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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. What's bbs? Baby Brine Shrimps? I do occasionally feed them live brine shrimps but getting them can be a problem for me coz everytime I walk into a LFS... I'll end up with more than a bag of LBS
  2. You can try Arcti-Pods... very convenient lor... just take out from the fridge... mix with a bit of water and feed Your Anthias and Mandarin will love it
  3. Err... bro... you are very exotic lor...
  4. Ohh Mantis is real bad news... that's something we can't avoid... can we? Haiz... I also have clicking sound... but not all the time... I know Don't buy small fish lor... see if the Mantis can eat Big Mama!!!
  5. Blood is not considered weird... whatever you got there is the weirdest I've seen so far... top the chart You sure you want to introduce more? This guy already win liao
  6. You can try this... hitchiker that only comes out at night
  7. Is it a snail on the left side? Either we are all blind or your pix a bit blur
  8. Aiya... allow it a bit more time... Hammer from Tonga leh... must be damn nice lah
  9. Great help Here's another shot from the top... love it!
  10. A closer shot... lovely colouration But the PINK Zoos at the bottom right doesn't stand out as much
  11. I'm just using a domestic canister water filter (Mitsubishi Chemical brand) and my PO4 is almost undetectable (using new Salifert). I guess your high PO4 problem is definitely not caused by your water source but your feeding habit and your system doesn't have sufficient capability to remove PO4. For most of us, PO4 removal medium such as Rowaphos & etc. should always be part of the filtration system. Not something to add in when high level is detected. By then, the accumulation is already way too much for any medium to remove efficiently. For your case, perhaps you wanna consider a more drastic approach. There are bottled solution out there that can help reduce PO4 significantly... Phosphatbuster or something like that... but that is if you really wanna get rid of PO4 fast. A 24/7 running FR is a good investment... regardless what water you use
  12. Wah!!! Shockingly beautiful Most of the polyps not open yet Truely beautiful... TONGA ROCKS!!!
  13. Well you still manage to pick a few items... Next time... let's all of us take emergency leave... then we can go as a pack... but IRWANA (if you are reading)... can announce a bit earlier so that I can have enough time to save up lor
  14. Very nice flooring bro... those Slates are perfect for saltwater... not like mine... parquet
  15. I can spot you reflected on the glass
  16. Wah bro... you real expert lah... you must help me ID more Zoos... what about this? Actually 2 diff morphs in this colony
  17. Yupe... but I am the only guy acting "alone" lor... trying so hard to get in... that blue tub a big gang lor... I think we Singaporeans are more vicious than the Thais
  18. Nope... I don't think keep them in hunger is a good way since you have new fishies... later force your Lemonpeel to try your mushies... wait until they stable down... then find a way
  19. I was there 9.40am... it was mad Which one is Radioactive? The Sulawesi one? Or the small Tonga branched ones? They have not fully open... so can't really see the colours... but can tell the green is quite intense... but was hoping other colours
  20. Never... get lots of Epoxy ready lor... whenever you suspect a hole... just seal it
  21. I think it's a Tonga Hairy Mushroom... nice Wah bro... a lot of FIRSTs!!! Err... Lemon... I heard may nip meaty corals leh But it's a true beauty
  22. The colour of my Pink Zoos not that terrific leh... pix pix pix Any Zoos left just now?
  23. Thanks... you meant colour touch up using photoshop? Nope, no photoshop for pictures for this review thread. Or you meant the colour effect of the combined tubes?
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