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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. With those beautiful pictures... visiting your thread is as good as keeping the angels in my tank Do update us with pix so that we can see how the angels grow "fat fat" under your care
  2. Bro Acidjazz is right... can't wait to see your amazing tank... equipments and experience... you have both
  3. Haha... that's it... tomorrow gonna be another LFS day for you
  4. Just cleaned the sides of my tank... so here you go... a side tank view
  5. Emm... 1 Neon Goby for less than a blue note is considered expensive considering a normal Cleaner Wrasse costs less than a green note
  6. A nice shot of my "pumping" Xenia and the Bi-colour Prata I acquired from bro Qxnviolet's decom tank
  7. Nah... don't think its death has anything to do with the placing in the betta box... the rotting of tha body is fatal enough... it's a matter of time Sorry to hear that... mine still ok... luckily
  8. It's nice to see more and more public tanks appearing
  9. Yes they do... very amusing actually... that's one of the reasons I moved it closer to the front glass panel so that I can see them "pump" I need to off my wavemaker to see them pump properly And they are spreading in my tank. One of the polyps fly to a flat LR surface and started a colony there. But it's shaded by my Gonio... so don't expect the new colony to grow quickly
  10. You have very hungry fishies
  11. Wow impressive skimmer + pumps!!!
  12. Why don't you share with us the product u been using for the exceptionally fast coralline growth
  13. Can't wait... love to see another big and inspiring tank setup!!!
  14. If you don't mind travelling to Woodlands to pick up... I can spare you some. Aiya... dunno how to sell lah... I need to find a small little container though... if interested PM me. Note: This offer is only available to bro Neokn... sorry guys
  15. Bros... I don't usually off my pumps and skimmer when I feed my fishes. Only turn off my Tunze 6100 for 10 mins... too much of a hassle lor Anyway the floating pods is not a big issue at all... just want to share with you guys more details as promised. I don't only report positive things lor
  16. Finally moved the Xenia nearer to the front... it seems happier in this new location... also can take close up shots of the polyps... they are such a joy to look at and they are spreading fast
  17. Hahaha.... that marine tank over at the Omni Theatre side? Still there? I used to go there every week for almost a year... a big project there
  18. I didn't know they having a Trex exhb. there No wonder MIA
  19. Wow the colour is better than expected... so your 2nd clam does looks green seeing thru glass
  20. I did use a small cup to mix before pouring into the tank... they still floats How long do you think a bottle can last us? I hope I don't have to buy this too often... as the stocks can be very limited also
  21. Oh dear... I think you should stop adding fishes for a while... find out the source of the death... got a feeling something is happening
  22. Hahaha... happened to me (and still happening)... now how about your NETS? Wah 1 month without new LS? Err... can or not? Don't worry... 2 weeks later you will suddenly see your Credit Cards all back in your wallet
  23. I know... he told us he paid $80 for that beautiful piece... I'll pay a hundred for it anytime!!! It's very complete looking... coz a lot of times I see Red Gonios with dead skeletons around... making them kinda odd shape Must thank AM for bringing in such nice specimen
  24. Need to report this to you guys... 1 thing I dislike about the Arcti-Pods™ is the fact that they are too lightweight. So everytime I feed my fishies, about 20% of them will end up floating on the water surface. Not all my fishies surface feed and a portion of the floating pods will end up in the cotton wool
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