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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. My Dispars caught in a feeding frenzy... you see how skinny they are? I've been feeding them with all sorts of food... they only eat occasionally... sometime spit out the pellets and brine shrimps... very worrying actually coz my goal is to keep all 10 of them alive... they've been with more for almost a month now Still 10 out of 10. Now I only rely on Arcti-Pods™ to feed my Anthias... I will feed all my other giants with pellets first... Tonight, I added a few drops of Garlic Guard to further wet their appetite... let's hope that these little creatures from the Arctic Ocean can help keep my Anthias back in shape I'm glad I tried it... or else... dun think my Anthias can last lor... look at their skinny bodies
  2. Thanks bro... you on the other hand has a very nice pair of muscles
  3. Bought an exceptionally luminous green Sulawesi giant button polyp... long story actually... here it goes... When I am about to place it into my tank, I notice a small hole (cave) underneath the rock. So I peeped in and saw CLAWS!!! It's a crab lor... so I firstly try to use a tweezer to pull it out... failed it went deeper... so I do a freshwater dip... after a few minutes still not budging... did another round of freshwater dip... still inside... so in order to end the battle (coz if the battle is to continue, my Zoos will say goodbye for sure)... so I prepared a lump of epoxy and sealed the hole... end story
  4. The reason why I chose the branched type is the polyps are covering the branches... I do not have the branched type yet... but the polyps are a bit tiny though That's the price to pay for impulsive buying... next time... I'm gonna take emergency leave The Pink Zoos at the bottom looks quite faded lor... em... so Tonga Zoos look like that ah... Maybe the colours will return after the stress is over Or perhaps the Pink will fluorence under blue light... let's wait and see
  5. Time for some updates... rushed down to "you know where" this morning... reach there at 9.40am... no Thais in sight... but Singaporeans are much much more scary Really an eye opener Bought some Tonga Zoos... as I need to rush back to the office, I can't wait for the polyps to open up... so I just bought 3 pieces (that's what my 2 hands can reach btw... they all come in gangs... 5 to 6 pairs of hands leh... don't play play ) Came home... and found that out of the 3... 1 is PINK Zoos... and the other 2 (nicely grown on Tonga branches) are GREEN I know... all the fuss... for some Green Zoos Here's a pix of the colonies... temporary location till my next major rescaping
  6. Aiya... hoo hah is good... or else my thread will be so boring... how many pics of my Gonio can I post?!?
  7. The one I bought when I first started came frozen (bought it at RB) They took it out from their freezer. It's so so inconvenient... so I stopped using it already. Perhaps I should throw it away
  8. Yeah... Arcti-Pods™ pods came in a little too late... see I told ya this is a controversial topic... and proven to be one... coz there's no right or wrong... it's just a matter of at which angle you are looking at it... I will be more mindful when I purchase my next specimen... but I very much like to give it another try. I will talk to more people which type/species will give a higher chance of survival. Bro Jacobus... no hard feelings yah... and although I may seem to be the "I got money, I can buy whatever I want"... but don't have to keep reminding the readers lah... I'm still a newbie... and sometimes mistakes like this can be quite unavoidable But in the broader perspective... I believe that most of the fishes and corals that we purchase from LFS nowadays are better off to be left in the ocean... that's the tricky part of this hobby... and it takes a lot of knowledge and control to be able to be in this hobby without affecting the balance of nature... perhaps the Singapore government should subsidize/encourage more fish farms to breed/cultivate marine life instead of Guppies and LuoHans
  9. Bro Underwater, thanks for your explaination... perhaps I should study more... perhaps a cleaner wrasse is just a redundant little fellow waiting to be sacrificed inside our tanks... but it's so so amazing seeing it clean my fishes... perhaps I should rely more on my Cleaner Shrimps... which I have 4 btw Am I the only one with Cleaner Wrasse in the tank?!? Can any successful bro share your success stories with me? Perhaps a Neon Gobies huh? Nah... of course no hard feelings... you are just trying to share your experiences... I really appreciate it
  10. Ahh... commercially bred... will definitely be easier to keep... but the problem is they are highly sought-after and the price is quite insane Emm... perhaps... my next candidate
  11. Hehe... I was there at 9.30 sharp... Singaporeans are much more scary than Thais lor What an eye-opener really... they all got gang one leh... I only got 2 hands... they got 12 leh!!! Amazing... only manage to get some Zoos Bro Colinsoon... show us your Tonga Hammer... I didn't see any this morning
  12. Hehe... that's a controversial topic you are getting into... let me ask you one question... r u against animal testing... say testing some medications on lab mice... well for me, I have to look at the big picture, if the sacrifice can enable tens of thousands of people to continue living healthily then I guess the sacrifice has to be made... I guess same inside my tank... the benefit of having a cleaner wrasse is pretty obvious... that is what they are for... my larger fishes look much healthier with this guy around... but of course I always hope that they will survive (that was my first btw)... I do feed it with Cyclopeeze... so it's a hard decision really... do you want your other larger (more expensive, prized) fishes to stay healthier? Of course Cleaner Shrimp can also do the job... now there are conservationists against the collection of Skunk Cleaner Shrimps... what's next? Ban the import export of marine fishes and corals altogether? Well... deep down... we know that they will do much much better in nature... so it's kinda hard to make a clear concious decision here as we are all guilty in one way or another
  13. They are extremely hard... mine looks healthy at first... even feeding on Cyclopeeze and all... then it just became skinny and MIA A lot of reefers already avoiding it... but to me the benefit of having it is far greater than the risk as it contributes to healthier fishes in general... my Tangs, Anthias... so may look for another specimen soon.
  14. Emm... my skinny Cleaner Wrasse is MIA for 2 days Probably gone already
  15. Emm... really that bad meh? Maybe it looks ok in your pix... but it's definitely better than without the hood IMHO
  16. How about compliment from a guy who know nutzzz about DIY??? I love it!!!
  17. My YT enjoying Red Bamboo... courtesy of bro Altantis
  18. Here's my giant size Algae Blenny... it enjoys hanging around my Zoos Garden and stuck his head inside the Xenia-looking hitchiker
  19. Here's another fine specimen... placed around 12" away from the tubes... this light loving Finger Leather thrives well under the T5s... it's growing especially on the right side (nearer to the Stream 6100) and at the lower portion
  20. Haha... it's never too late The next shipment is coming in pretty soon I believe
  21. So so true... I'm gonna be there early tomorrow... ok
  22. My Green Gonio... finally (after 2 months) opening up more than before... placement wise, this guy is 24" away from the tubes... slightly shadowed by the Hammer/Frogspawn on top
  23. My GSP... growing very rapidly... around 24" away from the tubes
  24. Time for some update... my Hammer is still looking good... 2 weeks after the downgrade
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