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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Better make sure I bring my wallet tomorrow... let's turn this into a mass Aquatronica review site... let's top the chart with 100 pages!!!
  2. Hehe I'm sure bro Hammy can work out something win-win
  3. nice... keep coming... the 2nd piece perhaps?
  4. Nice colouration under Blue lights But some of the polyps are not opening yet
  5. Bro Altantis... where have you been? MIA for 3 days
  6. I may drop by also if the stock arrives... they will give me a call. This is taking way too long lor... I ordered it more than 1 month ago leh Gonna ask for compensation already Perhaps a bag of Live Brine Shrimp We keep in touch tomorrow lah... maybe we can meet up there but I still unsure what time I can finish work
  7. Haha... the Star will survive... the Hammer is actually not too bad looking lah... dun be too paranoid over it... give it a bit more time... it will bloom nicely for sure
  8. Were u referring to the Red Rubies? Probably that's part of the process Oh I saw you Rics splitted... nice
  9. I know... I could've gotten a dimmable version for $200 more... I will drop by AM after work tomorrow to check it out... but got a feeling not all 3 ballasts (for 6 tubes) are dimmable. Probably 1 or the most 2. Haiz... if only... but if their last order is 30 July, got a feeling it may take until end August (if not Sept) to get the thing delivered to our doorstep
  10. My last Irwana's shipment purchase... 2 Radioactive Zoos, 1 Pink Zoos, 1 Sulawesi Green Man-eater Zoos Not all polyps are fully open yet (emm... dunno what's taking them so long) but my Green Man-eater is somewhat injured during my battle with the crab My fault... I was too obsessed with getting the crab out... perhaps a little too long a freshwater bath
  11. I guess nibbing on LR is kinda normal... but yeah do keep it under surveillance So any news from the TOY maker?
  12. Don't think I will be selling these gems... I think bro Hammy might consider selling These are real beauties and I'm glad that their colouration remain unchanged after 2 months... coz I heard from a bro that his faded away
  13. Yes you are a Hero... now look at my Red Rubies spreading That single polyp transformed into 5 polyps leh... very shocking Can you spot those tiny Rubies too? Let me count it when they fully open... original no. of polyps = 7
  14. Bro!!! I just spotted my Red Rubies spreading like crazy... 1 polyp transformed to 5 polyps!!! Go to my thread later for updatezzzzzzzzz
  15. Hehe bro... don't make it a habit ok? My blood pressure rose so badly while "cheonging" there alone... perhaps we can go together next time... better chances of getting nicer frags $5 a polyp... em... sounds fair to me... and the colouration is indeed as beautiful as before
  16. Really? Emm... let me check with them... perhaps they only have 1 of the ballasts dimmable instead of all 3. I'll get back to you guys ok? If like that I will also upgrade my ballasts lor
  17. Oh dear... so fast? I hope the next shipment is large enough to support all of us
  18. Emm... perhaps you wanna pass it to bro Colinsoon... he's good at taking good care of the weak and injured
  19. I use tap water too... my PO4 is almost 0. Regardless what source your freshwater comes from, you need to invest in Phosphate removal medium in the long term... or else PO4 will surely become a constant problem.
  20. If you can find a good way of killing it... do share with me ok? I just killed a crab this evening... I can't get it out of the hole, so I sealed it with epoxy
  21. So it's not the Mantis... it's your overflow compartment (the real monster)
  22. Wow... your signature Suns are growing everywhere!!!
  23. Huh? Shipment arrived? I'm leaving tomorrow morning... will be back Sunday night... you guys enjoy your new toy
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