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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Haha... like that also want? Later die on ur tank...
  2. I saw people feeding them fresh vege too... I'm just afraid of pesticides... wait... there's an organic shop near my office... damn... now my tank goes organic while I eat pesticides like nobody's business
  3. Emm... do you have your own thread btw? Create one, then you can show us what you've got I will support you And we are all noobs
  4. KR as in Calcium Reactor? Wah.. bro you pro already I still dunno when/what/how to get one.
  5. What about my Big Mama (3 1/2" Maroon)... I suspect she killed Lil' Daddy
  6. Agree... that's why your nick is Colinsoon... "Cooling Soon" That's a good sign! Don't worry... worst come to worst I take care of all your suns lor... I still have space to create a Sun Cemetery
  7. That shell is way too big for the little guy Well done sis! I still too lazy to find my Hermit a new home
  8. Hey I thought we are not gonna talk about my Prata anymore... however... good news!!! I think the Prata is settling down... you see it is fatter than before... revealing lesser of the skeleton ... I think it will survive
  9. Thanks bro... yeah demoralizing is the word I'm trying to look for... really feel the pain from top to bottom... well, thanks for the pix, ur horrible looking Cyna does offer me a great deal of comfort I will wait and see... one day... my Prata will bloom to become the most beautiful Prata I've ever seen
  10. Hehe... so what's the next inspiring thing to do... buy unhealthy LS and corals?!?
  11. Ok let's change topic... we shall not discuss about the Prata until it recovers... seriously, it's just a piece of coral... and it's not even dead yet, I shall not let it extinguish my "fire" Here's how my new actinic blue lighting looks like... very very blue. My dream is to have the tank fluorence at night... with a good mix of colour... this dream will definitely take a long while to fulfill
  12. Really? It will not die? Phew Now I can sleep already Thanks bro for that little-bit-of-hope
  13. So how's ur tank running... without 1.5kg of Biohome?!? Muahaha... time to panic and nervous again Show us a pix of the Biostar Flotor in action... I wanna see your skimmate
  14. Now I am so so envy of you... look at my bloody Prata...
  15. Hey got baby Yumas on the rock!!! And I didn't know they have light blue Yuma
  16. Can I bring my Prata along? Since not doing well, might as well use it to accompany Red Wine
  17. Wow that's a very nice offer... take it bro!!!
  18. Post more pix lah... just like me... to distract and get myself over the Prata... I just keep on posting macro shots and blah
  19. Ok... I know what I'll do, I will focus on other things and try to forget the Prata for a day or two... if die, die lor... I don't care anymore
  20. One thing I like about Reborn is they always have nice cheap Zoos Was at T95 this afternoon... lots and lots of ANEMONES!!!
  21. Bro how's things? How's ur missing Pink Yuma doing?
  22. Ok I will do just that... will adding DT's Phyto helps? Or not feed it at all
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