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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I have no idea... all I know is... it is growing and spreading...
  2. Wah you brown Bubble is very nice... very round in shape... lovely!
  3. No prob... just let me know early coz I need to bring the test kit to work... do let me know if you need other test kits too Bro... I dun like you... I love you (If you look like your avatar that is)
  4. Why are you giving it away?!? It is quite nice
  5. Nope I had them in my NR1000 for almost 2 months now... a few of the Deniballs are already half consumed
  6. Wah... first class water parameters lor... not bad for a new tank Well what's missing in the list are: Sg (Salinity) Temperature Phosphate (very important) Magnesium (good to know)
  7. But your new pix a bit small lah... try 600 pixels (horizontal)... that's what I usually use for my thread. Perhaps we can get the mod to help you resize ur first posting Keep on coming... love those Fiji Branches... must've cost a bomb
  8. And the inverts that concerned me most during the downgrading were my Croceas on the sand bed... after more than 1 week under my ATI T5... I am confident they will stay healthy and happy for many months to come Placement: Approx. 26.5" from the ATI tubes
  9. Been a while since the last time I updated you guys on my corals... basically all my corals seems as happy as ever... as HK Cantonese saying (during 1997) "Dance still Dance, Horse still Race"... the transition been perfect and no casualty... not even a single polyp got affected in any way
  10. Boy... whatever happening inside the NR1000 surely ain't pretty... And the sight of half consumed Deniballs is kinda scary and Now I'm convinced my Anaerobic bacterias are doing a hell of a job inside the NR1000
  11. Yes bro Lyz77, all Aquatronica modules are plug-and-play... just like our USB mouse (u remember a time where we all need to install drivers for our computer mouse?) So it's very convenient... but I'm not sure if IKS features the same... coz I didn't come across that in their 4 pages brochure Any IKS users can help verify this point?
  12. Hehe... just trying to be Mr. Nice... in case bro Colinsoon thinks I dislike him (now where does he get that idea from?!?)
  13. Wow!!! Very nice KORAN Angel... bro you bought some Sponges there and they can be pretty hard to keep alive... so if they ever fade in colour... don't worry that much But once they fade off significantly, you may consider removing them from your tank to avoid polluting the water... once they fade off... they will go
  14. With your tank size... u can add a school of them... how about 5 YT + 1 PT? All of the same size? Not now lah... wait for another 2 weeks until your NO3 is low enough to sustain more bioload and NR1000 working like a horse
  15. For me... I don't even Zoom at all... just make sure the camera comes with a damn good macro (close-up) feature... that you will use almost all the time. I got the Olympus leaflet with me now (got it from Orchard, outside Citibank) and the 720SW is selling at $749. It features: • 7.1 MP • Waterproof up to 3 metres!!! • Bright capture tech. • Image stabilizer (can be very useful for moving LS) • and etc. You may wanna drop by their booth at Orchard coz they are giving away loads of freebies now includ. extra memory cards and digital workshop!!! Ok enough promotion Your Yuma is looking alright to me... no worries And it's quite a beauty
  16. Nope... I believe the 20+ Deniballs will fit in nicely into the NR1000. So the BALLS will fill up tight-tight the entire chamber Ok gotto do it today... gonna be a bit messy lor... opening the chamber and all Luckily... I heard the Deniballs usually can last for a year! How's ur NR1000 coming along? You can always test the water dripping out of your NR1000 to see its progress... but usually take at least 2 weeks to show signs of life
  17. Bro good to hear that you are planning for an upgrading... progress is always good and exciting But I don't know if I can help much in FR and CR coz I do not have a CR to start with and my Aqua Medic Phosphatfiler (although function as a FR) is not entirely a FR... well no harm just discussing
  18. Well... I don't mind... your Eagle Eyes look rather delicious to me
  19. Emm... no lah... if we continue to do things like that... our tank will become almost identical lor We need variety lah
  20. Hahaha... not that you hide the Leopard Wrasse... it hides itself so you can't shoot it... hahaha... if happened before... and it will happen again Err... your BT still looks kinda small to me... should call it TBT instead ... but extremely cute lor... I think my TBT is slightly larger than yours... be prepared though, a lot of reefers claim that tiny BTs are harder to keep alive than larger specimens
  21. But the normal Powermodul (the one that I am currently using) doesn't come with dimmable e-ballasts... I heard can so some mod or something to the fixture... but that alone will cost a couple of hundreds There's no right or wrong here... perhaps the best solution if you wanna: 1) Use either IKS or Aquatronica to create dusk/dawn effect 2) Use T5 Is... to forget about the Powermodul, DIY or custom-made a ATI fixture with dimmable e-ballasts... which I believe some bros are also going that route
  22. All your sand dwellers lor... don't tell me you bought a Leopard Wrasse today!!! When you gonna collect Sis Monki's goby?
  23. Guys... I finally got a chance to see True Blue Zoos... was at Kino browsing a book by J. Sprung... there I spotted a small colony of very intense dark blue zoos (around the skirting) with neon green center... it's awesome If only I can get a polyp or two for Zoos Garden Btw... while waiting for my quest for True Blue Zoos... here's a pix of my Red Rubies and Red Man-eater merging into a colony (soon) Sorry bout the algae infested floor bed... the recent Ammonia spike is giving me more troubles than expected
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