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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. True true... seems like you guys are way too stressed... enjoy the hobby If you guys too free now (while waiting for things to settle down)... why don't you share with us your lifestock plan? You must be extra careful when stocking as the tank is small and "lid-less"... so there are some species you shall avoid
  2. I heard Arctica is more silent... if money is not a problem... the choice is pretty obvious
  3. T5 actinic blue x 2... my 2 MHs are not "on"
  4. Haha... you want my Big Mama?!? Here's the result of extra high Calcium, continuous dosing of Strontium and long duration of actinic blue... lovely
  5. Top shot... somehow reminds me of a fish farm or something...
  6. Mine too... kinda annoying at first... but you'll get use to it in a jiffy!
  7. I am interested in Item 1... can you kindly post a pix that shows the colour more clearly? Thanks in advance
  8. Xenia... white/silver in colour... notice a new colony in the forming I heard they spread like wildfire
  9. Bro and sis... you want the ultimate advice? Don't worry... that's the wonderful thing about nature... there isn't good and bad... they are all interlinked... if you wish not to do anything to the LR, that's acceptable too. How many of us really go and ID every single creature on the LR? Turn your focus on the equipments, lifestock research and water parameters instead... before you know it... time to upgrade to a 2ft tank
  10. Bro... your Leather is extending extremely well... its a very good indication that your tank is ready... ready for more challenges
  11. Javier... don't give up... you just reminded me starting up a new tank with uncured LR can be so much fun I bought my LR from fellow reefers, so mostly very clean, no surprises and no fun stuff I still think you can try Hypersalinity the LR to remove the worms and crabs. It's fun to see them crawl out for help!!!
  12. I think I know what's that... don't worry, they are just some filter feeders... harmless.
  13. Hahaha... looking great! More colours!!!
  14. Yes corals do sting each other especially Hammers!!! But I don't think my Hammer can stretch that far yet... probably due to lack of lighting and current flow.
  15. Another method is to Hyper the rocks... mix a pail of water with very high Sg... 1.028 to 1.030... soak the LR into it for 2 minutes. All the creatures will either explode or crawl out... hahaha... it works for me. I think it's better than soaking in freshwater.
  16. New position... higher with stronger flow [the Red Mushroom is under the Green Star Polyps]
  17. Old position (yesterday)... slightly under the Hammer's shadow... probably not getting enought light [take the Red Mushroom below as a reference point]
  18. My Neon Pink Gonio... finally opening... morale of the story... if your coral ain't open... change its position... this guy opens after I moved it yesterday
  19. Not good... you can't have 2 "day" time in a day The corals will get very confused... here's a better plan: 1. Start with actinic blue (sunrise) 2. White and blue (noon) 3. Blue (night) all the way till end day. If you enjoy seeing your corals in white light, you can time it to switch on after working hours. The corals can't tell, as long as you provide them at least 8 hours of white light. So for you can on at 2pm, off at 10pm. Then you can enjoy blue view after 10pm.
  20. Don't "flame" me... RBTA... tick tock tick tock
  21. It is eating already... should be a "hungry ghost" pretty soon... yalor new toy coming... hopefully no delay for the shipment... yes will do a full review on the iks aquastar
  22. They are buddy now... my YT always following my Chevy around... I think my Doc Wrasse bring them together
  23. Phew they fought for 30 minutes... glad the war is over
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