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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I feel so left out... if not becoz of possible itch outbreak... I will go rob a bank... and get myself a Black Cap
  2. If that's the case, then u r already using the right tubes... does the Pink Zoos glow? Especially the center ring? What about ur Green Yumas? Do they all glow under ur blue light?
  3. You already using Aqualite Blue? AM JK. Can you post a pix of ur tank with the 2 blue on? Don't edit the colour
  4. DD Actinic Plus is good, I'm using 1. But I recently bought an Aqualite actinic from AM for 1/3 the DD price,,, can't tell the difference lor But bro... before you change the tubes... do consider this... most of the corals you bought today will look black/grey/dark brown under actinic blue...
  5. Hey your Red Man Eater is very very nice!!!
  6. Bro why not change 2 tubes to true blue tubes? Only then you can see the true colours of ur corals... then you can tell if the Pink Zoos are common or not... if it fluorence under true blue, then urs is not common
  7. You go to my thread and see lor... I still dunno how lor
  8. KH a bit high (I think), Nitrate a bit high... try to bring it down to below 10. Everything else seems alright... em... Zoos not opening is a very serious sign How old are your test kits? First hand or bought from other reefers?
  9. I am so so happy you bought the Black Cap... at least I got to see it in ur thread... a very nice selection of fishies... very carefully selected How's the hydrocarbon? Post a pix lah... I filled my sand bed with it already... better coz my Stream can't mess up my sand bed anymore
  10. The mouth is extending out... not a very common sight... could it be... the mouth reaching out for food? Coz I feed the corals (pour into tank) Jervis' mix using Reefroid, Cyclopeeze and Zooplanktons.
  11. Extremely beautiful under actinic blue...
  12. Corceas... Been with me for more than 2 months ler
  13. Got a feeling Ric.F shipment in season... so plenty of opportunities... just make sure ur wallet is thick enough when u go there Top View... I think you guys are quite sick of my Hammers already lor
  14. Top View of my lovely Zoos Garden Major rescaping require... after I acquired the ultimate Zoos next week (hopefully)
  15. Rare Top View... Sea Fan still surviving... seems to do better in front of my Tunze Stream
  16. True... Zoos are not algaes... so if possible do give away... you will find a lot of bro will travel to your place to collect it... but those scrap off from rocks are quite hard to keep alive... unless buried on the sandbed.
  17. Sis you mix Yuma and Ric F together? They don't fight?
  18. Hehe... check my thread... of course will not let go such good chance lah
  19. Nice one all gone... I was there 11am, already nothing much left
  20. Oh I'm so in love with wavy LPS Must add more large/nice specimens already... especially the top tier (currently pretty empty)
  21. Thanks for the confirmation... will my Yuma attack it? Heard not suppose to put them too near each other... how true?
  22. Wah bro! You got ur pay on the 15th ah? Must be "damage" top down inside out
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