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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. That colony of Pink Zoos also very familiar looking lor... Sis Monki to leave a spot empty for your lucky free gift!!! I wonder how the Pink Zoos look like under blue/actinic
  2. Why not get a car... that will be much easier than shifting house right? You can go anywhere to shop non-stop!!! I know you guys were j/k
  3. Damn it... that tank is more than 10x my volume... definitely need more than a Gold Mountain... a Diamond Mine or a Uranium Excavation Site for sure This is the tank that a bro was criticizing the other day right? His eyes must be too "Red" to see
  4. Yeah agree... me too... gotto save enough for the big bang... wait until I learn how to properly handle chopped Anemone first lor... right now still struggling
  5. I got a feeling yes... I can tell how much I've learned by the way I handle the situation yesterday... I'm glad there is a forum like SRC... imagine trying to handle it alone (without forum)... even going to LFS not gonna help coz they will probably tell you things like "no problem one lah... you see my tank... I got many anemone died in there... still can make it" or "you are in big trouble... in order to avoid crashing your tank... you need to buy this, this, this, this, this, this and this"
  6. Yes, the Salifert test kit will not show 0... it will only show <0.25 (if I can remember correctly). But having it between 0.25 - 0.5 is still quite worrying... no chance to check this morning. Will do it later tonight... before and after another round of 10% water change. Hopefully I don't have to continue dosing the KM Ammonia Detox coz chemicals are always chemicals
  7. There could be other reasons too: 1) Normally protein skimmers require 2 to 3 days to kick-in before they can product nice nice foam 2) If your tank is very new... probably there is nothing much for the skimmer to skim 3) You might bought an incompatible pump/powerhead for the skimmer... check if there's any indication on the skimmer that indicates recommended pump rating 4) Pump/powerhead is one of the few equipments that will run 24/7. You will find most reefers here invest in good pumps (such as Aquabee, Eheim, Tunze, Aqua Medic, Iwaki & etc.) Good pumps will usually save electricity bill (lower in wattage), emit less heat (due to better quality and lower wattage) and will offer reliability in the long run... we are talking about a pump that can run without failure for 5 years and above
  8. Nice scaping btw... much much better than before
  9. Good to hear at least one of the musketeers survive... yeah I'm sure an active BT can help brightens up your tank... bro u really upgrading so soon?
  10. I've been looking for a piece for months now...
  11. Final pix of the day... everything seems so peaceful... just like another day... as if nothing had happened Oh my Neon Pink Gonio is not doing too well... sorta thinning away... let me find a new spot for it
  12. Yeah... I do... but still can't take chances lah... I have a total of exceeding 4-digit LS in there leh... let me count... 1... 2... 3... yupe... definitely above $1000 I'm just afraid after I try the Deltec... I cannot do without it But seriously... if I have a sump, I will take the offer... or perhaps buy the set over since I believe it's a spare/extra set anyway... nah change water is simple for a 3ft tank... I wonder how much harder it is to change water for a 6ft tank
  13. Yupe! You are the lucky one... Now let me see how I can frag the mushies... I will let you know when the date is nearer I know... today is a damn long day... yupe... no more Strawberry Dom-dom
  14. Yeah... and that's something I don't have
  15. Ammonia is still high... lingering around 0.25 to 0.5 What is the danger zone? Or I am already in the danger zone I know Ammonia should be untectable at all times
  16. Apparently his Gold Mountain is not deep enough as he still have a very long wishlist... it's time to acquire a new Gold Mountain bro
  17. Hehe.. bro I handle crisis well... coz in my trade... every day is crisis day... and being the head... I have no choice but to take care of all sorts of crisis... all day long So this is kinda nothing actually But it is still too early to celebrate... the danger ain't over... or it might just be the beginning
  18. No you will get it first coz you have access to foreign market... I just have to wait for those kind LFS to bring them in...
  19. Done with 10% water change... Gonna wait a while then do a Ammonia test again Preparing another pail for tomorrow
  20. I will wait for you to do a review lor... you go first
  21. It does help significantly... you can always add Ozonizer (if you have not already own one)
  22. Bro... don't tell me your new toy arrives on the same day as my new toy Then we can do a joint review on our new toy
  23. Hahaha... but if crash... then I get excuse to upgrade mah... you know lah... nowadays... someone all Deltec in Deltec out I also want Deltec but cannot fit into my tank
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