... notice the Anemone is still there)
  8. Very smart... ok lah... sell to you 2 of my precious Zoos polyps for $1.11!!! Must collect before 9am tomorrow Wah bro Qxnviolet... asking wedding gift like that... not very nice leh Ok lah... I give you once rock full of Zoos lah! When you wanna collect it?
  9. My Anemone also gone down the chute
  10. Nope have not seen it... you can also look at Tunze Nano Skimmer
  11. Em... if the price is right... I will sell both polyps... no need to cut-cut-frag-frag lah (Hint: looking at 3-digits figure)
  12. No not this one... it takes forever for avatar to get updated
  13. I know... can't help it... but this time really like Hiroshima I think I will scale down my feeding At least I get my skimmate back!!! Yay Skimmate or Poo or both?!? I'm so sick... very sick
  14. A bro just collected the Tunze Wavemaker (Multicontroller 7095 + Turbelle 7200/2)... now the current flow in my tank SUCKS!!! Need to go collect my Stream tomorrow <------ You guys like my new avatar?
  15. Hehe... sorry, meant for bro Altantis
  16. Just spotted my Chevron Tang poo... scary
  17. Wow! Bro... thanks for sharing ur experiences on Yuma... better be careful with placement then (low flow)... what about lighting? Do they need MH at all? And will not keep them close to any Rhodactis
  18. Hey bro... how's things? Update update update
  19. PMEd you... actually the trip was not planned. Was at A.Mart... meet Hammy at AM (not intending to buy anything)... then drop by Irwana lor... only 1 piece of Tricolor there only
  20. <------------------- Lyretail Anthias (Male) donated by bro Colinsoon
  21. I'm sure his Yumas are doing fine... he is an expert lah!
  22. Hehe... yeah... bro Hammy lor... My Sunburst died after 3 weeks of hunger strike... I know AM has a lot of very nice specimens... saw it last night
  23. Still got time for LS shopping!!! AM give u any Pre-wedding discount?
  24. Irwana small Purple Tangs and Yellow Tangs are extremely beautiful!!!
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