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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. You took out your Biostar?!? What protein skimmer are you using now? Most probably I will use back my Tunze Reefpack... it is a favourite of mine (one that I can't sell off without losing an arm and a limb )
  2. Wah bro... nice! Gonio is extremely beautiful lor... I've seen Iantoh's... I might start a new tank too... doesn't have a concept yet... maybe a Sun Tank
  3. Aiya come to think of it... no rush lah... I might start a new tank for my office So I will reef day, reef night... reef in my dreams
  4. Looks very convincing leh... I may wanna get one also Can put a lot of media inside... is that your bed?
  5. True... that's why I need a few Hahaha j/k only hor
  6. One of my Yumas colony (with 2 polyps) also "melt" like that... I don't think it's crab... possibly bad specimen coz mine only lasted for 2 weeks and my other Yumas and Rics are ok... just that 2 polyps... gone
  7. I already have 4 pieces of Gonio: Red, Pink (not recovering after Big Mama's attack), Green, Lime Green... hehe I'm qualified to be a member of the Gonio Lovers Club!!!
  8. Emm... my Rics are still in the splitting process... so ain't pretty... once they all split nice nice... I will give you an official offer
  9. Captive breeding? Emm sounds interesting... but eggs found in my tank always go missing after a few days Do you know where I can find the Golden one? I think I saw it at one of Irwana's shipment before
  10. Ahh... you are using a nice looking overflow box... how you find it bro? Your corals are looking healthy and happy
  11. Hi guys It's time for another round of upgrading... but this time gotto scale it down due to... err... no need to say lah... So just PM me... a full working set (plug-and-play) will be considered also
  12. I guess so... looking at his current corals... I'm just a bit worried for the Anemone Bro be careful coz Anemones love being chopped by pumps/powerheads and your SEIO looks very inviting... I had my huge RBTA minced by Tunze 6060 last 2 weeks and it was hell break loose
  13. Finally... a reefer with a Black Tang!!!
  14. Hahaha I was about to say... how come the tank looks so familiar Nice concept bro! Another "power" partition tank with very good current flow Nah... this is not going to be your Final Project
  15. Thanks bros and sis for your interests... will get back to you soon. Just want to make it clear that I am not ordering on behalf of you guys nor I get anything in return out of this... well... perhaps a stronger negotiating power to get AM to bring in the dimmable ballasts the next time round. Coz I got a feeling if I am the only one... they might not be interested to order 1 piece for me You guys are still expected to deal with them directly
  16. Show us how the lights shine into the tank lah... keep us in suspense for so long
  17. Anyone spotted Neon Goby? Golden one preferred Thanks in advance!
  18. Hehe... true... ok lah I will go look for one... the Golden one is very very nice
  19. Em... gotto wait for the next shipment then... don't mind giving them a try as my fishes are not getting any cleaning from my Cleaner Shrimps right now My shrimps are too busy mating I guess
  20. Interested to see what you will select for the 6 tubes... dimmable ballasts?
  21. Guys for the 6 tubes version, only 1 out of the 3 ballasts is dimmable... I am checking with AM if they can just bring in the original dimmable ballasts for existing ATI users to upgrade Look at it on the bright side... I can upgrade 2 ballasts instead of 1... Bros and Sis interested, kindly PM me so that I can keep you in the loop. With me alone, I don't think I can get a good deal... but if we bulk order, stand a better chance lah... have to be quick though, we must catch the next shipment or else it will take forever
  22. AFTER: Pix taken today... the Xenias basically tripled in size... amazing growth! And of course, my False Percula still acting strangely
  23. BEFORE: My Hitchiker Xenia... grew out of my colonies of Zoanthus... photo taken 13 June 06
  24. Hahaha... better be careful... or else like me... as red as a Flame Angel Bro I really like your Red Gonio lor... if one day you decides to get a smaller piece... let me know ok? Or we can exchange corals lah... by then I should have a tank full of jewels for you to choose from... free delivery to your home some more
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