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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Bro... it is more "reachable" to most of us than you think actually... the Basic Package is not bad... then can slowly upgrade lah No need to get everything at once lah... I need all items coz I promised you guys a 360º product review mah... actually I've been eating instant noodles for the past week already But deep down... it is a nice-to-have but not a must for most tank setups... but once you are toying with Denitrator, CR, etc... then it is so much more economical to get a system like Aquatronica or IKS than to buy individual monitor/controller... I'm sure you can do the math
  2. Guys... as expected... I cannot part with my Tunze Reefpack 500 lor I decided not to sell it as the depreciation is way too much and I've decided to start a new custom tank using the Reefpack!!! Yes!!! I will finally have a tank in my office!!!
  3. Did you go to the Underwater World and Dolphin Lagoon? My last visit was 5 years ago... I'm sure they did some upgrading Pix to share?
  4. Love the Coralline Algae!!! Bro you should do a product review of this product... show before and after pix... convincing enough since all your pix got date embedded
  5. Perfect for forgetful people like me
  6. Bro I'm doing the testing for you... sorta Guinea Pig... you will get your Toy very very soon coz Stxxxxxx is paying out huge bonuses this year Here's a pix of the software that controls the Aquatronica... impressive
  7. Hahaha... must post another pix... new discovery... as expected the Conductivity (Sg) is slightly off too... but this software update is more than that... it enables Temperature adjusted Calibration. Yesterday (before the update) I calibrated based on 52mS (as stated in the calibration fluid bottle label)... but today the Calibration Value shows 52.62mS instead!!! The difference of 0.62mS is a reflection of the difference in temperature coz the bottle stated 52mS @ 25ºC... my room temp around 29ºC. So this software update is a major update Conductivity (Sg) Read Value: 52.89mS Calibration Value: 52.62mS Actually the difference reflected in my tank is not obvious at all... just a tiny adjustment
  8. Bros and Sis... after doing software upgrade... it's worthwhile to recalibrate your probes... here are the results of my recalibration: pH Read Value: 10.2 Calibration Value: 10 Read Value: 7.2 Calibration Value: 7
  9. You can try Reef 'n' Nature @ Pasir Ris Farmway 1 also... not the cheapest in town but they always bring in nice LPS and sometimes nice Zoos too
  10. Bro Colinsoon if you develop a special technique you can make money hor... I think some desperate reefers can easily afford $100 per Mantis shrimp
  11. Ok I can go to the net to check it out... anymore groovy equipments out there?
  12. Hahaha... those that you will fall in love on first sight are usually very ex one lor... $30 and above If you are not too picky, try to get those from Sulawesi (not Batam)... they are IMO beautiful and affordable... and some may even turn out to be real Gems
  13. Sis your Star Polyps is extremely healthy looking and I can see your photography improved lor... new camera?
  14. I know... but if I succeed... the more meaningful the frag will be
  15. Ok last pix of the night... now I don't even have to remember things anymore...
  16. Haha... waitzz lah... I still need to learn how to frag them... Even after cutting them, I have no idea how to remove a polyp from the main rock... give me a bit more time ok?
  17. I know... I sms him last night... he was busy, reached home 12am... dinner I heard
  18. I am doing another round of calibration now since the software update also affects the Controller... so no harm lah I guess... will update you guys if it's necessary
  19. This is way way too cool Emm... so my pH for today is at its lowest @ 12pm... not suprisingly... my White light will only "on" at 3.30pm But the chart you see is not entirely accurately lar... I am still in the process of calibrating the probes
  20. Bro just to wet your appetite... you really must go and get the PC Kit tomorrow
  21. I like the look of the software... having total control over the Controller using my computer... cool
  22. I did calibration for both Conductivity and pH too... my Conductivity shows 1026.6g/l now (refractometer 1025+)... pH shows 8.4 (no point comparing to Salifert lah) but the calibration I did was quite major... but it's quite easy to do... once every 4 months Thermometer is pretty accurate for me. So now I connected my chiller to Aquatronica already
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