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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. A nice mixture of Mushroom, Yuma and Florida... I can't even count the number of colours u got there!!! Do they like current? Or prefer low current flow? Coz different sources say different things. Confused I also not bad huh... look at my Zoos Garden I am newer than you... so show me the way
  2. I need to inprove my water conditions further... I wanna make sure all my current corals are healthy before I invest further. I could've use the $$$ to improve my para instead. Need to save up for the chiller also... Which is a better brand for chiller? (Quiet, reliable and powerful) 1. Arctica 2. Hailea 3. Aqua Medic 4. Teco 5. Resun Note: I will not attempt Prata for a while unless I come across a very healthy specimen... open fully that kind
  3. Look at those Yumas!!! Your tank is definitely not HUMBLE at all!!! Welcome
  4. 27ºC is good. I think my chiller kicks-in at least 8 times a day, depending on the time of the day. If at night, the chilling will take less than an hour... but still... someone is gonna kill me this month once the electricity bill comes
  5. It's $359.00!!! Yeah... it will cost too much to get 2 of them to achieve circular flow... and not to mention having 2 huge dumbells in the tank... ain't pretty for sure Once the SEIOS got coralline algae over them... they can be quite alright
  6. True... no filter... do you think 2 Tunze Streams can do the job? But again, Streams are even bigger Are you still looking for some kinda mechanical filter? Seems like you are relying on Biological and Chemical now. Wait... I think protein skimmer is considered Mechanical.
  7. Bro... ur Seios look like surveillance cameras... like a maximum security camp!!! Does it bother you having so many pumps visible inside the tank?
  8. Quite evidently so... I am getting all sweaty now... thanks to my chiller
  9. I am not getting the MCE600 Need to invest in a more powerful chiller. I can't stand the chiller running all the time
  10. I'm using a Sicce Multi 2500 Flow is: Tank (Back compartment) ---> Chiller (1.2m away, chiller on a chair) ---> Tank (1.2m to a split outlet with duck beak)
  11. I heard from reefers that Cleaner Shrimps will not clean once they grow big... so if I wanna keep my fishes clean... can't think of other alternatives
  12. Emm... my fishes seem to prefer the new (smaller) shrimps... probably because their claws are smaller, or simply less intimidating If that's the case, I will have to add in new shrimps every 3 months or so. Any real reason for that?
  13. I am using a Teco RA240 (TW/4) and I am not very happy with the power. Originally bought it for my Nano Cube. This afternoon, with all my lights on... the Teco ran for 2 hours to bring down 1ºC (28ºC to 27ºC). That was way too long
  14. Yeah I used the JBJ site to calculate lor... very interesting In the end they recommend me go for 1/5hp. Guys, what other chillers can run quieter than Artica? I have very sensitive ears... must be the damage during the 80's... u know Aiwa Walkman... Michael Jackson...
  15. Thought u were at LFS If my Phosphate doesn't go 0 by next week, I may try out Phosbuster too. I think they have Nitratbuster too right?
  16. Thanks.... so it's "level" spoon. Coz all other Salifert test kits mention "one level spoon", so when the Mg kit doesn't say "level"... I was confused.
  17. I believe it depends on ur room temperature also... I don't switch on the air-conditioner, so room temperature usually 28ºC to 30ºC (sometimes higher during day time) I am running the following pumps in my tank: 1. Aqua Medic PH2000 (skimmer) 2. Sicce Multi 800l/h 3. Sicce Multi 1300l/h 4. Sicce Multi 2500l/h 5. Tunze Stream 6000 6. Tunze Turbelle 1600/2 (12 hours a day @ night) Any of the above pumps should be replaced? Oh I've already checked at JBJ website, they recommend me using the 1/5hp model.
  18. You have such a high water volume (main tank + sump)... u sure 1/3hp is good enough? I am thinking of getting 1/2hp... but will it be overkill?
  19. Emm... maybe we can buy together Which model r u looking at?
  20. Yeah can try first... you need to mix them anyway... it will be insane to have 2 dozens of $$$ Yumas
  21. Guys... my chiller ran for 2 hours during the height of the lighting period (2 150W MH + 2 39W T5)... that is unacceptable Just wondering... will 28ºC - 29ºC upset my corals? Coz I find it very difficult to maintain anything lower than that.
  22. Now I remember... those tanks in front of the Anemone pools... those are not very impressive leh
  23. Bro you seen my Yellow/Orange spotted Yuma, right? Ah Pek really selling a rock (presumably more than 1 mouth) for $15?
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