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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Ok... this is my pick of the day... went Pasir Ris twice today I also bought some fishies... will update later Can any experienced reefer help me ID this coral? From Tonga
  2. Bro when r u adding another piece of equipment? Share leh... you should start doing reviews already Just now was fun... so u manage to finish work on time? Oh still need to go collect my paid coral after meeting Who knows... I may get the Flame Hawk... let me check at Liveaquaria.com first
  3. The Aquabee Pump already costs more than that lah!!! If $100 I will buy and keep it for my future tank
  4. Hehe... sorry if I over-dramatized the situation with the word "sucks"... but guys I sorta know bro Colinsoon for a while so it's more like a joke lah... you think the LR from bro Qx still available? Coz I've seen them (3 weeks ago) and they look like high quality LR to me
  5. My thread opens 24/7... do drop by more often Coz exciting times ahead... who says that the hobby in Singapore is dying off?!? Not while I'm around!!!
  6. Last pix of the night Can you guys spot my small colony of US Zoos? It's tan skirting with bright yellow center... very tiny polyps but been growing since I bought it over from bro Vanquish On the top right corner... one of my oldest coral since my Nano Cube dayz... brown Alveopora... looking totally unattractive under blue light
  7. After the market shrimp feeding... my Prata is opening up bigger than ever... of course my Bloodshrimp's favourite food is Indian Cuisine
  8. Can you see a very dull looking Zoos colony on the LR? I am hoping to see any form of improvements with increase lighting... so moved it up as an experiment. Will be able to see the result in a few days time
  9. My last drop of DT's... gonna need to get another bottle soon
  10. Yeah try to find a specimen that can take the junior nudis for breakfast... must be bite size lah... best of luck!!! Oh must "kowtow" to your Zoos collection... very nice indeed
  11. Bro... your scaping does sucks haha... just like me when I tried to rescape my tank... in the end trying to hard... you have too many small pieces... so you end up playing Lego building the Great Wall of China I'm sure you know what to do next Actually you are putting lots of pressure on yourself... for a new tank like yours... you shouldn't introduce injured corals into your tank... coz it can be quite demotivating (most of the time) seeing corals die in your tank... remember my Red Prata? I was so stressed at that time...
  12. Bro you are getting extremely pro lor... keep up the momentum!!!
  13. Haha bro... I'm not gonna defend my position as you have your point of view there... I am communicating with bro Altantis coz I know he spent quite a bit lately... trying to reassure him that all his hard-earned money is well spent And yes as mentioned, technology includes photography and also a computer with photo editing software
  14. Thanks all for the kind words... yeah the tentacles are quite impressive... I just hope that they will do well under my new lighting... hehe... Oh bro Max, my YT is a She... coz she's on diet... she only take salad... without dressing some more!!!
  15. Yay!!! Finally my Yellow Tang is eating!!! Local Lettuce from Cold Storage
  16. Starfish accident... must show pix lah... this kinda pix will surely get highlight of the week!!!
  17. You have so so many toys inside your sump... and that white waste basket looks very familiar lor... r u using the lid also?
  18. A nice shot of my tank... looks pretty full to me
  19. Here's how huge my Hammer will open
  20. Koi? Or Arowana? Inside Ah Beng premise thre are actually 2 LFS. 1 full with Ah Bengs... 1 manned by Uncle and Aunty. I got a feeling you were in the right place, but wrong LFS. Ah Beng is the one further away from the road... inside one.
  21. So they will be attracted to the lights and come out? Emm... dun mind trying at all coz I am curious how my corals will look like under red light bro!
  22. Here's a pix of my beautiful Chevron... you guys can consider this fish... it is hardy, beautiful and not very aggressive
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