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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. It is looking extremely healthy!!!
  2. Your sump looks kinda nice... how I wish I can have a sump All the cool equipments... limitless
  3. Emm... the died branch is showing sign of life again... I shall take that as a sign of encouragement
  4. Very nice piece of equipment there... do a review of it lah! Can't wait to see the skimmate
  5. Hehe... the Prata is looking quite healthy... at last I can keep a Prata alive
  6. Emm... anemone is not as fun as it seems... they will hide and die... mine is still somewhere hidden
  7. Emm... I will give you higher priority but it's an open market in the end of the day... hope you don't mind
  8. I must say they are extremely beautiful... jsut afraid they will jump out of my tank
  9. Oh so sad... I wish this hobby can be less maintenance and more economical
  10. Wow! And you have so many of them...
  11. I got a feeling my 2 Tangs will survive despite the ichs... at least they are still feeding "like pigs" and yes, I do add Garlic Guard to the pellets. Some Tangs live with ichs on their body for years... but I have to be extra careful when introducing new fishes.
  12. Very solid looking scaping... but only suitable for small fishes. Beware of those Firefish... they are very prone to jumping
  13. Hehe... I will be selling in 2 weeks time... yes, will keep you informed. Finally, bought a pinpoint pH monitor just now and it is showing 8.1 - 8.2
  14. Beware of those Sea Urchins... can be very toxic when they died... remove them once they look "not right"... treat them the same as Anemones.
  15. Ok I will remove my Hermit this week, will donate it to AM
  16. It's hard to define with words... but for my case... the US Zoos does stand out from the rest in terms of colour (especially under actinic)... so far I only have 2 rare Zoos... tomorrow will collect 2 more US frags, perhaps I can give a more definitive definition then.
  17. I'm back guys!!! Bro Marble, I can't install a UV to my setup as it will destroy the System Reef-resh bacteria I add into my tank daily Bro Hammy, yeah I will do it slowly... I heard ATI fixture (6 tubes) arriving next week... made in Germany with silver reflector... blah blah... new chiller... em... will shop around for the best model/brand/price
  18. Bro I am using one... actually not too bad lah... depending on how you control the sliding speed really. At first mine keep on dropping too, now I attached the string that comes with it, but I seldom drop my magnet coz now I know how to control it. Yeah, gotto be very careful when the magnet drops/near the sand bed. If you see any sand trapped between the magnets. Must use the string to detach them already, or else you will see scratches on your glass/acrylic
  19. I can feel your anguish... I just hope that day will not come to me... I had a similar "near disaster" incident last week, my JBJ Digi-lab (to check water Sg) gone haywire... so my Sg was in the region of 1.025 to 1.028!!! And yes... fishes especially the smaller ones then to disappear every other day... Again, how long are your test kits!!! Test kits normally don't last more than 1 year upon opening... still can use, but can give u inconsistent readings... If you still have fishies/corals in ur tank, add back some form of activated carbon into your tank. Any brands will do... they are vital coz u have so much die-off and toxins in your tank right now. Is your protein skimmer doing a good job? Yes... although troublesome... water change... maybe 10% every day... but if the problem lies with the hydrometer... then changing water will not help much as. Another way is to bring your water to a kind LFS to check, they may not check everything for you... but Sg, pH and those simple ones should be no problem... if they refuse to help, don't buy from them and do inform us who the LFS so that I can boycott them.
  20. I am planning for my next move and I have too many scenarios/directions I can move towards... perhaps you guys can help me out. Scenario 1: 1. Downgrade MH to 6 tubes of 3ft T5 HO (Solite Type 4, most probably) 2. Stick to my current chiller Teco RA240 (temperature setting 27ºC to 28ºC) 3. Change my Sicce Multi 2500 to Aquabee 3000 - to chiller 4. Change my Sicce Multi 1300 to Aquabee 1000 5. Change my Sicce Multi 800 to Aquabee 1000 (to support extra item 6) 6. Get another AM Phosphatfilter to avoid sharing (currently 50% Antiphos, 50% Carbolit) Scenario 2: 1. Stick to my current MH (Solite Type 3) 2. Upgrade chiller to Arctica 1/4hp (temperature setting 26ºC to 27ºC) 3. No upgrading of pumps/powerheads (no budget already lor) Scenario 3: 1. Stick to my current MH (Solite Type 3) 2. Upgrade chiller to TR12 (temperature setting 26ºC to 27ºC) 3. Change my Sicce Multi 2500 to Aquabee 3000 - to chiller 4. Change my Sicce Multi 1300 to Aquabee 1000 5. Change my Sicce Multi 800 to Aquabee 1000 (to support extra item 6)
  21. My tank feels so empty without the Lyretail Anthias... just now feeding also no "shiok"... The problem is... ich can still be seen on my Chevron Tang (in the morning especially)... so must control myself and wait at least 3 to 4 more weeks before I can add new fishes During that time, I will also try to catch my 3" Maroon Clown out and try to give away to other reefers with larger tank I'm going outstation today... will be back tomorrow evening... hopefullly everything will be alright when I return... no dried fishies trapped in my back compartments
  22. I initially bought the pump to power my chiller externally... then found out the difficulty of doing a closed loop... then try fitting the OR2500 into my back compartments... cannot fit nicely... Price is neg.
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