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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I know... it keeps me wondering how overpriced are they... Korean made... I can buy 3 Japanese made fridges As for me, after the changing of powerheads/pumps... and with the help of iks to better help me manage my power consumption/equipments... I think I can still use my old Teco. My Teco RA240 is only 225W... almost all new chillers are much higher than that... a Resun can easily double that!!! So in the end... I may end up paying more electricity bill if I get a larger chiller I already have plans on how to make the full use of my iks... I might even connect my chiller (and the pump) to the iks to further increase power efficiency. Exciting times ahead!!!
  2. Unfavourable water conditions... what's ur calcium level? KH affects too... Strontium too (I think)... good luck My Green Star Polyps colony is spreading at a nice rate... the specimen been with me for 2 months already and I notice growth of at least 20% Strong flow is a must
  3. Guys... due to change of plans... I will be keeping my Soilte MH and Teco chiller... the ATI 6 tubes T5 fixture is selling at $900 Way over my budget I've allocated the upgrading budget in getting the IKS Aquastar instead
  4. How about some fruits to go along?
  5. I bought the remaining 2 BE Anthias yesterday... feeding on pellets!!! Amazing Those Evansis are very beautiful but unfortunately not feeding... tried pellets and live brine shrimp Was considering... but better leave it to someone with more experience
  6. I will drop by on Wednesday... was at AM just now... new shipment... lots of extremely cute CLOWN TRIGGERs and a couple of CORAL BEAUTY
  7. I think using bottled distilled water is the best! Make sure you recycle the bottles
  8. How about some mushrooms? Someone's watching
  9. My 3 month old Crocea... snakeskin pattern... looking very happy after feeding Jervis' Mix
  10. So who makes better pumps? Eheim or Aquabee?
  11. Another of my favourite... perfect for Quarantine tank
  12. Tunze Nano Stream!!! I heard it's gonna be quite costly... double the price of a Stream
  13. Wow! A pump that can last 8 years!!! So, I can expect an Aquabee to last at least 10 years What's the flow rate of your circulation pump?
  14. Fattest... let me guess... Blue Tang?!?
  15. Hahaha... nothing beats the Pasar Malam section when it comes to great bargain!!! Wow! The 3 Aquabee powerheads are so so silent... almost no sound at all... impressive Worth every single cent
  16. Emm... your Mandarin looks very skinny... is it feeding on mysis/brine/pellets?
  17. Thanks to my very rich uncle (Visa) and extremely rich widowed aunty (Amex)
  18. My new BE Anthias... save and sound Eating like... err... Anthias
  19. Pump upgrading is complete Sicce Multi 2500 (55W) to Aquabee 3000 (45W) - Chiller Sicce Multi 1300 (20W) to Aquabee 1000 (10W) - IOS Circulation Sicce Multi 800 (13W) to Aquabee 500 (5W) - Aqua Medic Phosphatfilter Savings in Watts: 28W Heat reduction: Priceless
  20. Hehe... just came back from RD... introducing my new toy The shipment will only come in next week / week after next
  21. Link to the Ocean Ambassador Programme http://www.underwaterworld.com.sg/fun_ocean_ambassador.htm
  22. Great! I already got 2 guys interested. So 4 already... keep coming Most probably we will have 2 Saturday sessions, 5 hours each (incl. 1 hour lunch). Transportation shouldn't be a problem (I guess).
  23. Oh 48W is a big big improvement (compared to your current 18W). Personally, I don't think your double PL will create too much heat since you are already using a fan to cool the water surface. You getting 2 separate fixture? If yes, then you can have 1 white tube, 1 blue tube. Put the separate fixture on timer to create day and night views
  24. Guys, I came across a programme called OCEAN AMBASSADOR presented by Underwater World Sentosa. It's a 2 day, 5 hours each session for group of at least 15 participants. I have no information on the fees yet, but if you guys are interested, I can do some homework. Here are some of the activities: 1. Marine life conservation talk 2. Guided tour of the Underwater World 3. Behind-the-scene tour 4. Meet the trainers 5. Meet-the-Dolphin session 6. Dolphin interaction 7. Assist in food preparation 8. Feeding of animals 9. Washing of fish kitchen 10. Blah blah blah... I don't dare to post in the main forum... thinking of doing is low-key... so do let me know if you guys are interested, we can bring our partners, friends and family members along (sorry, only 13 yo and above). Gonna be fun... especially the Behind-the-scene tour... can't wait to see all the GIANT SKIMMERS and etc... gonna make all our tanks seems like PICO
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