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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Err... that's bad news Was about to suggest you get a new tank to celebrate
  2. Not trying to rush you... but you must test water first before buying fishes... coz the chances of your water need fixing is quite high. You might still need 2 days to adjust the water before u can throw in your first fish. If you are busy, order online via reefdepot.com.sg. They deliver to your office or home. Credit card or other methods acceptable. I find it very convenient... than to wait until weekend. Today only Monday
  3. Hahaha welcome back!!! So how's ur Honeymoon??? Is it better than reefing?
  4. Show us lah! Since $$$ already spent... share with us, make the $$$ worth mah! At least if still got pictures to remind you lor... that's what I usually do, lol.
  5. Hehe, my digicam is 8.0 Megapixel. So shoot and crop to size lor. The Bubble is about 20cm from glass panel. Hehe... if you like, I will do more macro shot and get a new camara (for that matter) Here's how my Green Goniopora been extending so far... 2+ hours of MH... kinda slow actually, hopefully it is not a bad sign coz this specimen is so so green!
  6. Hehe... the problem with my digital camera is... not very good at controlling the MH brightness. The photo will look green, so have to do major photoshop still doesn't look right. Will try another camera tonight. But my aim is to have a tank full of colours under actinic blue
  7. Emm... yeah I will make sure it survives So is this considered an unhealthy specimen?
  8. Wow! Finally opening up fully like grapes!!! Yummy
  9. As this is my first PRATA (can't even get the name right... still need help in ID pls)... am I putting it on the right position? Bottom right corner without much flow. Lighting quite strong though (with both 150W MH on top)... is the lighting too strong for PRATA? If yes, do you think I should move it nearer to the center cave... the overhang above blocked some of the light... but the flow there is stronger in advance!!!
  10. Hehe told ya... you can settle for other brands... especially for Ammonia and Nitrite. You need accurate readings for the following coz they are crucial: 1. KH 2. pH 3. Nitrate 4. Phosphate Later can also get: 1. Calcium 2. Magnesium 3. etc.
  11. Nope T95 no Prata... what's the right name for Prata? Emm... not sure about dosing anti-parasite into the tank... well, if it gets out of hand, I will look for a bottle.
  12. $1.6k is quite alright. But you might need to buy a second hand tank from fellow reefers. If you are only keeping fishes, then that will save quite a bit coz equipments required for corals like Metal Halide, Chiller, Calcium Reactor, Wavemaker & etc. are very very costly to purchase and to run. Check out the Pasar Malam section for great bargain!!! But with $1.6k, I think you can also get a brand new tank... which will roughly take up half your budget (tank, cabinet, sump and top). But that will leave u with less budget for equally important equipments such as: 1. Return pump 2. Protein Skimmer (must get a good one, and an oversize model... meaning get a model good for 4ft to 5ft tank... trust me, you will overstock) 3. Test kits Some of the items can also come at later stage. Have fun and all the best!!!
  13. My latest LPS... a Red Doughnut Coral (aka Prata) and it's naturally bought from Jalan Kayu The colour is not very intense however... but with my tender loving care I'm sure it will turn out nice and beautiful This pix was taken less than 1 hour after introduction... will monitor for any openings... can't wait to see it open up to twice its size!!!
  14. Here's how my Yuma corner looking right now... hehe lights just on, so the Yumas are still half asleep
  15. Ok here's an update... finally replace the (white-ish) D-D Aquablue Plus with a true actinic blue tube... love the effect!!! All my colours are in neon right now
  16. Hehe... if you ask me, get the best TK, Salifert (from Holland) but reefers reporting out of stock. You can check price at www.reefdepot.com.sg or even drop by their showroom to pick them up. Look for SEET, he is friendly. Don't faint by the total price of Tesk Kits coz they can be quite scary!!! For your stage, you can skip Calcium & Magnesium. You can tackle that next week. If you do not have a chiller, it's impossible to achieve 26ºC to 27ºC, so let it be... as long as the water doesn't exceed 30ºC. If so, then start worrying
  17. Wah... you know what's best for your tank... hehe just like me... Keep the water quality optimum, check all the parameters, let your skimmer run full force. Can also use mechanical filter to remove unwanted deritrus... don't let things rot in your tank. Have you been adding Nitrifying Bacteria? You need to especially if you have other filter media such as bioballs, biohome and etc. Basically nothing much lor... you already have a good start... IMO (don't quote me, lol) you can start stocking anytime soon. Once all your readings are within acceptable range (you can refer to my signature below as a guide, not the best lah, but good enough as a guide at your stage). You can start adding hardy fishes and hardy corals. Inverts like shrimps and star fishes can wait. Another thing, be careful of your selection of hardy fishes too. Avoid Damsels and aggresive fishes. Go for Green Chromis if you want to try... get at least 5 of them, gonna be damn nice. Start a new thread under Member Section and welcome to the CLUB!!!
  18. Wow! My Cleaner Shrimps been so busy, the Six Line Wrasse is helping out too... been pecking my Chevron Tang and the CT just stay there Didn't know Six Line does that Ok guys... the serious part... I got a feeling there's a parasite outbreak in my tank... or worse White Spots... that's why they all go for "Car Wash"... day and night. Will quickly go AM and get some more Cleaner Shrimps before it's too late One thing amazing about nature is... there's always signs of things coming... if you observe and analyze deep enough, you will find it. But most of the time... we miss the signs... well... just like everything else in life I guess... especially when it comes to relationship
  19. Emm... sorry can't help much... why not going for T5 HO unit? The Solite model is quite affordable and very cool looking. Call AM
  20. That's a very wise choice... great! You have just save yourself a lot of trouble You picked the LR from the reefers tank (running water) or in bucket or dry? That makes a big difference.
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