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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I introduced an AM Nitratreductor 1000 6 weeks ago and can see progressive improvements even me adding LS often.
  2. That's not a Xenia... but yes, the tentacles do sting. So if it grows too huge... then good and bad news lor... good news is your water is damn good... bad news is you might need to move it to a larger tank There is no Aunty in Ah Beng shop lor... with both Uncle and Aunty... it should be called Chinatown already, lol!!!
  3. But your tank can make it loh :o
  4. Since it's delayed... a new diagram to help me cure my itch for the time being... enjoy
  5. That's why I mentioned technology and gadgets... that include computer and digicam... lol!!!
  6. Very nice... can see the improvements from 1 month ago... now you know how much technology and gadgets help in this hobby right?
  7. At one point... during my Nano days... by tiny BT also hide inside my Toadstool... and that is really odd!!! The TBT is still with me... but no more Toadstool for it
  8. Nemo + Frogspawn??? Emm... fishes are so unpredictable nowadays... mine play with Zoos!!! Totally bizzarre...
  9. Emm... very nice actinic colour there... I am quite convinced lor with ATI tubes... the problem now is I can't get rid of my MH fixture without losing an arm and a leg
  10. Oh dear... what am I gonna do... there's no sign of any crab lor Maybe I can try to set a trap for it But I got a feeling the injured fin will recover within a week the most... my Spotted Mandarin also "kena" same injury to the tail, recovered after 10 days. Any other ways to tell if there's a crab in my tank? I do not have any missing fish lor
  11. Mine too!!! I gave it to the guy who bought my equipment as a freebie!!!
  12. Haizzz just got a call from LFS, shipment delayed... (kinda predicted actually)... will only get it 2 weeks later No point get angry lor... I just need to turn my attention to something else for a while... em... maybe get new corals lor!!!
  13. Updatez bro... can't wait lah!!!
  14. Bro your connection tube to your FR is "disaster-waiting-to-happen"... you wanna apply some silicon around it?... just in case... just to be sure And your DIY skill on the lights can go commercial already lor... next time we partner ok? I open fish shop... you can introduce in-house product... emm... kinda sound familiar isn't it?
  15. I am also very happy today... manage to sell both the OR2500 and Digital PH Monitor... already collected!!! Irwana... here I come :o
  16. So sad... injured fin spotted Who's the culprit? 1) 3" Chevron Tang 2) 2.5" Yellow Tang 3) 3" Maroon Clown 4) False Percula 5) 2" Blue Tang 6) Leopard Wrasse 7) BE Anthias x 2 8) Cleaner Wrasse 9) Purple Firefish x 2 10) 2" Six Line Wrasse 11) Spotted Mandarin 12) Randall Goby (missing in action)
  17. Sorry... for my late response... My Leopard Wrasse comes out everyday... around noon time till 10pm (after dinner). Mine not shy at all... sometimes steal food from my Suns and Prata... so angry!!! Em... perhaps you have an aggressive fish in your tank... so the wrasse feels intimidated and hide all the time. That is quite a logical explaination.
  18. So bro how's ur planning for the new equipment? Don't tell me you will shock us with more than 1 new toy!!!
  19. Bought some shrimps from Cold Storage just now... those small/tiny ones, shells removed... a bit too huge for fishies... here's the first shrimp... "kena" trapped by my anemone
  20. Hahaha... this hobby is all about spending money... to some... No news from the LFS yet... dunno if I can get the set this week
  21. I dunno bout hi-end brand anymore... my Turboflotor cost around 10 times ur Jebo (incl. pump) and I don't get this kinda thick mud-like skimmate... it's so so scary
  22. Hehe grassy grassy type will come pretty soon Oh you can throw in 2 Sand Sifting Stars... they are very hardworking and help stir the sandbed... love em.
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