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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Hehe... your clams will love it... look at mine... shot 2 mins ago
  2. Oh man... I will be out of town this weekend Bro Lyz77... the drum sticks are your side now... hit the drum man!!!
  3. It may be cheap... but at least it's better than the Ikea lamp I bought I got a feeling your DIY LED may not be powerful enough... coz if it runs on 12% brightness (new moon cycle)... then basically it will not be noticeable at all... unless we are talking large quantity
  4. No prob... to stretch the review further... I am going to feed my corals one more round of Roti-Feast™ tonight... see if they will bloom more tomorrow My poor Turboflotor
  5. Emm... so you are actually expecting quite a lot from the Powermodul... 3' 8" in total... well just don't place your clams on the sea bed... I placed my 2 Croceas 2' 2" away from the tubes and they look happy to me I guess your chiller must be working like a breeze right now... At least my Teco RA240 is... this guy is resting 3 times more than it work now... yupe probably run less than 6 hours a day in total
  6. Oh I love your hammer so much... you wanna trade with mine?
  7. Wow looks pretty cool... do you think your 3W LED can be dimmed? Coz my Aqua Medic Light Computer can dim the moonlight following the full moon (70%) / new moon (12%) and everything in between
  8. I bought this piece of ugly, primitive, plasticky thing for $10+ It is damn good!!! This is once of the most brilliant Taiwanese product I've ever come across The folded part of the rubber hose was fixed immediately I strap it over this guy... Gonna get 1 more
  9. Perhaps some pix of your sump + equipments will help quench our thirsts a little... how long has your tank been running btw
  10. Had a long chat with a reputable LFS yesterday (not Aqua Marin) and the owner has been following the progress of Aquatronica... and according to him, he is very confident that this product will hit the market by storm and he is confident that both the controllers and the probes are "rock solid"... I am so so glad to hear that especially from a competitor to the owner of that LFS for his unbiased view (considering he also carries his own brand of monitors/controllers from Germany)
  11. Very happy to see my Green Gonio opening up... finally... could it be Roti-Feast™?
  12. Invite me lah... I will bring a small little bucket... big enough to fit your "pride" Zoos!!!
  13. Even the simple GSP extends beautifully... longest tentacles ever observed... this specimen has been with me for almost 4 months now
  14. Look at the size of my HAMMER!!! There's no stopping it... it is roughly 1 square feet now
  15. Basically all Gonioporas look more happy... since the RBTA attack last 2 weeks, my Red Gonio been upset until today... showing back some of its former glory
  16. After feeding my corals Roti-Feast™ yesterday... this is what I found once I reached home from work... my Green Goniopora opening up nicely... with longest tentacles ever seen... this specimen has been with me for 2 months now
  17. Skimz CR? Hehe I know who to talk to...
  18. Well if that's the case... once the ATIs are in... u will be able to see your corals smiling again... I can be quite sure about that Another thing... how high up is your lightset? How many inches away from water surface? I've seen your previous MH set and it was quite far away from the water surface
  19. Bro, I think your downgrade from 650W is way too extreme... perhaps you wanna switch on your lights for extra long hours... say 4 hours longer than usual for the first week, then slowly decrease back to normal timing... this will help your corals acclimatize to the new lighting
  20. You should try the Arcti-Pods™... they are yummy
  21. Hahaha... luckily the lamp is only $15... not $150 Anyway not a rush lah... the moonlight is good to have... but not too crucial... I shall focus on other more crucial matters first... for example my low calcium level... em... like there are signs everwhere that I should get a CR Any suggestion of a nice CR for my setup?
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