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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Emm... it's interesting that your water temperature is within 27ºC to 28ºC... your corals are looking good! Perhaps I have brought my tank temperature too low (25ºC) which may not be necessary... more a luxury Keep the updates coming bro!
  2. Go Kopitiam section to enjoy... dun miss out http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=64871
  3. She is definitely trying to outshine the product she is suppose to sell
  4. Don't you just love their matching outfit?
  5. You can find the other half of the pix posted in "another place"
  6. Ok guys... as promised Let's start with an intro pix... then straight to the "point"
  7. Scapingis looking better bro... much better. Continue to update us... any significant reduction to the PUB bill?
  8. I will only return to office to check the tank out tomorrow afternoon... but according to my caretaker... no loss of life... I guess that's good news Ok let me rest for a while... then get ready for some really HOT concept cars from the Tokyo Motor Show 2007
  9. Well done bro! 1/2 day to complete my 1 year worth of postings Anyway... guys I'm back! A really exciting trip I must say... you guys decide... world's largest fish or world's hottest babes (and cars)?
  10. Here's my last preparation to share... A large bag of activated carbon This is for emergency use... told my caretaker... if can see bodies floating around... or smell coming out of somewhere... dump it into the sump immediately and call for HELP Well... that's all for now... btw I'll be visiting Tokyo Motor Show 2007... so you guys can look forward to lots of Angels pix in the coming weeks... not the swimming kind of course CYA!!! Good luck my lovely tank
  11. Yes the chopped seaweed is dried and smells really good... try AM... the brand is Aquapharm
  12. Already in the drawing board... blue print stage now
  13. Washed the skimmer cup thoroughly... tune the skimmer to slightly dry so that the cup doesn't fill up so quickly Anyway Steve is scheduled to visit my office on day 9 to help check things out... and that includes cleaning the cup (I suppose)
  14. I will put the plastic cups into the fridge using an egg tray... perfect! My caretaker will retrieve a cup every morning... mix with a bit of water and pour into the tank
  15. Well... just some of the things I've learned along the way bro... never take things for granted especially when you are to pass the responsibility to take care of the tank to a non-reefer But even then... a full tank of SPS without its owner's attention for 2 weeks can be risky... no matter how well prepared... "things" can still happen Anyway... here's how I prepared my fish food... 1 plastic cup per day... frozen mysis, chopped seaweed and Cyclopeeze... mixed with a bit of DI water (or else they will harden within days)
  16. OMG!!! Bro you did it!!! They are so cute and pretty
  17. Place the Auto Feeders as far as possible away from the overflow box For better health to my fish and corals... my trusted caretaker will help feed the prepacked fish food on a daily basis... will share the preparation method later today as I will only prepare it a day before I leave... to keep the frozen fresher
  18. Not forgetting the Auto Feeders 1 for Pellets (3 times daily in medium portions) and 1 for the flakes (2 times daily in larger portions)... try to use the smaller pieces of flakes... avoid those large pieces as they may clog the outlet See the air tube running into the Hydor Flakes Feeder? The air pumped into the feeder chamber will help keep the flakes dry... or else they will turn sticky and block the outlet... genius
  19. Nice exquisite new additions... do update us on the AT... and whether any sign of aggression between your AT and your Blackie
  20. Low lying rocks with plenty of room for branching SPS to grow... an expert in action
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