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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. $85?!? Emm... can't be Six Line as I bought mine for $4
  2. Already feeding inside the LFS tank... on pellets
  3. My newest addition Once introduced, the Cleaner Shrimps gathered around my 2 Blue Eye Anthias to clean them off dead scales and parasites
  4. Cleaner Shrimp caught busy chewing a fish pellet... the Yuma behind is not healty looking... been like that since its introduction 2 weeks ago
  5. Furry Green Leather... I wonder if the tentacles will extent out as normal leathers
  6. 4 line? Em... quite hard to see the real pattern on the fish... u sure it is not a 6 line? Coz 6 line is damn easy to keep... they are scavengers!!!
  7. Sis please show us a pix. Kinda hard to visualize ur situation
  8. 2 Tunzes are too strong for a 3ft setup. Bro Altantis is using 2 Streams for his 4ft tank. For 5ft... definitely need strong current
  9. Yeah... 2 Tunze Stream running alternating current using Multicontroller 7095... heaven Do post more pictures of your setup... it's nice to see setup pix... makes me wanna start another tank... hand gets itchy
  10. Pumping Xenia... pump pump right... pump pump left... pump pump Aquabee
  11. Will go get a new pump tomorrow... to replace the Sicce Multi 2500 currently bringing water through my chiller... as the distance is quite far (head loss & blah)... I suspect the flow is way too weak to chill the tank efficiently. Will get an Aquabee 3000 (maybe 3500 or 4000) tomorrow. Am really impressed by the Aquabee 1000 I bought 2 days ago... very very impressed
  12. 30ÂșC is kinda high lor... fishes no prob (those hardy ones)... corals must be very selective... IMO Zoos (Zoanthus) is your best choice... start with them first. Mushroom can sometimes melt in warm water As for skimmer, not a lot of reefers own such tiny skimmers... you might have to get a new piece. IMO you can start off with a $10 air-stone protein skimmer + an air pump. Once you get more advanced... you can look for a more effective unit... by then... trust me... you will be planning for an upgrading to a larger tank
  13. Bro Xer I guess you won't be needing my timebomb anymore
  14. Check out the Pasar Malam section... what's ur budget? Perhaps we can help recommend a good skimmer for you (and place to purchase)
  15. YEah bro... it will be a lot easier for us to support you in the Members section. See you there
  16. I have been using Aqua Medic Antiphos in a Aqua Medic Phosphatfilter for more than a month now...lots of algae... last week, I added a bottle of Aquapharm Sorb-4 and the algae problem is not as bad as before... this is a new product, so have yet to be tested in the long term... but I recommend you to give it a try... it's a lot cheaper than Rowaphos. Bought mine from AM.
  17. Sis you can try this website: www.liveaquaria.com Don't worry so much... this is a damn fun hobby... and you will surely make mistakes lor no matter how careful... so just learn along the way...
  18. I can see a very beautiful BE Anthias there... nice My next fish
  19. Bro please edit your previous 2 pix (you still have 10 minutes left to do so)... extra large images are very hard to see and usually take a long time to open
  20. Red Gonio... Pink Gonio... Green Star Polyps... White-banded Cleaner Shrimp (4 in total)... Red Mushroom
  21. Buying fish food is a good thing... just don't buy Nemo as fish food
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