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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yeah... Fromia is a very very nice star... compared to your "lizards" New discover... new colony of True Red Goniopora forming behind the rock, on the left. Will rotate the rock tomorrow to allow more light to the new colony.
  2. Hey! What is that?!? Err... bro... a bit too many distractions in a day right?
  3. Hehe... still have plenty of space New addition... Pink Ric Florida... looks very similar to my Yuma actually... 1 polyp, 2 mouths Still not opening fully
  4. New Red Fromia... from bro QX tank
  5. All the best... bring back some rare/exotic specimens... don't bring back Batam Zoos hor
  6. Really nice specimen leh...
  7. I already done all that... not crystal clear lor
  8. Green Yumas?!? Very intense colour leh... and many polyps also... bro you paid $200 for this piece?
  9. I like your decoding... by far the most creative and most "######"
  10. HOT HOT HOT!!! FIREshrimp This specimen stay hidden for a month before gathered enough courage to wander to the foreground
  11. Bro... what's wrong with you these days? Suddenly so romantic and erotic... I think the Crocea inspires you a lot
  12. You mean my Blue Sea Fan or Deep Blue Sea??? Stop using codes... see... everything I see nowadays... I see codes... can someone help me decode what my LS is trying to tell me?
  13. You so skinny still wanna slim down?!? I think better drink salt water... surely can become "salted fish" one
  14. PIX PIX PIX!!! Bro, if I ever get my hands on a True Blue Zoos... will frag you 1 polyp lor
  15. Because you let your parents touch your tank... I think having the chiller facing the door is not a bad choice, although ugly. The warm air can share with your neighbouts mah But it will block almost half your tank lah... maybe build another wood encasement (not fully) so that you can stand/sit of it... paint it black lor
  16. This guy is getting weirder everyday...
  17. Dunno what to say... really... you are gonna make your neighbours so so jealous since your tank is facing the main door
  18. His first clam I think... Bro do you know that clams can also help consume NO3??? You can rely on your clam to help you reduce your NO3 level lor... but you probably need 50 pieces for your tank size
  19. They do look quite happy and healthy... must be your healthy specimens Don't bro I will definitely take very good care of them I will keep them so huge I "kena" force to upgrade to a 6ft tank
  20. Do drop by more often... I update everyday
  21. Well... how about a 6ft tank? Probably in 2 to 3 years time
  22. More exotic Zoos coming... I am now trying to find all over the place... I am running out of place soon and I need to have a plan to separate them (somehow) so that the the $3 a rock Zoos will not grow over my more exquisite Zoos Perhaps 2 Gardens instead of 1.
  23. Hehe bro... you are just starting right from 0... trust me... it takes a long long time (and lot's of newbies mistakes) to really capture what the ocean is all about... me 3 months in the hobby, progressing extremely fast (too fast in fact) and still learning a few new things everyday... don't worry, take it slow... it's ok to do some newbie mistakes here and there... just be careful about 2 very crucial issues: 1, Electircal - don't play play... disaster #1 2. Salt water - try your best to keep the water inside your tank... if you sorta anticipate something, trust me it will happen... disaster #2 Welcome to the club!!!
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