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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Here's my 3rd LPS of the day... a nice branched Green Goniopora... the colour is very very intense... the only problem... refuse to open
  2. Not all good news of course... I have 2 missing fish: 1. Maroon clown (Male) 2. Green Chromis Having a missing Chromis is a really bad sign
  3. So happy I bought a nice specimen... must thank bro Hammy for helping me with the selection The specimen is not fully open yet... will post more pix under MH tomorrow.
  4. I know... it's a little absurd... I wonder how many Singaporeans are actually using the Comline Filter Talking about cleaning... My 2 Cleaner Shrimps are working night and day to clean all my fishies... I can see they do queue sometimes Do you think I should introduce 2 more? Got a feeling both of them are same ###### atm, no eggs so far
  5. Emm... these are the ones that live in beaches and swampy areas... but who knows... with care and love... they may start to grow colours and patterns... who knows
  6. The Stream is creating such beautiful current... only now can I enjoy the true beauty of GSP The movement... the intense fluorescent green... might get another piece to create a larger colony
  7. I think my pair of Cleaner Shrimps are gay too... so lovey-dovey but no egg!!!
  8. Check out my thread!!! My new retrofit... you will faint!!! Emm... the Phosbuster seems a little too good to be true leh... I've heard before some products contains certain elements to mask the problem from test kits... I hope this is not one of them... I'm trying to make you nervous again
  9. Here's how it looks like... sitting nicely inside the back compartment. From top (picture): 1. Polyfilter (will get rid after the White Spots problem) 2. Trickle filter (with lots of bio-balls) 3. Tunze Comline Filter w/ Tunze Turbelle 1600/2 4. Aqua Medic Phosphatfilter (filled with 50% Antiphos, 50% Carbolit) w/ Sicce 800 l/h 5. Beneath item (3) and (4) Circulation pump back to main tank using Sicce 1300 l/h The only set back is... in order for the Tunze Comline Filter to work properly (without causing noise and microbubbles), I need to flood the back compartments. That will affect the effectiveness of the trickle filter Will discuss with CH (A.Mart) further on this. Now... I can really sleep well Knowing that my filtration system is one step closer to being PERFECT!!! One problem though... the Comline Filter media must order from Germany Maybe I can make good use of the Turbelle circulation too... maybe connect it to a reactor or something
  10. Introducing... retrofit of the year!!! Since I didn't manage to sell the Tunze Reefpack 500... I took the components out of the black casing and introduce it into my Percula 90. After studying the Reefpack for a while... actually I got the idea while discussing it with Edwin at Paradiz Reef The filter casing is actually attached to the bottom (inlet for Tunze Turbelle 1600/2)... It fits perfectly!!! Here's how it works... the water is being sucked into the filter casing via the sides, the water is then pushed through the filter media to the centre core... the water is then being sucked into the pump and directly to the outlet... So now... the Percula 90 is PERFECT!!! That's exactly what's been missing in the tank design, a powerful and efficient mechanical filter that is easy to maintain and not affect the flow of water (due to clogging). Glad I didn't let go of the ReefPack 500
  11. Hehe... because I always get good service from AM And all their LS been pretty stable in my tank... so far...
  12. Yes bro Jacobus... a bit cliche... nothing is impossible including keeping MI (aka Mission Impossible) Bro Colinsoon, just sleep early tonight... things will be alright tomorrow. I got a feeling you are full of "gas" right now. Perhaps you wanna promise you Dad you will study hard... that way you can keep your tank... at the same time use the tank to constantly remind you of your studies... that's a win-win situation actually... honestly, at your stage in life... you really need to study hard lor... if given a chance to go back to your age, I will really study hard... I wanna be an Architect or a Lawyer... So cliche
  13. Sun can "tahan" a few days without feeding... worry about the MI first. You can always dose DT or something to feed them for the time being... I think my MI is more stable than yours despite the "bloody" white spots. I got a feeling mine will survive and yours will too
  14. Ok ok... I can see your point there... well that's the problem with our society/culture. Most of our Dads go through our Mums whenever they need to say something... that's very normal, so let's not analyze that too much. How big is your new tank? Perhaps the size is a little too daunting 2 more years? Then how come you moved out of your hostel? If that's the case, go back to hostel lah! Got a feeling you won't be too happy at home Ok ok we are going a little here and I am not counsellor... why don't you post a pix of your new tank in your home environment. Perhaps you placed in a eye-sore position... or something... perhaps you wanna get a smaller tank.
  15. Who tell you I'm a guy?!? I'm actually a ###### babe trying to find SLAVES in here... Sorry Back to your MI... mine also spit out the first 4 to 5 LBS... after that, it started eating... so don't stop feeding after it spits... it will eat eventually especially when the other fishes are like "hungry ghosts"... yes LBS is a good try. Don't pour in the water, use a net.
  16. Hey man... don't just give up like that!!! I also get constant discouragement from my Internal Affairs Minister... so what? I need to do what's best for myself and to keep myself happy... unless you are bored Don't give up!!! You're gonna graduate soon right? You're gonna get a job and everything is gonna be alright – I guess you just need some encouragements to balance the discouragements... trust me... money will go away eventually... so if u r not spending it on this hobby, you probably gonna spend it somewhere else That's life!
  17. Yes I think so... for feeding But since it is own-catched... it's priceless. Would love to start a tank just to house all LS found in the beaches of Singapore
  18. Yeah I read pretty good review on this product. Perfect for a tank no larger than 2ft (although they claim more)... I might get one too once my tank is fully loaded. I like the extra compartment for putting Rowaphos, etc. too It's a neat package, well put together. I've seen the prouct before, it looks very high-quality to me (trust me... I've seen quality stuff). So, if you can spare $600.00, this is a nice piece of equipment to own The only thing is... the skimmer collection cup is a little tiny IMO, so must clean at least once every few days... when u go for long holiday, go very DRY skimming.
  19. Thanks bro for helping me choose all the nice LPS... don't worry so much about ur tank condition... it is perfect to me!!! Unless (touch wood)... once you spotted something wrong with the tank, we can always find solutions together... remember, I still have a lot of extra equipments in the store room... can help handle any crisis
  20. Emm... so u r into SM? And you are the SLAVE??? Can I torture you? I can be your master
  21. Yes... been looking for Pratas and nice Brains for my sand bed... also looking for a nice piece of Elegance Well... will continue searching...
  22. Sis, they need medium to strong water current Other than that... they should open up quite easily coz urs has been in ur nano for a month now (at least)... unless the water parameter changes drastically
  23. Hahaha... there's only one way to find out
  24. Nah... don't think they will take any action before... err... elections... but now
  25. Surprise!!! I was telling bro Hammy... I shall keep this card... in case one day I am so poor I can't afford fish food anymore
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