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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I hope your beautiFOOL is a typo bro... seriously... you really think I dislike you? (as claimed by you previously)... don't be silly... I you!!! Look at your avatar... who can resist her?!? She's your mermaid right... and we all love her... but bro, don't change your avatar to some horrid face or else other reefers will go Hero?!? Em... hero is in the making... a certain partition tank... with nice nice SUNS... how's your Injured Sanctuary going?
  2. Hahaha... next project... well... considering that this tank is only 2+ months old... I am trying my best to hold on to this Perc90 as long as possible to justify the amount of resources consumed in setting it up... although I don't live with my parents (thank G_d phew!) but living with my internal affairs minister can be as restrictive at times... 8ft?!? I don't think can fit into my tiny little study room lor
  3. Rather not risk adding then... after removing Big Mama (3.5" female Maroon Clown)... my tank is very peaceful now... dun wanna create unnecessary stir as my rescaping is stressful enough for my fishies
  4. Oh what's that wrasse in your avatar? Very pretty... I am thinking of introducing another wrasse into my tank... currently 1 Six-line Wrasse (a $4 fish that turn out to be extremely beautiful colouration) and 1 Leopard Wrasse (female).
  5. Well... they do hide a lot... so probably yours decided not to come out to the open... or your tank has some aggressive fishes that keep terrorizing them... it's scary actually... a tiny little fish living in an enclosed area together with a Trigger (for example) or Big Mama!!!
  6. I do not not have the address but walking a bit far... still can lah (if determined)... basically selection so so only... sometimes got GEMs inside the special tank... but that old man must bargain one lor
  7. Last pix of the night Very happy tonight... finally... Ric.F by the rocks... to the kind bro that sold me these 2 rocks... love it!!!
  8. My little guy... starting to get bolder... MIA for a while actually... thought gone already Bro Maxstar... another pal for your 2 local gobies
  9. Hey guys... when both of you log on using diff nick can be quite confusing lor... it took me a while to recall... I was like... I thought bro Dazza is not offering u leh...
  10. U referring to T95??? Near Jalan Kayu? Yes still around... and the old man (wearing very thick specs) is as old as ever!!!
  11. If you can't find Pasar Malam, you can try a new unit... I saw a piece at AM (J.Kayu) the other day If you wanna know how a SEIO looks like, you can visit bro HAMMY's thread, he used to have 4 SEIOS in his 2ft cube!!! Those SEIOs nicknamed CCTV They will serve your tank well IMO.
  12. Oh dear... white spots just emerge like that? You added any LS these few days?
  13. You're welcome One thing for sure... if you guys can maintain this little tank and get it stabilized... you guys will have not problem at all handling a much larger tank (in terms of stability of parameters)
  14. Emm... I can check with "someone"... but if I remember correctly... the name doesn't start with an "O"
  15. Some very pretty hitchiker growing out of my Zoos Garden... I think it's some kinda Xenia. 10 days ago... this guy been growing like wildfire!!!
  16. It's amazing how my Zoos can withstand stings from my pest anemone... amazing!!!
  17. Hehe you don't need a CR to grow coralline... for me, I'm using a simple Kalkwasser dispenser connected to the top-up pump. But still need to add Calcium Hydroxide (powder) into the dispenser every week. Nah dun worry... I was just being picky... as long as your corals are growing fine... Oh nice night shot
  18. Yeah I can tell the 3 colonies... somewhat similar to mine... you are not trying to recreate my tank are you?!? Oh what a waste... yes that's the problem with clams that doesn't come with a small base rock... mine was also stuck on my LR for the longest time... what I did was... I moved it (sorta stretch it) for a few times (whenever my hand is inside the tank)... then the last attempt I just pulled it slightly harder... mine survived
  19. Another thing... not much coralline growing... what's your calcium lvl? Perhaps other more experienced bros can help advise on how to cultivate more coralline algae
  20. Wah stay low for 2 months and suddenly come back with a BANG!!! Love your Hammers... r they the long or tentacle type? I got 1 long and 2 short ... wait... something happened to your clam?
  21. Thank YOU... I do hope so... but kinda pity see that piece split into 7 parts Definitely will update you guys... in fact I'm thinking of starting a new thread to record the splitting of Ric.F overtime... where you guys suggest me start this thread?
  22. Oh yeah... just like someone... been there done that... nah... I still need to save up for my next project
  23. Spend $5000 to fill up the sand bed? Emm... maybe I'll use Zoos instead
  24. You know what? Actually you sorta reminded me about Rics... and I sorta start searching in the Pasar Malam section... yes to you!!! Nope, enough Anthias for the time being
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